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Everything posted by Josetann

  1. Grand Seiko SBGM025
  2. Testing the water resistance of my 16710:
  3. Not trying to show off, but since we're posting pics of our watches in cars, thought I'd give it a go. First pic is the standard "make sure the logo on the steering wheel is in the shot". This next one shows the quality of the professionally installed* aftermarket steering wheel cover. *May or may not have been professionally installed, it was there when I bought the car.
  4. I think it's fine for a buyer to ask for more information and to negotiate on the price. I also think it's fine for a seller to refuse both. When I sell stuff (usually on Gumtree/Craigslist), I have a simple rule. First with the cash gets it. If we agree on a price, but someone else shows up with cash in hand...guess who gets it? Now, I'll make exceptions; if I'm selling a car, it's Saturday, and it'll be Monday before you can get the check from the bank, I'll gladly hold it if you give me a check for a deposit. When I'm buying, I try to make sure we're at least in the same ballpark. In the previous example, if someone was selling an item for $700 and the highest I'd go was $350, I wouldn't waste their time. If they dropped it to $500, I might shoot a message to the effect of "If you drop the price again let me know, I might be interested in it." If it was listed for, say, $400, I would probably ask any questions I had. Then I'd either make an offer if it was close, or not bother if it was too far off. Just what I'd do, not saying it's right or wrong.
  5. GMT Master II 16710. On wrist: Off wrist:
  6. Well, two things have been said about me just in this thread: I take it that these members have a problem with me not donating to the site since I "obviously" have the funds. I'd say that's in the realm of pressuring people to donate. I explained why it wasn't worth it to me at this point in time in the other thread. It has nothing to do with our bank account (I'm sure many here have much larger accounts than I ever will). Rather, I'm not getting that much value from the forum at this time (haven't bought a rep since the new site, don't visit often, etc.). Again, not saying it's not a great forum, that no one should bother upgrading their membership, etc. Just saying that not every person who uses the forum should feel obligated to pony up $30/yr. If we had to do that for every forum that we found the least bit useful/entertaining/etc., it'd add up pretty quickly. Then again...if every user on my forum ponied up $30/yr...hey that's not a bad idea! I'm not trying to fan any flames, I'll try to bow out of this discussion now. Let's see how long that lasts
  7. Probably a subconscious thing. I've gotten more remarks about a watch I'm wearing shortly after I started wearing it than any other time, including the one I've had the past three years. While I'm definitely not trying to flaunt it, obviously I'm doing something different to attract attention to my new piece. That, or the watches are extra shiny the first week or two then suddenly get a dull finish.
  8. Ok...how about this? A lot of non-paying members are feeling alienated/annoyed/whatever (I'm not sure of the correct term to use) because they're not contributing. Why not simply annoy them by making them look at ads instead? Six of one, half dozen of the other. I must note that I do not know how many users actually feel alienated due to this issue. From reading the other 10+ page thread, looks like it might be a big problem. If you don't care what the free-loaders think (the "takers"), then who cares if they get [censored] off by a few ads? Paying members wouldn't see the ads. So the members who you believe matter the most (and I'm not arguing with you) won't be affected by this at all. It'd also be one more incentive to become a paying member; in addition to extra forums and the prestige of being a paying member, no more "Click the Monkey!" banner ads. I'm not sure what kinds of ads could be run though, I have a feeling many ad networks would not want to be associated with RWG. Perhaps the dealers here could buy banner-space to advertise for their sites? I dunno.
  9. I definitely see your point and agree. However, should you feel pressured to join? Is donating $30/yr enough, or will you be made to feel guilty for "only" donating $30 when you saved hundreds? If so, then by that logic I need to go make a huge donation to a particular forum that really helped us out this year, so much so that it'll make us go broke (in essence, it's a site that helped my wife find extra work). I'd probably actually pay for that particular forum, except that it's a Delphi forum and the one running the forum would get nada (the company hosting the forum would get all the $$$).
