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Posts posted by subbiesrock

  1. I told you! :) i love that show S3 is the best i think :)

    It's nearly 2.30am and I just watched the last 5 episodes of S4 back to back... Holy crap! I was on the edge of the seat for four hours... What an ending! ZK, you were right, it was insane.

  2. How about a picture? Model number? Do you know that you can buy a Rolex for a couple of thousand dollars and you can buy a Rolex for over a million? There are many models, just like there are many Ingersolls.

    They are decent cheap watches, but nothing spectacular. They are always discounted because they have little inherent worth in the watch community. Nothing wrong with them if you like them, but don't think you'll make money on it.

  3. I missed out on Season 4 BB which apparently just aired the 13th episode in the US :) I'll knuckle down this weekend and watch the season back to back :)

    The first episode back was a real doozy... Cold-hearted [censored] right there

  4. Nothing to think about, Chief. Just go ahead an buy it. Hands down the best phone I've ever had.

    Played around with a mate's SGS2 for a couple of days when he got it (he despises my iPhone, so his apparent generosity is actually a dig to make me change to Android :op). It's a rocket with a gorgeous AMOLED display. Bear in mind that it's rather large, but incredibly thin. The iPhone is much sturdier, I feared that having the SGS2 in a back pocket and sitting on it would end badly, the Samsung is all plastic.

  5. If you dive to 2000m I will personally buy you a brand new Deepsea :)

    The reps have basically the same shape as their gen counterparts, but the tolerances on the gen parts are much higher, and that makes all the difference in terms of water resistance. Short of running epoxy along every exposed surface to seal it up, there is not much you can do. Then you have the issue of He not being released through a non-functioning He valve.

    Horses for courses, buy a Seiko Monster and be done with it. Greatest dive watch ever :)

  6. Thought I might resurrect this little chestnut as it's a new fascination of mine.

    I've been looking at getting back into wet shaving after a 10 year foray into trimming with a hairdressing edger. Recently I shaved with a brand new Mach 3 and MY GOD have cartridge razors changed. The finish was superb, with minimal irritation.

    I've been looking at getting into a straight razor and the Dovo Shavette came up as a possibility, owing to it's interchangeable blades. Does anyone know of these or recommend an alternative? I'd like to see if it suits me before I splurge on a quality straight razor, and stropping leather etc.

    I know the red, green and black inserts take different blade types (double edge, longer style sigle edge and FROMM type), but not sure as a beginner which direction to go.

    The Feather Artist Club is another possibility

    Any experiences with either of these, along with thoughts, would be appreciated. I'm sure that there are fellow members interested in such things :)

    A little hint of my own, i've found you can get that hot/cold towel experience at home! It's really easy, I just took a hand towel and wet it, then nukes it for a few minutes and threw it on the face. Worked a treat. Did the same with a towel in the fridge and didn't get a single eash on the sensitive parts of my face. The hot/cold towels work an absolute treat, trust me :)

  7. @Sub...

    [censored] man, are you eating all of that today? Hahahah

    Now this is what im talking about!!!

    Sub, huge thanks for this pictures!!! The food looks amazingly good and i would love to feast at your house!!!

    Thanks bro :)

    Haha not JUST today, but a few things over the past year that I happened to capture with my phone. Cooking is so much fun and hard work, but incredibly rewarding. Fine dining can kiss my ass, the ingredients we use are top-notch, with enormous care in preparation and detail, but with portions fit for hungry Balkan people ;)

    This is nothing mate, I like this thread, and will post more pics from my PC (these are just the ones on my iPhone :))

    P.S. Koga sakaš brate, dojdi. Pivoto e ladno I sonćeto e toplo :)

  8. Just for you Zelen :)

    Čevap, šiški i krilća

    (chevaps, home-made shishkebabs and lemon-drenched chicken wings)

    Lamb shish:


    Chicken shish (lemon-pepper)



    Domati i kromit, belo sirenje, so maslo I kiselina.

    (tomatoes and Spanish onion, white cheese, with olive oil and balsamic vinegar)


    Pečeni baburki so maslo I kiselina

    (char-grilled bell peppers, peeled, served with Spanish and spring onions, with olive oil and balsamic)


    Domašni mesen lep:

    (home-made bread, baked in a cake tin for shits and giggles)


    Wood-charred baby octopus:


    Home-made pizza:


    Burek - store-bought from a local bratko :)


    Burger "wog-style" - char-grilled zucchini, Spanish onion, lettuce, tomato, whole-seed mustard, and topped off with char-grilled bacon:


    Deep-fried 'Superbowl' chicken wings and home-made hot sauce (equal parts butter and some spicy hot sauce) - instant heart attack food:


    Lamb steaks on a home-made spit - the most amazing thing I have ever tasted. Basted continuously for 3-4 hours, every couple of minutes:


    Pavlova "wog-style" (;p)


    A few memorable dishes that I bothered to capture over the last few months :)

  9. Now this brings up an interesting point i have wondered about for a while.

    Not so long ago perfumes (ladies) used to be insanely expensive.

    Products like Red Door, White Diamond and Poison were hundreds of dollars for 5 to 20ml bottles.

    Now I buy 75ml bottles of those fragrances for 25 bucks.

    Is this because they no longer use ambergris in the manufacturing or are there other factors?

    The reason why I bring this up is that these days most of these designer fragrances can be bought cheaply straight from Chemist's or speciality shops here in Aus.


