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Posts posted by swdivad

  1. Dirk is indeed a gentleman. I have exchanged email with him a few time. Ended up not ordering anything from him. But he is always courteous and answering my emails promptly.

    The point I am making is that IP infringement is a delicate thing. I just don't think our members should get too hung up on this issue. I cannot tell myself to stay on moral high ground one day and buying replica watches the next day.

    I am not defending Elliot for whatever reason. I may even partially agree with some of what you guys said. Veni, I respect you for sticking to your principle when Elliot was signed onto this forum. I also respect the admin for delisting him for the betterment of the forum when the overall sentiment is obvious that he was not welcome. But I would expect in return respect for someone who choose to deal with him amd buying his products.

    Afterall, everybody has to take responsibility and accept consequence for one's action and decision. I would hope these pointless bashing will stop and we all return to discussion on our favourite subjects like who has the best Sub and whether MF straps is better than BOB straps.

    Enough ranting here. Have a good day.

    I think IP infringement is not so delicate... you either do or don't. We do, and I have done as well as own genuines.

    I have not changed my tune due to IP infringement, I have because he is taking complete advantage of another man... not a corporation... a man that could have and possibly been at one time a coleague, a brother in arms.... For me, this is only about a man screwing another man over... pure and simple, it's different (to me) and just isn't right.

    Enough ranting here too. Gotta get some sleep :yawn:

  2. Are you sure? :huh: I've been waiting almost three weeks for a watch from him, and he isn't answering my E-mails. This is most unusual for EL from whom I've bought many watches. :rolleyes:

    He's probably gone into a deep hibernation/depression due to lack of strippers and beer because of his last purchase :black_eye:

  3. Sounds like you know the man in person. How many sugar does he take with his coffee..? Or does he drink coffee at all..? How did he start his strap business..? Who makes his straps..?

    And I don't think he would like to have his name in anyway or form in assciated with our rep community here.

    Jumping on bandwagon is easy.

    No, I don't know him personally, but from the few posts and responses that I have read in the past, he (and his product) seems respected by likewise respectable people.

    As for jumping on the bandwagon... I'm actually jumping off... I stayed neutral and continued to purchase from E, despite the infamous letter I received from him and the negative sentiments from respected members here...

    After the unfortunate post by E about where to purchase a veni strap, my outlook on the man changed... But I left it there after posting my disappointment.

    I guess you could say this would be the final straw for me... OK, I changed my mind, and my opinion... I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing, especially regarding the circumstances.

    There are many other strap dealers to buy from, and I have. My business will go to them :thumbsupsmileyanim::thumbsupsmileyanim:

  4. Sorry to say that, but this has to be the most ridiculous comment that one can make on a replica watch forum...

    I ll find your reps in FS section. :g:

    Sorry, but right back at ya... :bleh::bicycle:

    I can barely find the correlation between buying reps and stealing a single man's identity/name who has much respect throughout both the gen and the rep communities.

    This is a man, a craftsman, a good man, a gentleman, who has built his reputation over the years as such... Not a large corporation that has been purchased over and over again playing the marketing game with tens of millions, probably hundreds of millions. of dollars.

    I suppose you could compare the two situations at a very rudimentary level, so if that's what you wanna do, it's ok by me, but I still think it's low.

  5. Well, I always tried to look at the E situation in a neutral way, I like his straps (and sales of course)... I could never really understand the extreme feelings people had about this guy... :blink::dots:

    Using someone else's reputation for financial gain without recompensation or recognition, and especially without permission, is pathetically unethical... low as all [censored]in buggery. :thumbdown::angry2:

    No more business from me E. :bangin: I hope Mr Paci gives you the boot too!! :ban:

    Now, I think I'll go buy me a nice REAL Dirk :thumbsupsmileyanim:

  6. It really amazes me that some of you guys use the same password for your banking institutions as you use on these chat forums :bangin::bangin::thumbdown: You might as well leave your front door open with all your money in bags on the welcome mat :whistling:

    I know having the same password is easier to remember and all, but come on! This is the age of viruses, trojans, computer security issues etc... GET WITH THE TIMES MATES :Jumpy::Jumpy:

    Best thing to do is to separate the sites that contain important personal details and money like banks, credit cards, pp, and ebay from the not so important sites like chat forums etc

    Then set a password to access your bank accounts... DON'T TELL THIS ONE TO ANYONE

    Then set a different password for pp... DON'T TELL THIS ONE TO ANYONE

    Then set a different password for eBay... DON'T TELL THIS ONE TO ANYONE

    Then set a different password for these forums.... You shouldn't tell anyone this one, but it's really not extremely important unless you're a mod or admin.

    Get a good antivirus software... pay for it, it's worth it.

    Get a good antitrojan software

    Invest in a good router with a good NAT/SPI firewall

    Use a secure browser like Mozilla or Firefox and a good mail program like Thunderbird... They're FREE

    Only visit your banking/pp/ebay sites by using your bookmarks, don't click the pretty little button or link directly from an emai... This is just asking for trouble!

    The above should keep you 'somewhat' safe....

  7. What I did was place a cloth on a cutting board,.. placed the crystal face down on the cloth..

    fitted the case on top of the crystal, .eyeing the placement.. then placed a book on top of them

    and striking the middle of the book with my fist.. Worked perfectly... :lol:


    That's scary :lol: You've got big balls DT :thumbsupsmileyanim:

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