  10. But why are members making donations an issue? Are the donating members upset that not everyone donates? Do they prefer a closed forum where you must pay to play? I mean, aren't there some parts of this forum that are only available to paying members? If so, then that seems fair to me. Someone comes by, joins the forum, sees how useful it is to them, pays a fee then gets access to the whole forum. If someone come by and just wants to look around a bit, that's fine too. I have no problem with paying members having a separate section where they can talk about more advanced topics and look at naked girls (or whatever you guys do ). If I want to participate, I'll pony up. If I'm happy with the "lowly" free sections, then that should be fine too. Ok, I'm replying out of order but...I didn't say people were definitely ignoring posts made by non-supporters. Just that I was afraid this would happen if it hadn't already started. I don't disagree that many spend a lot of time here, and that they help out many others. Now...I don't really take advantage of this, so should I feel obligated to pay for it? I mean, I've never taken apart a movement, haven't redone any CGs (pretty much, when I got a rep I either wore it as-is or it didn't get worn), etc. I haven't bought a rep since the new forum, and wasn't asked for donations on the old (who knows if I would have donated then, as I did use the info available to try to find a decent rep). I actually just popped back in recently because I'd noticed some reps being sold in St. Kitts and wanted to make a post about it (seems many people already knew, but it was new to me...and yes I did search before I posted!). Did ask an opinion on a ladies watch, didn't get a lot of responses but I didn't expect to (the list of must-haves my wife ruled out almost every ladies watch out there, especially with wanting a small size and an automatic). I will admit I'd feel more comfortable posting here than on a gen forum. Who knows, maybe I'll become more active, will need this forum more, and will become a paying member. Just don't pressure me into doing so (no, I'm not saying anyone's pressuring me to), because if I felt forced to, I'm the kind of person who'd just leave instead (just ask the Rolex dealer in Tortola, I started to get upset so I just left instead of arguing; cost him a sale).
  11. I think you took what I said out of context. I merely stated that we don't know the true costs of keeping this site up, and that it was likely more than a cheap plan that most of us could get from a webhost (because RWG needs to use an overseas provider, and may have other costs due to the nature of what goes on here). I've started more than one, and still have one very popular one. All free. I did put ads up, and if anyone complained, oh well. Actually, that's an idea. Just display ads to the "free" members. Anyone who donates gets the ads removed. Now you're making money off all the members in one way or another. I'll sum up my feelings. A person is allowed to come to the forum, register, and participate without paying a penny. They should not feel bad if they don't donate. If RWG is that hard up for money that free-loaders can't be tolerated, then make all members pay for a membership to participate (or contribute in other ways). I would hope this forum doesn't go pay-only, but that's not my decision. I'd live. Sure, $30/yr isn't going to break the bank for most here. But what if we had to donate $30/yr to every forum we found as useful? That'd add up to a big chunk of change pretty quickly. And on a personal note...while I "only" buy gens now, we're talking two total (maybe a third if we have a third kid, but that'd be the limit). I have a feeling many here have paid much more on their ever-growing rep collections (I was able to fill up an eight-watch winder plus some in short time before I had to decide on just one). I'm worried what this'll do to the forum. People will start (or probably have been doing so for a while) to not help out any non-donators. Things will be said...people will leave...etc. Come on guys, I'm gonna need you all in 20-30 years. Can't we all get along for another 2-3 decades?
  12. Is that who RWG is using? Did some detective work, looks like this "might" be the main provider: http://www.worldstream.nl/ Now, someone else might have a server with them, and be renting space on it to RWG. I have no idea. Also, I double-checked and IPB no longer offers a lifetime license (good thing I already have mine). That $150 is the initial fee and includes six months of updates. Additional six month increments can be purchased for $25.
  13. Crap, had a huge post made, then it crapped out. Oh well. Anyways, does anyone know what webhost the other site used? Was it a domestic host? If so then yeah it'd be cheaper, but he got lucky the site didn't get taken down. Not sure what forum software the site uses here. If it's a pay version, then most likely there's either a high lifetime license, or a yearly license that can be purchased. You can probably keep using the forum even after the year's up, but if you want updates, gotta pony up the cash. Trust me, you don't want to be running an out of date forum with known security exploits. Then there's the question of whether the admin does all the upkeep himself, or hires someone else to do it. It costs me nothing to update my forum software as I do it myself. I also know what I charge others. I agree it would be nice to see exactly how much it costs to run the site, especially if members are being asked for donations. Now if money is raised by people purchasing upgraded memberships (which include special privileges such as increased PM space, special forums, etc.) then I'd say it's none of our concern.