    Agreed, definitely something going on with fragrances. I have bought a few fragrances and found that they smell like the originals, but they are nowhere near as long lasting as the same fragrances I bought many moons before. The others wood linger for several days on my clothing. Now I'd be lucky to get several hours.

    I think it's down to quantity over quality, and increasing profit margins. I'm quite certain that there are some missing components.

    Just my $0.02, could be entirely wrong on this :)

    I definitely think they are

  10. Defininitely not.


    Pizz's verbal smackdown was of the highest caliber. Instant, brutal and all-encompassing.


    On the topic, the worst is when one sells a piece, not because one grows out of it, but rather to settle some financial duress... Looking on the 'wristies' thread and seeing your possessions being worn by another person is tough. It only helps when they appreciate it as much or a little more than you did, but still tough to see ;)

  11. as qouted by subbierock

    I've isolated a few interesting phrases I thought I might comment on from this self-confessed newbie.

    I find it interesting that you feel a sense of entitlement to private sellers answering your questions because you are paying them money for their products. Reasonable questions concerning the item are fine, but I find it odd that you feel you are owed any more than that, simply for paying someone for their property.

    I never said what questions I was asking you have already taken the defense thinking my questions are unreasonable. They are reasonable from a newbie stand point.

    Your mention that sellers should 'educate' you is patently ridiculous. You are responsible in educating yourself, by spending the time to sort through and read the vast body of knowledge that had been compiled over many years (for free) by members who contribute their time and energy for no other reason than their personal passion for their hobby.

    Like I said before all the people Ive dealt with so far have been more than willing to bring me along in my education. If I decided to spend my money with people who are willing to help me isnt ridiculous. It has helped me be able to not make poor choices and spend my money wisely .So I dont have to be a whiner and post threads about how this or that dealer/seller gave me the raw deal. I'll have all my concerns answers before I make a purchase not after. If something isnt to my standards I'll just walk away. Remember its buy the seller first then the watch,

    Flashing money around, and expecting private sellers to go above and beyond for you simply for buying their items for sale is PRECISELY the sense of personal entitlement such a list would identify.

    Wasnt flashing money just making a point that there are prob a lot more people like me that can afford gens but are interested in reps. If it seem that way my error. Why drive away not only potential buyers who my one come here looking for one watch but potential members who can and will add to this friendly board. When did I say I expect a buyer to go above and beyond. I expect them to answer questions a buyer question about the watch their selling. Its sound like if youre a seller we should just buy it or not buy it. A rather elitisted of this hobby. Sounds rather repgeekish,

    There is nothing more frustrating than spending time and energy patiently answering a potential buyer's questions, to find them later not considerate enough to thank you for your time when they choose not to purchase your item.

    That just the name of the game on any board not just hear. I just sold over 20 gens this month and had over 150 inquires. I usually put two things in my sales ad.

    1) 3 day inspection period if watch isnt as described and I encourge to ask all questions up front

    2) I wont hold a watch, first one that pays get it.

    You're still new, I imagine your views will change dramatically when you encounter people with similar entitlement issues to your own.

    I think you have mistaking me for a newbie altogether. I'm a newbie to rep not to watch collection. I'm just expect to buyer to treat seller them same way I treat sellers. If you think about about the dealers/ sellers that are praised, Josh, Mary, KB, etc... it usually revolve around how well they comminucated with the sellers new or otherwise.

    Welcome to the forum, I hope though, for your sake as well as the rest of us, that you strongly reconsider your ideas about purchasing from the private sellers on the forum.

    Thanks for the welcome. I hope we can agree to disargee. You seem like a nice guy with a lot of knowledge that gotten tired of the tire kickers. I'm not a tire kicker. I just want to make sure I purchase wisely. I hope to one day to be able to PM you with question on a subject that you are knowledgable in and maybe one day even call you a friend.

    Also for all those who have PM me regarding my intial post on this subject. Thanks for all the friendly and kinds words. I here to stay unless I get banned. Since I dont plan to voilate any policy i'm here to stay.

    Always happy to agree to disagree :) I think your clarifications made things a bit clearer both to me and the rest of the guys here. The purpose of the sales thread is to sell watches, which should be accurately described by the sellers to avoid buyer disappointment. But when a new FS post goes live, and 20 people PM you asking the most banal questions that are 1) already answered in the post and 2) seriously lowballing, then it really cheapens the whole selling experience.

    @KB hit the nail on the head, this is not a department store, and nor should buyers treat it as such. I asked KB a few questions recenty about an item in question. His responses were quick-fire, direct and courteous; everything a seller should aspire to be.

    Private sellers have been equally courteous, but always to the point. The post is, after all, about selling a watch. Diatribes about histories of the marque, origins of models etc are all best left to the appropriate sections on the forum, and not in a PM regarding a FS post.

    It sounds like you already come to the board with a fair degree of knowledge and expertise, I hope not to have made you in any way unwelcome, rather simply to suggest a thought process that is fair and equitable for all :)

    - I had an idea. We should write an RWG constitution :)

    "We the people (of RWG)... :drinks:

  12. Anything off an infomercial is usually CRAP. Proper eating, a lot of sweat & pain are the only remedy.

    +1 to that, brother :) it's a function of what is wrong with our culture that people are looking for the quick fix. You can get rich by accident (winning lotto, or being the son of a magnate), but there is no accident to getting fit and in shape. Blood, sweat and tears. Luck in genetics only makes the process slightly less painful :)

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