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Posts posted by swdivad

  1. Annbody care to comment on movement? Same problems with AP sec@12?


    The 1950 chronos don't have the same issues as the APs at all because the sub dials are in natural movement position, not rearranged with an extra gearplate like the APROOs

  2. You know what bugs me? Paying a shitload of money for something that is worth 10% of what's asked for it. Let's get real for a sec here. I love watches like the next guy, but aren't we getting carried away with the whole gen issue? I mean, no matter how much money you have, or are able to spend, aren't there better causes to spend your money on? People are dying of hunger all over the world, for god's sake, and we are talking about spending thousands and thousands of dollars on a glorified man jewelry? C'mon! 

    And seriously, what is the difference between a gen and a rep? The design? Nope. The actual movement? Come on, who cares?!

    You are talking about the lost connection to the watch making? You are absolutely right. But that connection was lost by the Swiss companies as well, mass-producing the same designs with standard off-the-shelf movements and selling guys like us an illusion of craftsmanship and tradition, which in reality are swallowed by a cleaver, but faceless marketing machine. Connection to the watch making you say? Try finding a watch smith in your area. If it's not a 80 year old dude who takes care of watch once a month and switching batteries on DKNY pieces of cr@p, I'll cut my arm off. The modern "watchmakers" are no more than a simple paycheck workers for huge money making machines, who's connection to art or craftsmanship is lost forever. What's the difference between them and some sweetshop chinese guy in Xian? The shiny white costume they wear to work? 


    I love watches. So next time I feel like spending some green on a beautiful man toy worth 10000 I'll email Andrew or Josh and get it for 358 + shipping and spend the rest of my hard earned cash on buying my kids a freaken truck of books and take them to a vacation in the freaken Amazon (not the dot-com), so they could see birds and an occasional jaguar, and not think it was a car.


    Edit: /rant's over



    What he said too!

  3. mate... you think to friggin' much:


    Negatives of buying a gen:

    1. all the known watch companies spend a gazillion dollars of their profits to market their product so they can capture more customers... That's the money that YOU spent buying THEIR product

    2. Do you really thing they give a rat's backside whether you are their customer or not? (answer is an unequivocal NO)

    3. You are lining only the pockets of the top management of these companies


    Positives of buying a gen:

    1. You are funding further development of the company, and driving innovation in the watch making industry (and these new developments, you will probably never be able to afford)

    2. Quality is surely better

    3. No funny I am wearing a fake watch feelings

    4. You might get some extra frequent flyer miles


    Positives of buying a rep:

    1. You can wear it everywhere, and not worry about smashing it in any of those places

    2. You afford that real diamond or LV bag for the missus

    3. You don't line the pockets of top level executives that don't give a rat's backside about you stupid ass

    4. you can try before you buy

    5. They look cool

    6. Peace of mind that you saved a ton of money to put towards your kids' education

    7. jesus I'm tired... you guys fill in the rest LOL


    Have a great day

  4. Captain Koons from Pulp Fiction... that's all I have to say about that...

    .... He'd be damned if any slopes were gonna put their greasy yella hands on his boy's birthright. So he hid it in the one place he knew he could hide somethin'. His ass. Five long years, he wore this watch up his ass. Then he died of dysentery, he gave me the watch. I hid this uncomfortable hunk of metal up my ass two years. Then, after seven years, I was sent home to my family. Now, little man, I give the watch to you.

  5. Since I had problems with bags/dark lines under my eyes for my whole life live I tried out a ton of products but none really helped. The only product where I could actually notice an improvement was the eye concentrate from la mer.


    For eye creams (I have dark circles, now a few light lines showing up)

    La Mer eye concentrate is great, but also the most expensive of them all.

    La Prarie is another good, but expensive as well

    Estee Lauder eye cream is also very good, and maybe less than 50% of the price of La Mer/ La Prarie

  6. If your planning to use it outdoors or in water, I would highly recommend the Nikon AW100 - IMHO one of the best out there.....if you saw my Mt. Everest Blog, 90% were taken with this camera, the rest were D90.


    http://www.amazon.co...ds=nikon aw 100

    Some Samples:

    Taken in one of the Islands off of Phuket - unretouched!


    Changmai Beauties

    White Temple in Thailand

    From the water...

    On the water

    Good luck!


    Those are some impressive shots with a compact waterproof! How are you finding the response time when working in Program mode? I had the Olympus equivalent of this Nikon, but I was completely unimpressed by it's response time sluggishness and menu system.

    This AW100 would be a great addition for those wet and rough times, but I want something that has more manual control, as well as a good macro capability.

    BTW, I've been living here in Thailand for the last few years, and have to say, it's very photogenic :-)

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