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Everything posted by maxman

  1. Welcome Rotee. The advice that Fxrandy gave you may be some of the best advice you are ever given. Take your time, your in no race. I do understand how exciting it is to find that special watch. The more you read and study this forum the better off you will be, promise. Enjoy the show Mike
  2. Reuzenkind. I have no doubts that you will like it here as much as the other forums, maybe more. Enjoy Mike
  3. Welcome To RWG Phyzy. Have a good look around. I think you will like what you see. Keep in touch. Mike
  4. Good of you to stop by Halfmeout. Indeed, this is a wonderful forum. All I can say as far as my experence go,s Is, take your time. Get to know the reps and more importantly the community at large.. Welcome Mike
  5. Carbon. We have been waiting for you, Enjoy Mike
  6. I could not agree with you more. RWG saved me not only alot of $$(50-200).(about a month) It also gave me a piece of mind that I most definately woud not have had. Is that worth a few bucks a month? I would thank so. It realy frost my nuts when a member go,s on and on about buying this watch and that watch. If you like frosted nuts disreguard Those members think nothing of spending 200-300$$.But dont support the community monetarly. I dont mean to get on my soap box. But if you have been here a while and have benifited from the infomation thats available here, then you might want to consider supporting the community. I just want this place to be here tomorrow Mike
  7. Welcome GhbG35. Remember what curiosity did to the cat. Do you have a Infinity G35. I have a 07 X35. Anyway like you said"let the madness begin" Mike
  8. Welcome back Opus. RWG is a lot like the Maffia. Once your in, your in for life. Want to take nap with da fishes? Thats what I thought. Chow Mike
  9. I would rather invest that money into some very nice reps. Let see, decent rep about 250. Sheeeeeeeeeeet I could have about 145 nice reps. That would be a good start to a very nice collection Mike
  10. Did you say" fine gentlemen"Abdul? Our you sure your in the right place? Are you feeling ok? FINE GENTLEMEN? Indeed, you would be correct. Except for that Toad guy, gotta watch him Welcome Mike
  11. Hey Meranduel nice to see you here at RWG. Dont fight the addiction, It's a losing battle Mike
  12. Welcome to RWG Ric. My first rep was the Omega Seamaster Chrono PO(.Orang) The watch reviews realy helped me. I love the SpeedMaster Michael Schumacher Legend. Im looking at Pams now. Good luck Mike
  13. To RWG Max. The more reading you do the better off you will be,get to know your subject. Good to have you with us, Mike
  14. Welcome Oirish. I cant add anymore to whats already been said.Good luck and happy hunting Mike
  15. Welcome back VW. It seems to me that RWG is a lot like the Hotel California, "you can check out but you cant ever leave" Mike
  16. Opa! Rooky. Some of my favorite food is greek. Moussaka, Grape leaves, Lamb and rice, witch I make Baklava etc. This is a awsome community. I know you will enjoy it here. Mike
  17. Crikey Mate Good taste thats for sure. I am now just exploring Pams and Grams. Welcome to RWG. Mike
  18. Rawker. I have not heard anything negative in reguards to Watchden. I am curious on the watch. What can $$88.00 buy?Please let us know. Good luck Mike
  19. Welcome Jeremy. Rwg is a great community. Enjoy Mike
  20. Hey Justin, whats up? Looks to me that you and I are headed on the same course. From PO chronos to pams. Im looking at Andrews Pam Regatta with PR. The ss braclet looks pertty good Comparable to our PO's. I will agree with Daddog on the quality of the leather straps, not good I know this older guy who makes hand made straps. He is a friend of my uncles. His work is unbeleavable. Like I said he is a older guy. He makes these straps and other leather goods for family and friends. I aso like Manifatture Frienze and Mario Paci. There are of course many others that are less expensive. It all depends on what your looking for, good luck Mike PS As far as lume,AR ect, this is where the Mods come in, dependong on how you feel on any given watch.
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