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Everything posted by maxman

  1. Whats a ugly poor person to do . We have rights to you know. Cant we all just get along Mike
  2. Welcome Justin. Rule of thumb. If a watch is set at 10.10 chances are its the real watch, not the rep.What you will recieve? God only knows. Be careful. That Seiko is a bad mofo, I like it. Stick with the dealers here at RWG. There is a good chance if they dont have it they can find it. A very nice gesture on Trailboss part I might add. Happy hunting Mike
  3. Welcome Millertime. I cant add anymore than whats already been said. Have fun and good luck Mike
  4. bboy, as far as knowledge go,s there is not a more informative community on the planet, imo. It trully is amazing. No matter where you in up on this forum, you will learn something. Toads noob guide is about as good as it gets for the new commer. It will help perpare you for the world of reps. It sure helped me. Good luck and happy hunting Mike
  5. Welcome to RWG Raf. I have a feeling your realy going to like it here. Enjoy Mike
  6. Well Avanti Im going to make you feel better. To show what a Rocket Scientist I am, I thought you were just starting a silly/fun thread. I can assure you no one was trying to slap you around. The more time you spend here you will see that the members of this community are a fun loving bunch. In a short period of time I have seen termendious acts of kindness. Stick around for a while and you will see what I mean. Welcome Avanti Rebelious Watch Gargoyles ? Mike
  7. Thanks Toad. Not to shabby for a phoney wanabee Mike
  8. Just saying welcome from the Atlantic central south east Mike
  9. Your life will never be the same. All you had to say is two words"watch Maker" Welcome Michael Mike
  10. Welcome Chef. Dont bite off more than you can chew Mike
  11. Alex you still have a banker? Ohhhhhh Give it time Mike
  12. Well Lemon you got me there. So you found us out. No fooling you lemon man. Im getting the feeling your a kid messing with there parents computer. Thats it is't it le mone? I will not try to get through to a child, waste of time. Run along sunny Jim. Mike
  13. Welcome to RWG Alex.Have fun Mike
  14. Welcome ARC. At least you is where your at, I think? - Mike
  15. "It is a vagina not a clown car". Instant classic. The circus will never be the same
  16. The Dr,s involved should be forced to support those children. If that was the case chances are that this would not happen again. At least not under these circumstances. So now we get stuck with the bill,how nice Mike
  17. Reggie. I know the first order of business is getting a nice rep watch. I know it was for me. Durring the process is when you discover there is so much more here.. Good to have ya Reggie,good luck Mike
  18. A rare piece indeed,very nice. I might just bid on this. Good price. Thanks Offshor Mike
  19. Good job Billy. Im a huge Timberland(shoes) fan. Five pair and still counting. Did not know Timberland made watches. Here at RWG you learn something new everyday. Mike
  20. Welcome Djole. Sounds to me like your off to a very good start. It's nice to see you have a open mind. Good luck Mike
  21. Be careful there my friend. The bug can be relentless. It all started so inocently for me. Well to make a long story short. My wife and kids left me and now Im all alone in my house. Just me and my German sheperd(BOBO) and of course my watches. I have never been happier. So let this be a lesson Mike
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