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Posts posted by subbiesrock

  1. The screw accesses part of the screw hole until it locks into the notch in the bar. The force of the thread on the screw is enough to hold the bar in place.

    The issue you have is that part of the screw thread is stripped. You need to simply unscrew it and replace. I might be able to assist with a spare lug screw, shoot me a PM and I'll post you one :)

  2. That guy has serious anger management issues, coupled with an overabundane of testosterone which his feeble mind is incapable of dealing with. I hope he gets locked up for a long, long time. Luckily, they have all the video evidence they need.

    You know what I'd like to see? Kimbo Slice giving this guy a beatdown, that would make for a fairer fight than a skinny white kid half his size...

    Max, I don't let images like this sully the high regard to which I hold average Americans, don't worry. But this guy really gives you guys some bad press.

  3. PAM:

    Deployants for the 44mm Luminor and 1950 series cases accept 24mm straps at the lugs and 22 mm at the deployant. These straps ate labeled 24/22. Some Radiomir deployants are down to 20mm, but usually PAM deployants are 22mm.


    Breitlings vary between 22 and 24 mm at the lugs, but they are almost all 20mm at the deployants. Straps are 24/20 and 22/20 to signift this attribute.

    They're the two common ones, You'll be fine mate :)

  4. The framers of the constitution did not want the federal government to have this power. They actually wanted to guard against the type of runaway inflation that the old "Continental Dollar" had experienced. Our brilliant politicians, however, later found a way to essentially confer power to themselves not granted by the constitution. :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    Chief, as always, your eloquent replies prove invaluable :) US economics have always fascinated me and you've elucidated many interesting ideas. Thanks for taking the time :drinks:

  5. Printing new money directly drives inflation higher. For every dollar you print, you reduce the value of all dollars currently existing.

    The government can print money to pay debts, certainly, but it causes big problems.

    Of course, this is how the US is able to artificially fluctuate the value of its currency to serve its own ends. But what difference does it make if the country prints its own money (with no interest owed) or borrows it at interest from a private bank (the Fed). The fluctuations by definition are exactly the same.

    There must be something pretty fundamental I am missing here...

  6. Sorry, should have clarified that point. What I mean is that the US borrows every dollar from the Fed with interest. So the personal income taxes may very well contribute to the military, social security and interest payments in your proposed order. But the military protects the country, social security protects the citizens, and as I understand it, a significant proportion goes to paying off the interest on money borrowed from the Fed. The other two return a service to the citizenry, but where does the interest go? I'm assuming this money goes directly to Fed coffers and not back to the citizens?

    I know this is a stupid question, but why doesn't the US just print its own money and not borrow money (at interest) from a private bank?

    Further, the kooks present a fairly compelling case for the collection of taxes on personal labour having no legal basis, though I know little about US tax law. Their claim is that there is no place where it says that income derived from labour is taxable, as opposed to, for example, profits from company tax.

    The last point of clarification is your suggestion that the collection of federal income tax is lawful because it pays for various services. The fact the money is useful has nothing whatsoever to do with whether the tax itself is lawful in the Constitution and the Amendments. This is the point I failed to reach earlier.

  7. No. It's not seriously true. Federal income tax is lawful. The last time I checked, public debt interest payments were the third biggest item in the federal budget, behind the military and social security. I'm not sure what connection you're making between interest payments and fairness/equality though?

    See next (double) post.

  8. I just watched "America: Freedom to Faschism" by Alan Russo. This whole business of Federal Income Tax, the 16th Amendment, and the unlawful taxing of unapportioned income.

    My area of expertise is not in tax law, so I can't make a comment, but is it seriously true? Or are these guys simply nutters like free energy freaks and UFO conspiracy theorists?

    Is it true that 100% of the Federal Income Tax goes to paying off the interest on the national debt? If so, I cannot fathom how, in anyone's right mind, this system is fair and equitable.

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