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Posts posted by lanikai

  1. After almost 3 weeks of waiting, should of been here in 1 week .. the parcel must of been delayed due to the weather .. from Virgina, came my much sought after US divers logo Doxa 300T Pro

    thanks again for Marty for posting the FS on TZ here.. I check the gen sales threads daily but I may have been too late..

    I spend yesterday refinishing the bezel and toning down the scratches on the crystal.. I think I'll leave the crystal as is.. adds character to the piece.. imo..

    here is a pic by the previous owner.. I'll take more pics after I'm done giving it a little TLC


    it's keeping great time.. maybe sooner or later it will make it's way up North , but for now .. it is on my wrist :D


  2. You can easily loose 10lbs of water quickly.. the formula for further fat lose is intake > expenditure.

    even with a hectic schedule it should not be a problem.. but what is the challenge is the discipline it will take..

    your sodium intake will have to be cut out..

    dairy products.. fast food is definitely out... Get some protein.. "Ultimate Nutrition GOLD" is good .. it's what I use .. it doesn't have the sugars and fat.. pure protein and it will fill you up..

    get a dozen eggs and hard boil it before you sleep.. take it with you in the morning.. throw away the yolk.. the white is what you want for protein... canned tuna is also good ... plain.. with some lemon juice for taste.. carry breathe mints.. :lol:

    Remember ..NOT EATING is worse.. you body will go into survival mode and when you do eat the calories will go to fat storage.. your body will think your starving it and save everything in fat storage..

    salads with again lemon juice or wine vinegar..

    sodium free rice crackers for snack.. chicken or steak is fine but no mash potato or gravy or salt.. use a little herbal seasoning if you must or curry powder in chicken breast baked.

    a small meal every 2 hours will help boost you metabolism.. by meal I mean .. boiled chicken or canned tuna.. with some salad.. no bread stuff.

    No fruit after 12pm.. no meal 4 hours before you sleep.. if you eat and sleep the carbs if you have any will go to fat storage since you cannot burn it off..

    if you can do at least an hour of cardio.. or burn off 3 to 4 houndred calories that will increase your fat burn..

    Oatmeal is a great carb in the morning.. gets me more wired that coffee..

    Broccoli, is a good diuretic.. as is watermelon..but watermelon has fructose so none of that after 12 pm.

    you want to "graze" on sodium free diary free foods every 2 hours.. it will take some prep before you sleep at night..

    never mind the weights for now.. just loose some water weight .. by then your taste buds should be used to (somewhat) the low sodium ... sweets diet.. then the real challenge come into play.. you will crave all kinds of foods.. find alternatives.. like air blown pop corn.. anything to curb your appetite .. drink lots of water.. about a glass every hour.. to loose the water you have to take it in.. after the initial 10 lbs.. you will plateau.. check back after that..

    Good luck.. it is not as easy as it sounds.. discipline is a MOF when dieting..

    leave yourself a "cheat day".. when you can have a "little" of something you like.. but not in abundance...

    Good luck Samu..

    You need to vision .. skull and cross bones on the things you are tempted to partake.. it is poison when you are trying to achieve a goal.. to diet down..

    the equation we used was intake of 1600 "good calories" expend 600 calories a day .. + 1lb. lose per week.. look at 1 lb of butter.. think of it that way..

    if you eat a lot of steamed veggies and chicken and tuna 1600 calories is hard to meet.

    but start out slowly.. diving in head first when your not used to this diet will be discouraging..



  3. The member who decided to change the threads tone is plain for all to see. I can sort of understand his reasons, as maybe he wasn't aware that when Replica Watch Guide and Replica Watch Group ran as seperate entities on the internet for some time, that one was always referred to as RWG2, no malice was intended then and none is now.


    So it's safe to call you all RWG 2010 ?? .. since it's now another new Admin ova thar.. :)

    I'm here for all to see.. no doubt ..

