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Posts posted by lanikai

  1. Hey there gpuk, good to see you.

    If you wanna sell that piece please put me down for it. Since I now admin the old board I should have one! :)

    Yup, it came back allbeit without the old DB, Same old URL tho.


    I think I need some clarification,.. RWG is "still" RWG ?? isn't it ??.. the domain name was "sold" ergo Admin never relinquished the fact that he started RWG.. then TRC .. the names may be the same but if the "original" board was and "still" is the same Founder then how can one claim to be the one in the same... although the same name is shared it seems to me that "WE" are still transparently have the same member #1 .. the old domain was just sold to a different group??

    Kruzer and Ubi along with others know more the History of the bridge.. maybe can clarify this for us ??


    Edit Add:.. thanks kruzer.. must've posted around the same time..

  2. If you had a request to correct one issue with ALL dealers ... what would that be ??

    keeping in mind, that this thread is intended to be constructive, and "realistic".. and not aimed at any one dealer nor group of dealers..

    Perhaps some of our trusted dealers will view this thread.. and some of the comments.. ya never know..aside from rotors falling off and the normal QC issues.. what can we "help" with as far as comments ??


  3. I think the reason a Noon would ask the question is precisely because he would not know

    and Ubi and BT are more than qualified to answer with spot on info

    unless someone has a vested interest in selling a cheaper inferior model

    why wouldn't you go with a WM9 ?? If you want quality that is the way to spend your money :)

  4. Statesman

    Robert E. Lee quote

    So far from engaging in a war to perpetuate slavery, I am rejoiced that Slavery is abolished. I believe it will be greatly for the interest of the South. So fully am I satisfied of this that I would have cheerfully lost all that I have lost by the war, and have suffered all that I have suffered to have this object attained.

  5. thanks alot guys. My 10 year anniversary is coming up and my wife asked me what I wanted. i said two rep watches. I am getting her an updated diamond ring. I have a rep Panerai 176 and I am interested in Breitling's as my next watch. What do you recommend?

    you may want to consider the Avenger BlackkSteel.. imo.. a super rep .. needs some slight mods like the lume dots if you want perfect.. but the DLC coating is spot on to the genuine..


  6. +1 Nothing more irritating than people with unrealistic expectations who don't seem to understand that they are not buying gens at discounted prices...

    Thank you all for the input.. and validating that unrealistic expectations .. funny I was thinking to have unrealistic expectations is like wanting much more than can be afforded to the reality of replications.. as TJ puts in one sentence so well..

    I was expecting a debate.. as in arguing ones issues.. since as Val does for a living, arguing and debating (healthy debate) is a challenge to take on.... bottom line, some walk away disgruntled and buy just genuine .. and some go from genuine to just reps..

    it's nice to come back to a thread such as this with all the constructive comments left..

    thank you


  7. My thought's in posting this topic are many.. but mainly.. what is it "you" expect from a "Replica".. keping in mind that a replica will never be 1:1 with a genuine..some may be very close .. but "No Cigar".

    When I first started on the "Journey' with reps. I remember being so excited that flaws did not even enter my mind.. then evolving to more detail in my purchases.. and again evolving into the base of this hobby (IMHO) of building or .. at least sourcing parts to be built.. to acquire "franken" reps.. that come closer to the real deal.. and along the way realizing that this is much more rewarding than waiting for that perfect rep that will probably never come.

    And gaining more joy and reward than buying a genuine to meet "expectations".

    If "Expectation" being the buzz word.. after all we are dealing with "copies".. "Reps".. "Fakes" whatever euphemism you care to use..

    Reps have come a long way but sill never .. for a mirage of reasons (real or theorized)be exactly like the genuine.. some flaws being more glaring than others..

    Every once in awhile.. I come to the question of my involvement in this hobby..where I need to take a step back, after looking at my collection.. and seeing the watches that have engulfed my over the years.. it comes down to the community and not so much the timepiece..

    And at times wondering if we expect too much from the makers.. and forgetting what we are dealing with.. sonce some of the reps have risen in price .. and then recently seeing a drop in pricing points..

    I'm just rambling now.. But what is your take on "Reps" and expectations ???

    Thanks in advance..


  8. When I use my macro lens for shots 1 inch away I will not get total focus on the entire image.. nor do I want to .. "depth of field" is what I use the macro for ..the draw back with not using photoshop or other programs that alter the image is you will pick up things that cannot be seen with the naked eye.. good sometimes and at times a hinder..

    for me lighting is the key to the macro.. the fact that I can play with natural lighting to create the image to fit the macro shot makes it fun..

    All my macro shots are manually focused .. the lighting is manipulated to best display the area I am shooting.. a small sliver of light when shot with a macro can be displayed in an amazing way..imo..

  9. I've been here a little while and I still get excited with new releases :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    but Welcome to the best watch forum on the net.. we're much more than just watches as you will no doubt find out..

    register for the Mega raffle and gain a chance to win your first rep..

    Holla if you need an assist..


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