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Everything posted by goodfella0406

  1. I am curious what is he selling it for?
  2. Here is a quick one with natural light
  3. My friend, the gold is such a wonderful and understated rose. It isn't "goldy", if you know what I mean. I was worried about that exact aspect. I dont wear any gold at all. This doesn't seem gold at all it seems super classy. Of the watches you have described, honestly I would get this one. It is just beautiful. I love my silver rubber clad as well but there is really something special about this watch and upon further review the tachy dial is in line with the color, just the lighting that made it look darker.. I will take some natural light pics tomorrow and see how they come out. I do like the updated Safari but yes that is an automatic GEN strap you would need to purchase. What I did on this purchase was, i bought an extra rubber strap. My plan is to buy a GEN blue leather hornback at westime in beverly hills. Take the rubber and my SS Navy REP and switch it out as appolo did with his Volcano. Westime told me it would be 1400. for strap and buckle and conversion. strap only 500.00 so for 598.00 I am all set with a gen stap! I will post the picks as soon as I put it all together.. oh yeah and buy the strap!
  4. I fixed the chrono, just needed to be reset..
  5. it matches.... however, what I am now noticing based on my own pics and I hate to be the one to depress myself but it would appear that the "tachymeter" ring around the dial is darker on the rep than on the GEN. This is not visible by the naked eye, but only as I stare at the close up pics... the difference can not be seen with out a loop. More to come thanks guys
  6. I will be brief and get some quick pictures up for you guys and then discuss over all impressions when I have some more time. Excuse once again the camera phone and not using photobucket. I am late for a meeting i will say this very quickly.... This is my third ROO and the impression of quality when I first open the box always hits me immediately. This is a super rep. We can discuss the flaws all we want and I am right up there with the rest of you some are more nit pickey than others. But in all seriousness this is amazing at first glance. my biggest fear was the polish of the gold which really looks incredible. Actually I had a moment and thought, "jeez, maybe I can't wear this that THAT meeting because these guys will think I am loaded and I will get a shity deal!" HAHA All kidding aside, it's incredible.. More to discuss later... please note the final pic is the GEN I tried to get the lighting even on all pics, it was hard!
  7. Because that sir, is a GEN
  8. Josh said no go on the Rue St-Honore, which is a total bummer for a few reasons, one being it's a really good looking watch and two, as per the pics above, it seems quite a simple rep with everything but strap and caseback intact..
  9. Or Sachin as well?
  10. I have not heard back yet regarding this, I have been bugging him about my new rubber clad but I will follow up with him today. I did tell him that I would buy one if they would make it...seems to me an easy rep.
  11. I like it and again my contention is that the lighting of the pics tells a large part of the story... In regard to the pushers.... the same could be said for the Navy... but my feeling is the pushers on my navy ROO are very good and very close in color and one would have to have an actual GEN sitting next to it to perhaps make any distinction about the color of the pushers... I am a guy that loves colors so to me it's cool for an every once and a while thing. The replication seems strong the 001 is an issue as you stated. I like this one and have spoken with Josh about having it made....
  12. That strap looks amazing...from the dealers? or Gen?
  13. Thank you! I am pretty hopeful that it will look great, baring the usual minor flaws. We are all very critical of the close up pics that we all post but in reality a lot of the flaws are really only seen if someone took a loop and held it up to the dial of the watch. Which is why Sql_pl, I agree with you and the serial issue on the Sachin was for me the deciding vote not to get it. It's a major flaw, seen by the naked eye. I also believe that lighting plays such a huge role in all the photos we see. I found this one this morning and the dial appears a much lighter Grey. I am looking forward to seeing it in person. I have held the Gen Rose Gold in my hand so it will be interesting to see how the rep looks and feels. My greatest concern is the "brush of the Gold, my feeling is that is where it will be a tell tail sign that it is a rep. I can't imagine the color being dead on.... I guess we will see in a few days, however without an actual one to judged it against, I guess I will have to wing it.... Another point to make. The GEN is 30k REP 568.00 I'm kind of excited if it is close, if you know what I am mean. It's a pretty sick ratio! Pics will be up as soon as it arrives.. Thanks all for the support! I love it here!!!!
  14. Guess I will be the Guinea pig....... Updated dial Rose Gold Rubber Clad...................... ON IT'S WAY
  15. After much deliberation, I tend to agree. The question still remains though is it better? I have been looking at all the GEN websites and the Bay (even though so many reps on there) I'm thinking it looks really good members please chime in, based on your responses will determine if I purchase today...... THANK YOU
  16. Am I crazy, or did he change the dial back to before they updated it the first time? whats going on here? Damn, I was ready to get this one today......
  17. Why one that you wouldn't wear?
  18. Just spoke to Josh, he says he has a NEW updated RG RC and that pictures will be available tomorrow....
  19. THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!! That thing is sick.... I can deal with some of the dial flaws as I know they are minute but my main concern is the finish of the rose gold. how horrible do you think it is and or in comparison in color. Leaning towards this one......
  20. Fantastic review. I also enjoyed reading all the posts that you have inspired!. As I have posted several times I have the black dial rubber clad updated bezzle. I wear it everyday. I love it, love it love it. My only problem is I want more!!!!! I am considering the Rose Gold Rubber clad but I know many members have issue with the dial face. I wanted to comment on the updated bezzle. It is hard and very durable. I have banged it, bumped it and knocked it around. My 3 year old even dropped it a few times and it still looks and works amazingly well. I would like to also say quickly, mentioning my earlier post about my "ROO wake up call" I have held the GEN in my hands, side by side to my rep. To the naked eye, all the flaws you mention are not noticeable. The one MAJOR flaw only by side by side comparison is the LUM and color texture of the black face. Immediately it jumped out at me and my friend that the GEN was bold in color and LUM. I was not prepared for the comparison and didn't want to get into the "it's a rep" thing at that time (I since have) At the time, I mentioned... "oh, that's because you have had yours in the sun all day" (as he was by his pool) I have since discussed it with him and he is amazed by the quality and feels a bit foolish that he plunked down the 15k for his when I spent 500!!. Great post, thank you!
  21. I wanted to start a new thread here since when the previous one went up, the cartel didn't have the updated Safari up on their sites. With that said.. Lets take a poll here. Who is in agreement that "as per the new pics" the updated Safari is worthy of purchase? I would have NEVER bought the Safari, as I felt it was one of the worst reps because of the obvious flaws on the dial. With the creme colored dial, I feel it is really good and worthy of a second consideration of purchase. I would love to hear from you guys and get a consensus of what everyone thinks... Worthy of purchase or no? Best, Josh
  22. I have just spent the better part of my morning comparing these pics with pics of the GEN. Call me crazy, but I think it looks amazing. I also agree, this is a very common GEN out there and comparisons will be made, thus it must be as close to perfect as possible to the naked eye. But, this looks very good. What is the deal with the numbers? Are they black on the rep and brown on the GEN? And just how bad is this hornback?
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