    I think anyone at RWG2010 would feel the same If I posted there in reference to whatever number I or we chose to label you all with.. and made more reference to this board having all the "original members" and most of the Mod crew..From the old Domain..

    And I will be straight up in my comments..

    And If you feel that my "Tone" was negative or demeaning then .. I have no problem taking responsibility for that .. I won't beat around and hint at what is or is not..

    So be it .. There comes a time when I speak my mind after reading posts that refer to us as a "copy"..

    Malama Pono


  4. Also am not an expert, but it looks like a gen. the insert is a gen.. the indices look good.. the crown appears low due to the angle of the shot, imo.. but the crown itself looks good... as does the clasp.

    the only thing I would take issue with is this is the sellers first.. and on that alone I would be 50/50 on actually doing the deal..

  5. Welcome Tx2 :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    good to have your a board.. I always look forward to new members to get active and involved with the community !!

    You will find we are much more than just watches, but since watches are your passion, you've entered a great community to facilitate your obsession :victory:

    Just Holla if you need an assist.. and no question is a bad one.. only the ones that aren't asked..

    check out the raffle section if you find time.. we have a mega raffle going and a great way to dive in head first !!!


  6. Bad form Lani...no need to get personal...:(

    edit: which is why I never mentioned being deleted regarding the domain being won at auction here within a few minutes of posting on the 28th last month...

    "Personal".. what is personal.. questions and thought's ?? opinion.. conjecture ??.. to win something it has to be challenged .. no ?? if there is no interest in the competition then how can it be a victory..

    Salvage has been talked about.. well, if we were to go on pure Admiralty Law .. then here is is.

    Salvage is the process of rescuing the hull, equipment or cargo of a ship or boat that has suffered a mishap at sea. Generally the crew have lost control of or abandoned the ship due to sinking, being stranded on rocks or aground on a shallow sea bed , or simply because its means of propulsion has failed and it is drifting with the wind and tide.

    and if a team "rescued" the sinking or grounded ship then that team has the rights to the ship... I'm just debating or arguing .. the point.. and any underlying issues that I see in my minds eye.. nothing personal .. .

    there is always passive aggressive posts to attract members to other fora's.. I would be very naive, not read between the lines .. that in and of itself should be taken "personal".. but they (posts) have to my knowledge, not been... if anything we should take it as a personal attack when an admin from another (2) fora's uses those tactics..

    call it my way of asking that it not be practiced.. if it wasn't intended to accomplish recruiting.. Then why was is done in the first place ?.. hard to call it a gray area, when it is done time and time again, by an Admin that belongs to multiple fora's.. and calls this forum "number 2". If we are truly one in the same then why the numerical classification ??

    I would not have an issue if we were truly one RWG.. weather there are 2 separate boards or just one.. but to be "marketed" as "2" and not by our leadership.. then there is an issue ..although in principal and having nothing to do with monies at all.. we are a community of strong principals.. IMHO..

  7. Robo... great to have you on board :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    You are in a great locale, with some awesome members !!!!!!!!!!!

    Coolfire comes to mind instantly.. and many more..

    Plus it would take a day or 2 for your watches to arrive from GZ I believe..

    thanks for the intro .. looking forward to your participation on RWG.. get involved in the raffle in the raffle section is you care to .. lot's of great prizes going on..

    Just Holla if you need an assist..


  8. I thought I'd bump this thread since it was raised in another topic.

    The membership and original mod team of this forum (most still in the current team) used to reside on another domain prior to 2006, but when the admin of that forum disappeared and it looked like the bills would no longer be paid a rescue effort was launched which was this forum on a safer basis here. The members here 'are' RWG and always have been.

    It was just as well, because the old forum did end up disappearing and the database being lost. RWG meanwhile has managed to continue on a safer basis for our growing membership for approaching four years now.

    There are no links between RWG and the purchase of the old domain name by a (yet another) new forum.