  14. Not sure, but I think I know where you may be going with this. I've seen similar pleas on other sites. I've offered to host them gratis, and I've never been taken up on my offer. There's one site that would ask for donations, and I know exactly how much the guy was paying for hosting fees (I was his webhost at the time). In essence, donations more than exceeded any out-of-pocket expenses the site had. RWG's situation may be different though. Overseas webhosts who'll thumb their nose at any takedown request often charge a pretty penny. I'd be happy to host the site, if it wasn't for the whole trademark infringement issue. Even if I'd ignore takedown requests, my upstream provider most definitely would not, and they'd simply shut the whole server down; shoot first and ask questions later. So, I don't know who their webhost is, but since they haven't been shutdown yet, I have to assume they're paying more than if it was your run-of-the-mill legit site. Then there's the whole issue of the domain name itself. Even if the site's hosted elsewhere, domains often are taken over. Not sure if RWG is doing anything special to protect the domain, what that costs, etc.
  15. Well, I hope it's free and continues to be so. If for no other reason than for me to check in a couple times a year or so. I've moved on to gens, but still love to look at what's out there. Still have my old collection from the days of the "old" RWG. Kinda miss being able to change out watches every so often. But, I'm gonna be wearing the same watch for the next 20-30 years (unless our third child's a boy, then it's time to buy another!). Hope RWG is still there when I'm ready to get back in the rep game (or at least, I can check the forum and see that everyone's moving to some other site, lots can happen in 2-3 decades). So...sorry I don't contribute money or reviews. Don't use the site enough to warrant $30/yr or whatever. No new reps coming in to review. Oh well.
  16. Just an update. Ordered the watch yesterday from Darryl at Swiss Luxury (swissluxury.com) Exact model number is 179174 blrj, specs are as written above. Total was $4560 plus another $25 for the wire fee. Still less than the $4800+ we were quoted in Tortola. Fedex just delivered it today. Heart sank when there was no hologram. Quick search showed that Rolex no longer uses the holograms, so that's a relief. Gotta find out how to make absolutely sure it's a gen, but looks fine to me. Worst I could find online about the company was that the owner was rude (I didn't experience this) and that someone received a watch that had some parts swapped from another (still genuine rolex parts though). A- rating by the BBB (went direct to the BBB site). So, any tell-tale signs that would immediately let me know it's gen without breaking it open? Really like my GMT in that regard, it has the correct hand stack AND the date changes with the hour hand not the GMT hand; since no rep does that I didn't have to dig any further.
  17. Funny, I've been to all those places but didn't notice any reps for sale out in the open. Definitely no signs at the front of the store. I do have to admit that my wife's the one that brought it to my attention. She told me where to go, what side of the street it was on, and that there was a sign saying they were selling replicas. She's been to the other islands too though, and hadn't seen them either. Just seemed odd to me to see them out in the open, so cheap, and not in China. Have to agree on customs in port. Never seen anyone's luggage get inspected (though I'm sure it happens). I even declared some extra alcohol we were bringing back (2.75 liters over our allowance I think), just waved us on through.
  18. I looked, but didn't see any automatic movements in the ladies (small) size. All the mid-size watches she's looked at have been too big for her (according to her; I think a Panerai would look fine on her but that's just me). Even the $20k+ ones were quartz (way outta our price range).
  19. Did some shopping in St. Kitts (lot of cruise ships stop there, which is how we got there). Saw two stores openly selling replicas. One even had a sign outside for Rolex look-a-likes (or something to that effect). I didn't look too long (shopping for a gen for my wife), but did ask how much a ladies datejust would run. Price was $90, and it was a true automatic (shook it and the second hand started sweeping). You could buy two and get the third free. Another store didn't have a sign outside, but they were displayed in the back next to the cash register (didn't inquire about price). Could get other brands too, I know I saw a quartz Rado model. As far as customs goes, I remember reading a while back that you could bring a certain number back with no issues (it specifically addressed replicas). If anyone has current official info, that'd be great. Would be interested to hear if anyone here has actually purchased one of these reps and how the quality was.
