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Posts posted by PeteM

  1. Don't feel too badly.. I missed a grail vintage watch I have been searching for .. I shook it off as ..not meant to be.. then one week later .. another for 700.00 less than the great deal of a week ago, and I missed it... :lol:

    I tell myself.. both were not "meant to be" .. that something good will come out of it...and move one.. sure I still ponder the thought at times.. then I need to tell myself... "it's just a thought".. which it is now.. Just a thought... :1a:


    Mate, your a horological philospher!! :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    Well the bright side is I saved my money !! ;)

  2. I was trawling through Ebay today, had some spare time!

    Found a Breitling Bentley GMT with Brown face and Speed Bracelet, All the paperwork absolutely Gen no doubt but when I first saw it I couldnt believe it so I thought I would post some questions.

    In the meantime I studied the pics, seller etc etc and was certain it was genuine.

    Thought F*** it I will buy now........ but it was gone and its really bothering me now, I wish I had listened to my instincts these sort of deals dont come along too often on the bay.

    Anyway it was

  3. I ordered my first rep watch on saturday from Josh! I checked the tracking on ems which has been stuck on left despatch center for 3 days. I also checked the parcel force tracking which has also been stuck on "left country of origin" for 3 days.

    I know i'm probably whinging about nothing but shouldn't it be in my country now if its left china?

    Someone tell me it's all going to be alright and my watch will arrive please!


    Dont worry mate thats very common. Give it a couple of more days.

  4. Thanks for replies. :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    So what you guys seem to be saying is.....'You dont need to bother with these type of mods its for personal choice not so much to make it genlike or to avoid tells that its a rep..?'

    and that most of us rep-pers shouldnt be worried about these things its only for the guys that would do the same to say their cars or other luxury item, that have a keen eye or a need to improve what they have because they notice the small things, that other people would not....?

    Dont get me wrong I modded my cars in various ways and have spent fortunes on BB kits, 22inch wheels etc but very few would actually appreciate the time and money I have spent on that car, they just say 'oooo!! thats nice' etc

  5. I have had my gens relumed to non gen specs. I happen to like the intensity of the newer lume technology. Z just finished up a vintage gen dial for me. I asked for C3 and that is what he gave me. I did the hands with C5. As I own the piece, I will have it lumed the way I see fit, rep or gen. I would absolutly say, "No, it is not a rep tell".

    so are you saying that if you saw that (your) watch on someone else's wrist you couldn't tell by the lume that it wasn't gen or at least be suspicious?

  6. The Zigmeister re-lumes according to oem specs..

    of course if you SL a rep where the genuine calls for C1 or C3 or tritium.. it will definitely show as a rep..


    So a The Zigmeister lume might not attract attention on say a new model rep but would attract attention on say an older watch for eg The PAMs.

    Also why then do some report all night lume it suggests most don't use OEM.

    Your answer also highlights the need for us guys to realise and understand that just because it's lumed doesn't make it a genlike nor a better watch.

    However pics posted on here show a lot of watches look better than the gen in terms of lume....

  7. Since being a reader on here I have seen the modders need to re-lume their reps. Indeed to almost demand it to acheive 'gen-like'.

    I have a number of gens and have owned a few others in my life but before coming here I never really saw the importance of the lume of my watches nor considered it a necessity of my watches. However I did notice that on my gens the lume never really lasted through the night and usually needed a 'charge' if I could be bothered.

    I am now more aware of this part of a watch and now when I see other watches I look at things like that and generally I notice the same on gen watches belonging to people that I know (and I know are gens) the lume generally aint great over long periods.

    So if I was to see a watch where the lume really stood out either immeadiately or maintained it for a long period of time it would now draw closer attention from me.

    Therefore I started to wonder if in fact the re-luming actually helped to initiate in someones mind a 'rep tell'?

    I appreciate there are some very poor lumes in watches out the box but generally on the better reps the lume is reasonable, forgetting the issue on some, of the blob effect.

    In fact the same thoughts now cross my mind on other aspects of the watch such as the AR, you know the glassless effect or the colouration of the AR or lack of it etc. These end up becoming rep tells although the idea is to remove the tell by the modder or at least the suspicion but instead for me it increases it.

    Anyway I thought I would see what you guys think.

  8. Hi

    Just want add my pennies worth.

    Just got my watches back from Domi, a couple were just maintenance.

    But one was a swap dial for gen and relume hands and pearl plus waterproof and full service. My SA.

    I am really pleased with the work, Domi was very communicative (in his way :D) and done a great job.

    Dont get me wrong he is not the cheapest guy out there but you certainly get what you pay for with Domi and he is well worth the money.

    So if your looking for a great watch guy in the EU then Domi is your man without doubt.

    And also a very big thankyou to Rosnik, you know what you did and for that I thank you. A really stand up guy!!!! :thumbsupsmileyanim: :thumbsupsmileyanim:

  9. Thanks guys

    I just hope none of you have these issues, I know thats unlikely generally speaking that is. But thats our world I suppose.

    I am sure it will get sorted somehow, its just frustrating when these issues were raised prior to it being shipped out and could of been easily avoided.

    I havent had response from ETz I have PM and emailed yesterday but still wait for reply.

  10. Are these fully functional automatics? Sec. @ 3, 30 sec. chrono, etc.? I know there are Bentley reps out there with functional 30 sec. chronos, but I don't think anyone around here has ever gotten one.

    No mate, I have only heard of one dealer having one and I cant for the life of me remember who, it was from a guy who posted about his on another forum but then it was his word and to be honest if they were readily available I am sure they would be here.

  11. Lani, thanks.

    I accept what your saying. The thing that I don't understand is why with every other thread that I have seen moved does the original remain with moved pinned on it? But this one did not.

    I appreciate the view taken is subjective given the threads that do remain on this and other subforums. And as I said before I accept the judgement of the moderators without any malice.

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