    I am always of the school of thought that the team is only as good as it's leadership, and our leadership seems to be almost the same as day one, if I understand correctly.. and the entire team is comprised of it's members..

    Semantics aside and the "chicken or the egg" being an age long debate.. I believe, if the Leadership that is still largely in place on "this" board .. and by all accounts the bulk of the membership.. then it makes sense to me that we think of ourselves as still the original.

    If a ship is sinking and the crew transfers to it's sister ship still flying the same colours but the sinking ship runs aground.. hasn't the crew abandoned ship but taken it's "flag" along with them.. ??.. Now the sinking ship runs aground and does not sink but the bulk of the membership .. all but a few has already planted it's "flag" on another seaworthy vessel.. and is flying it's colours "still"...and steering a course for calmer more prosperous waters.. and working to grow it's "Nation" for lack of a better word.

    How many crisis situations have been fought to secure the well being of that Nation and it's colours..

    in other words the membership as a whole, with "free will" planted it's colours on a more stable vessel.. ergo, claiming the new vessel home and Country....

    Regardless of the ongoing debate which may never be resolved...it seem evident to at least this member, that we are and will be with Our membership, RWG.. not 1 nor 2 nor 3.. Just RWG, we are second to no board..we have the flag and the original members here.. and most importantly most of the original Leadership.

    Isn't there Admin members on RWG that are also Admin members on RWI??..

    I suppose when RWG's domain came up for auction the powers that be here decided it was not that important to purchase it, since we are what we are..

    But I have been bothered to some extent by the claims of a co-Admin on 2 fora's claiming that we are RWG'2' .. How can you be flying 2 separate flags and claiming to be the "Original" forum still ??

    I've never played or coached 2 separate teams and recruited for one over the other..

    "Recruiting".. is this what is happening ?? just a thought.. but at times that is what it appears to be.. with posts complementing RWG "here" and then in the next breathe claiming to be the original RWG..

    We have been through many conflicts here with our Home.. and there will be many more I'm sure.. the membership spans much farther back than 2006.. it is what it is.. :thumbsupsmileyanim:

  9. We have a lot of super rep threads posted.. for the Noobs these will constantly change with newer reps coming out.. conversely, we need members to step up and start doing more reviews of "All" the reps.. nothing is "old news".. and it'll give you .. IMO .. a better grasp of the hobby, and create threads that will be of benefit to everyone,.. instead of registering to grab a rep.. some may find that by "researching" and asking questions... they will gain more of a background on the board and become a contributing part of the community.

    We all start somewhere and if we were just to post a Super rep thread .. I think the interaction will fizzle..

    How many of us come here for one rep and end up staying.. making great contacts.. and really becoming a part of a fellowship that is equal to none ?? ..

    There are many pinned reviewsw.. my DSSD review is still floating around .. over 7,000 views.. the search engine is working.. for those that are new.."Use it"

    Bytors, Ubi's, Taods, Andrew's.. Gio's and many more are pinned..

    My thought is that nothing is worth gaining if we cannot as a community interact with the Noobs.. and them with us..

    so if you have never done a review.. there is a beggining to this journey that entails a little time and effort.. and you will always learn something along the way..

    Mistakes are learning opportunities and nobody is perfect.. :victory:

  10. Recently I come across post that "appear" to be stating that RWG is a "copy" of RWG1... I was always under the understanding that we are and always have been the only RWG with the same Admin from the days of Thomas starting a web site for replica collecting.. and that the domain change was only a bump in the road and one domain was sold..

    Aren't we still the "Original" RWG ?? how can we be a secondary copy if the original member that started this whole replica collecting forums still be out Admin ??

    Not meaning to step on any feet, but the statement of RWG"1" and "this" RWG needs to be understood.. least members think that we are not the original..

    If I sell a watch or car I don't "own" it anymore.. but I was the "original owner".. no ???? :whistling:

    I just think for all that Admin has done for this hobby this needs to be cleared up ..


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