The SW Is certainly the cream of the crop as far as reps are concerned. I believe Toney@ has the yellow(my favorite)for just under $300.00,excellent price btw,excellent dealer to boot,good luck. Mike..PS The yellow SW Is on the home page.
All my reps have flaws,some more than others. Im not investing thousands upon thousands,so I live with the flaws or correct them If possable. If I purchase 1000.00 plus watch It better be perfect,or dam close. When I spend a $100.00 for a replication of multi thousand gen,no big deal. This hobby Isnt for everyone,case In point.
I upgraded to platinum yesterday,I recieved the confirmation via email 4/11/2011. The upgrade was confirmed here at RWG also,today It Is gone. Just wondering what happened,thanks. Mike
Well said Plymman We embrace all watches here at RWG,not just reps. But It is trully amazing how well made reps are today. I also thought reps were garbage and people who wore them were phony,I could not have been more wrong,quite the opposite actually. It sounds to me that you have found a new home plymman,If you have any questions,please dont hesitate. Mike
Welcome to RWG plymman,there are Indeed some beautiful watches around here. I might also add that there are some very talented people that service/mod these Interesting timepieces. I have also been around to the other boards,I always return here because there Is no finer horological community on the Interwebs .Good to have you here. Mike
Of course you are entitled to your opinion, "not so Interesting watch"? ok fine. But to say "not so good of a replication" What facts do you base that statement on? I have been looking at this rep for over a month. I have done several side by side observations. "not so good of a replication"?? I beg to differ. This very well could be "one of" the best out of the box reps available. Spend some time comparing this to the gen,If you stll think that it's not a good replication,fine,no more I can say. I happen to like bold and different designs,I think this J&C Epic will do just fine In my rotation.
I have this exact model but with the happy feet. To be honest you cant see the Omega logo without holding the watch Inches from your face,loupe stuff. I can save you around $100.00,the watch is like brand new,not a scratch. If you are Interested send me a pm(personal message) Mike
The admin here has a excellent track record when It comes to weeding out rip off artist,reguardless of board. They have had a lot of pratice Again,good luck. Mike
I honestly thought this would have been out quite some time ago. I have the mod 7750 In my SMPO chrono,In two years,not so much as one problem,good movement. The crown Is even holding up well,no Issues as well.