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Posts posted by dieselpower

  1. Having gone down both roads I really think there is a lot to be said for a good 7750 rep. The V72 can be such a headache and the visual difference is so small. If only there were some decent 7750 6263 dials available...

  2. Very nice. Have one myself with allmost same specs.

    But..... what happened to the hands? That lume is. .... Euhh bad!

    Would be worth giving them a relume. Would make it perfect.

    Anyhow enjoy.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

    I think my modder re-lumed the hands then had the dial done by someone else, hence the difference in colour. Not perfect I know but in the flesh it doesn't look that bad. Anyways, I always regard my watches as work in progress. Maybe I'll get something done about the hands later. For the time being I'm just enjoying wearing it.

  3. Good evening chaps and chapesses. I had been eagerly awaiting word from a modder as to how my watch was doing when the postman knocked at my door with a package that was too wide to fit through the letterbox. I instantly recognised the country of origins postage marks and my heart began to beat a little more urgently. I took the jiffy bag to my dining table and very slowly and calmly ripped it into a thousand pieces. Nicely cocooned in its own foam coffin was this:






    Whoopy dial re-lumed to a nice light ivory colour

    TC hands

    JMB caseset with bezel machined to take SK T21 domed plexi

    ETA 2824 movement

    Mary WI folded link bracelet

    Aussie rounded springbars

    WSO 580 endlinks


    Hope you like. I certainly do  :)

    • Like 4
  4. "I know a goober who has spent at least $250k on rolexjunk in the past 20 years. He started out in a nice new house with a new car and a Hot wife and now he is down to a small apartment, a ratty old car, and no wife. Evidently he lost money on every watch he bought.

    No, it's not me, I am dead nuts even on them, maybe a little bit ahead."


    @ automatico


    Funny how the hot wife disappears when the bank balance vanishes - there can't be some sort of connection can there?

  5. I have a story about a certain Rolexpert with a huge collection of incredibly nice vintage pieces, all with fake dials that fooled everyone.


    It's not Maron.


    If I get enough scotch in me some night maybe I'll tell it.  Probably not.  ;)


    Someone buy that man a drink!

    • Like 1
  6. I have read many times that a build begins with the dial. Everything else is secondary to that. After many years in this game I'm finally seeing the wisdom of these words. Now, given that gens are silly prices I got to thinking - which dial is the best on the market? So folks, here's the question. Which vintage rep dial, readily available and regardless of gen model number, without requiring further work is the most faithful to the genuine article? Let's have a heated debate....

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