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Posts posted by swdivad

  1. I tried it, nice that they're finally using tabs... I'm on Firefox/Thunderbird and have been loving it and Mozilla for years.

    It will take a lot for me too switch to IE and Outlook. If they ever fix Outlook to be more stable/secure/faster/bug free, I'll switch to that cuz it does have nice features

  2. Here you can see the taper in the genuine (24/22) compared to the rep (24/24) bracelet...

    Many genuine owners will purchase the 'aftermarket bracelet, being $2-3000 cheaper than the genuine.

    Another reason is that the genuine bracelet will not fit on non-bracelet models without purchasing the adapter, which is around $300...

    The case design is different on genuine bracelet models compared to strap models. There are tabs on the gen bracelet's end links that fit into grooves in the case.


  3. Well said. I arrived after the whole mess started churning up, but it does seem like we're missing something.

    I'm not American, so I don't need the closure thing that people seem to go on about on TV, but I wouldn't mind a bit of denouement, instead.

    denouement... great word.

    same same

  4. Now that all the introductions and welcomes have happened... we have Gran here...

    Now I don't have a problem with him and never did, although, as you know, there has been much controversy over the leaders of the old board.

    I know he was the initiator of the RWG watch and all, we know what happened surrounding that [censored] mess... the collapse of an empire basically.

    I don't know what happened in the background with Gran and the refusal of him being a moderator of this board, and really don't care... it's doing great and things seem to be running smoothly.

    I also don't know if he had anything to do with the disappearance of members' monies. All I know is that there were a bunch of rumours flying around just after the new board was conceived... Then came the mad deleting of posts and finally the sudden disappearance of Gran... then the message from his wife that he was sick in the hospital etc etc etc.... (etc)

    Sound a biy like a soap opera to you??? Sure does to me... and a damn good one at that! :whistling::whistling::whistling:

    Anyway, the reason for my post is not to bring up old [censored] or anything like that... but this multiple persona, mask; however you want to 'define' it; without some kind of out or explanation is all a bit much for a run of the mill guy like me. Maybe I'm strange and unique in my thinking... but for some reason, I don't think so.

    On top of all that... the guy's waving his RWG collaboration watch (read middle finger) at everyone in the air like nothing ever happened.

    OK... flame away if you will... But in the end, I think there is something missing here without some closure to what's happened.

  5. Might want to speak only for yourself in that regard, Estaban. I'd definitely pay a Franklin for a well made strap in an interesting leather--especially if it has a cool story behind it--and I bet more than a few other RWGers would too. High end straps are IMO the single most important "Mod" on a rep both to improve apprearance and accuracy. HM straps (The best on earth bar none in my book) cost $140. Eliot and Drew's best straps are also over $100.

    Here's to that archibald...

    Straps ARE the number one mod IMO too, the only straps I've bought under 100 bucks were the BOB Vertigos...

    MPs are 189 out of sale days and Drew's shell cords are 110-135. Mostly anything custom from Aaron is 100+ as well.

    OEMs, especially Pre-V/As are $300+ depending.

    I'll buy your super duper custom Metta for 200-250+ easy and be laughing all the way to the bank Veni... Keep up the good work! :yu::yu:

  6. After crown, cyclops, and datewheel, I feel that the next mod we absolutely need to focus on is the loose lever.

    Let's tell the truth, it is an easy and infallible way to detect a rep. A way that even a total noob can learn in a moment. Cfr.: http://www.replica-watches-guide.com/forum...showtopic=28519

    Several fixes has been proposed, but those who tried them can tell you how difficult (almost impossible) it is to fit a sleeve around the pin and fit them all into the hole again (no pun intended). And how other fixes actually are all but resolutive.

    I can tell, at least.

    I am currently thinking on this. Maybe I should call the Watchmen (the group who is bringing the cyclops) at gathering once again... :D

    Jimmy had some great CG/lever sets. I have one, tried to get my watchmaker to put it on my 029, but the lever needed modding and I held off waiting for the new crowns.

    They are good quality and no lever wobble:


  7. yeah that true..but to buy both is way too expensive...even one consider expensive...so need to make a good decision on this...how bout their crown and also lume??

    Jeeeez... the gen is at least $3200 :lol: No relume/AR/crown needed

  8. Anyone who drops $5k-$30k on a watch and then demands exclusivity is a twit. Buy a Fossil and spend the rest of the money on a bigger house, cooler car, or whatever. Having exclusivity being a part of your purchase decision of a watch is poorly advised, IMHO.

    Marxism sucks....but it existed for a reason.

    Well put Iso...

    I have several genuine watches and I love them as well as my reps. I try now to purchase gens that are not repped....

    Here in Australia, LV and Gucci rep bags are a dime a dozen... At any one time in Melbourne, you can usually pick out 5-10 rep bags walking down the street, usually on young (14-16) girls and also many asian girls. I would say 98% are repped.

    My wife, has an very well rounded collection of Louis Vuitton bags... all gens and some 20 years old in perfect shape. Her latest was a speedy denim that went for around $AU1900. A few days after her buying it, the reps hit town, she was a bit disappointed as the reps look very very close (scary close). She was disappointed that she spent almost 2k and then sees a $100-200 bag that was so good. She knows it's really not 'worth' that much in terms of a product, or even a brand... She just loves LV and its history and quality, and that's why she buys them.

    We bought a messenger bag on ebay for about $AU800 a few years back, with a guarantee from the seller on authenticity. We brought it to the LV shop for verification... They could not even tell it was fake except for one very tiny discrepency in the length of a d-ring strap, everything checked out fine including manufacturing numbers, fit, finish and all. The bag ended up being on the 'questionable table' and we brought it back to the seller for a refund, which was given, lucky us.

    I don't know how it is in other countries, but looking around Australia, I think the handbag/wallet brands are being devalued by the plethora of fakes, they don't get the WOW effect that they used to when seeing someone with one of these items because they are everywhere and they seem like very good quality.... It sort of numbs you to a product when it's in your face so much.

  9. The PAM 111 is Stainless Steel (polished case and bezel, brushed CG) and the PAM 177 is titan.

    Personally, I like the 177 as it has a darker, more subdued look to it, where the 111 is bright and shiny.

    Depends what you like... what do YOU like?

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