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Posts posted by dieselpower

  1. Dear esteemed vintage Rolex fans, I have come to the end of my tether. I have waited, I have prayed, I have hoped (in vain), I have wished, I have put my faith in the Lord. All to no avail.


    The challenge is simple. Can a competent individual who is good with computers and printing stuff  produce a flat top 3 open 6 & 9 DWO that actually lines up correctly with the date window on a rep dial? I mean - does that sound like the greatest challenge we have ever faced? I think not. Considering the amazing and ingenious solutions our brethren have come up with in the past, some of which leaves me speechless with admiration I can not believe that producing a printed datewheel to the correct radius is beyond our collective abilities. I have even got a hi-res vector (whatever one of those is!?!) that a skilled member posted some time ago - free for all use (thankyou) and yet, still no decent DWO. So I say it here and now, come on chaps - knuckle down use your skills (PM me for the vector) lets solve this once and for all then all us vintage 1665 and 1680 owners with rep dials and ETA engines can finally complete the picture and actually look at our watches without having to work out independently if it is the 7th of the month of the 17th!


    Anybody up to the challenge? Consider the gauntlet well and truly thrown down....

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  2. @ droptopman


    Your thinking and observations are exactly along the same lines as mine. I have a 1016 with a whoopy dial and I looked into the SWISS positioning. To be honest I got cross-eyed looking at so many dials on google images that I just gave up and trusted that whoopy had done his homework correctly. I'd be intrigued to find out what he says about his dial design. Also he is doing another print run which I am looking forward to receiving. I wonder if this time the SWISS is high or low?

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  3. Both of the above are inspirational photos. I shall certainly be taking a leaf out of those fathers' books.


    @ 'Nook - as for wood chopping, he is completely inexperienced. I don't allow such luxuries as heating. He sleeps (when his chores are done) in an old tea chest with newspapers to keep him warm. I know I spoil him but hell, I'm just a big softie at heart.

  4. And I thought I had friends here. Have a heart, I've got a wife and kids. I live in London, one of the most expensive cities on earth. I like fine foods and fine wines all of which need paying for. My wallet is not a bottomless pit. Ok. I have  a plan... anybody interested in a 6 year old kid. House trained. Intelligent and relatively amusing. Loves sports and chess. Willing to trade for a good 1680. Shoot me a PM.

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