  20. Wife's going to get a new watch for Christmas (actually it's for our daughter, but my wife's going to hold on to it until she's older). Since it's going to be passed down, it has to be a gen. The one she likes best so far is a Rolex Ladies Datejust with blue dial, roman numerals, fluted white-gold bezel, and jubilee bracelet. Found one in Tortola for a bit over $4800, probably should have just got that one. Since she's getting it for our daughter (this is her first Christmas), it needs to be this year's design. For the Datejust mentioned above, that'd mean it'd have to have the new style clasp on the bracelet (believe that came out in 2007). Needs to be new, or at least unworn (might be a bit flexible on that). Here's what I need help on. We either need to get the best deal we can on that specific watch, or find something else that she'd like just as much. Here's the must-have specs: - Small, like the Ladies Datejust though she also tried on a Tag Heuer Carerra and a Baume Mercier (forgot model) that seemed to be a good size too. - Automatic. - Second hand (she's a nurse so this is a must for an every-day watch). - No two-tone, just stainless steel (though white gold is ok, which the Datejust has) - Can't be too flashy (a few diamonds on the face may be ok, a diamond bezel might be pushing it a bit). Just a nice classy watch that can be worn for all occasions (from delivering babies to a nice formal night on a cruise). Those are the absolute must-haves before she'd even consider a watch. Several salespeople have tried to convince her a quartz model is the way to go (since it's hard to find a small ladies automatic), but she insists on an automatic (that's my girl!). Thanks!
  21. Thanks for all the advice, I'll follow up on it once I have some free time (baby's not due till June, but there's sooooo much to do). Second baby should be easier, I mean we already have all the supplies right? What if it's another boy? I guess I could just wear a watch on each arm.
  22. I like that thinking! Bought a Yachtmaster mid-size for my wife, she didn't like it...so I wear it on occassion. She still wears her blue-dial skagen (no idea what model it is or anything, it's just a small watch with date, quartz movement, and blue dial). Oh, I got her a Cartier something-or-other, she didn't like it, and now no one wears it. This particular model's not exactly something a man could wear. Least I don't think so...but knowing guys these days...lol!
  23. Ok, I know there are deals out there. I've seen reports of new Submariners under $3,000 (seemed to be around Christmastime, perhaps an end-of-year dumping to get the numbers up)? I want the best deal on a Submariner. Used is ok, but prefer the no-holes case, since that's a recent design. New is preferred. A 2006 model, used or new, would be worth a little more $$$ to me, since that'll be the year my son's born. But, I do plan on teaching him to get good deals, so he'd understand if it was a few years older. He'd probably boast about how his dad got a $4,500 watch for only $X,XXX (hopefully that's a low number). Now, if somehow someone found a great deal on a Sea-Dweller instead, I'd consider that. A GMT-Master II, I'd consider that too. An LV for retail and no waiting list? I'll list my car on ebay right now. Speaking of which, I wonder how hard it'd be to buy a normal Submariner, and get the maxidial and green bezel insert to make it a Franken LV? Of course I'd prefer both to be oem, but the dial's all that's necessary (aftermarket bezel inserts aren't too bad). I know I couldn't send it to Rolex to be serviced, but I probably wouldn't do that anyways. I'd be too afraid they'd replace the dial (even if it was stock), or the hands, or any number of other things, which would reduce the sentimental value of the watch somehow. So I'll have to find a local watchmaker to take care of it. BTW, thanks for all the suggestions so far!
  24. No credit cards or pp. Red flag #1. Prices too good to be true, red flag #2. Can't find any users testimonials via Google...not exactly good or bad. If it helps, here's the domain registrant's address: Kirill Serov rolwatches@yahoo.com +7.0955260393 NA ul Belodorojnaya dom 5 k. 33 Moscow,NW,RU 110053 Also, domain was created 1/17/2006. Doesn't necessarily mean it's a new business, but it's definitely a brand spankin' new website. Personally, I wouldn't buy unless someone who's reputable posts about a good transaction they had with them.
  25. With my luck, it'd be a guy at the counter, and he'd be happy to oblige my wife.
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