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Posts posted by swdivad

  1. andrews completely denies he shipped any watch.

    if he did then he is a lier. if he did lie, the guy has zero business ethics.

    i dont think he should have the option of choosing his favorites nor randomly choosing anyone. he should go by who paid first. 

    zero??!! That's a bit rich isn't it??? Both Andrew & Joshua are top notch in my book!


    Bottom line is, they can sell to and ship to whoever they want, whenever they want. It's his business and he has the option.


    If you don't like his business ethics, buy a shitty diver from Angus... jeeez

  2. Not blind.... Open minded, I run windows on my Mac along with os x. I don't drink the cool aid either. I used to build and service pc's. I switched to apples hardware and would never go back. The majority whom try a Mac never go back to a windows box.

    Some of us are constrained by software not available on other OSs... I'm an engineer, I use 3d CAD and engineering software on a daily basis that just aren't built for anything but Windows.


    Besides that, I bought my girl a mac a few years back... we both tried and tried, but just couldn't get used to it.


    And, besides them, I have never had a virus on my windows machine except once, when I was trying out different AV software and was actually trying to get a virus... Been using NOD32 since its inception and never used anything else from then.


    To each his own, but for me, Macs just don't have what it takes to do the stuff I need to do and stay in line with my customers.


    Jeez... you die-hard mac/unix/linux bigots crack me up sometimes :-P

  3. Got my PAM243 from Joshua last month... excellent awesome watch for sure... now my daily :-)


    One thing that bugs me is that the bezel is just a little bit too easy to rotate; Does anyone know a way to tighten this up just a hair or two?


    I don't know the mechanism, but there are 120 clicks in this bezel... would it at all be possible to change parts to make it click 60 like gen?



  4. OOOoooh this does not look good...



    Poison green indices.... See through caseback.. A poor first attempt







    That's a completely photo-shopped image, probably something to give everyone a glimpse of what to come... but they should've waited before releasing that monstrosity of a job LOL

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