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Posts posted by subbiesrock

  1. OP: How do you smell?

    I don't...

    For starters, most people can't tell the difference between Axe Body Spray (puke), Ball Sweat from a Bull, or some $400 and ounce cologne. I know MORE ladies/women who are revolted by a guy who smells more then them.


    I will plead, for myself and other allergy sufferers out there, that if you MUST wear cologne/perfume, please--

    1.) Don't bathe in it, you should only be "smellable" from an "intimate" distance or 1". You should only need a "dab" on your pulse points (neck, wrists, etc.)

    2.) NEVER wear cologne/perfume to a Wine Tasting, or other high caliber/gourmet restaurant or food tasting. (You ruin it for others who really care about the experience)

    Thanks for listening, and please DO enjoy your scents if you are so inclined, but please be considerate.

    From the personal experience of a colleague of mine regarding scents, I know that some people have olfactory senses so highly developed that the merest hint of a scent is actually painful to them.

    I used some Axe-type spray when I was working in an environment prone to sweating, and took this can to work. My colleague winced when he saw it, and told me the chemicals in those types of sprays irritated his sense of smell, and that he would much rather smell perspiration.

    I agree that sitting on a plane for several hours next to a person wearing too much overpowering perfume (cheap or expensive) is really annoying, even as someone who doesn't suffer from this effect.

    I flew on a transcontinental flight with this colleague, he wrapped his head up with a blanket and it's only until afterwards that I realized why. Poor guy.

    Onto point, I have JPG Le male, the stuff is great. Musky scents for blokes, lightly applied, always work well.

    I should add, having gotten back into wet shaving with a badger brush and old school double edge razor, i'm using Taylor's of Bond Street Sandalwood shaving cream. It leaves a very delicate scent that invites a person in to smell you further, and i don't wear after-shave after shaving. Colognes with base notes of sandalwood are similar, very elegant, sophisticated manly fragrances use it.

  2. Ha! Good for you OceanView!

    Who did you purchase from? How was the process? Pics?

    I'm thinking of selling a kidney to fund further purchases... any takers? My blood group is A+

    Really? Me too. I'll trade you my 328 with brand new SS bracelet, and Orloff Croc strap, for your right kidney :)

    It's a pretty good deal, the thumbnail buckle is from the latest PAM Daylights, it's very close to gen...

    Would you give me the other kidney if I threw in a Sead PAM 111 Ultimate? It's got superlume... And I like to drink... Everyone will be happy :)

  3. Thanks for the review and what an Amazing rep. Sorry for lack of knowledge guys but is this a 312 or 328? As some say 312 and some say 328? And the version to buy now is it the v2? And I'm guessing this is straight out of the box with no mods? Cheers in advance all


    Same watch, the 312 comes on leather, the 328 on bracelet. The Millesimation numbers are slightly different as well (look up the term :))

  4. Was invited yesterday to an amazing german-style lunch with Pork hocks for 10 people:


    Had loads of delicious sides, polished off with Schoefferhofer :)


    Unfortunately, I left my Erdinder Weissbrau glasses at home :)

    We finished it off with this INCREDIBLE cake...



    And then we hit the Creme Menthe and Schnapps... I made some festive cocktails :)


    Christmas is coming boys and girls :)

  5. Hi guys I'm having exactly the same dilemma as you. I have just started looking at pams the last few weeks and now I need i cant stop looking at them.These watches are beautiful, I'm stuck between the 111m and the 312/328 , so hard to decide! I'll have to buy one soon and one in a few months. I can see the pam collecting starting!!!

    Get out while you can... Seriously... PAM collecting is more addictive than crack :)

  6. ...Really fascinating stuff, and good on Hublot for spending a few bucks on this project. Now if only they'd ditch the brain-dead faux-Greek alphabet: "ΠΘVΣMBΣ℞"? Really?

    EXACTLY!!! Recreating that movement was a stroke of genius, I dont think it was particularly hard to be honest, they worked off the schematics other people made, trust me, they didn't deconstruct the design of the clock. People have made their own versions in Lego Technics, so I suspect it's not that hard.

    Point is, they do this genuinely marvellous thing by recreating this clock, and then just [censored] on it by something stupid like this faux-Greek lettering.

    Something else, Biver made this really idiotic comment about Hublot's history. Loosely paraphrased, he said, 'instead of Hublot being around from 18XX to today, by buildin this timepiece. we can now say that Hublot has been around from 61 BC to today'... It just screams fake and silly, not unlike their watches ;p

    - jokes on the last comment, the BB is kinda growing on me :)

  7. He literally did not know the difference between a CD and CD


    Any younger than 18 and I'll be amaze if a kid has ever gotten their music from anywhere other than torrents or iTunes... :)

    CDs to the youth are like records to 25 year olds. Mysterious, ethereal objects that they only hear about from old people... :)

  8. Your not alone, my wrists are smaller when I get up too. Towards the end of the day my bracelet is definitely tighter.

    Glad I'm not alone. If I wear the nylon NATO, it can get quite unbearable towards the end of the day. A nice leather strap has a little more give. I imagine a bracelet must get quite tight. I wonder if there's a strap system that can adapt to a user's wrist as the circumference changes throughout the day, without any user intervention. That would be pretty cool :)

  9. We are talking about watch straps here, aren't we? :)


    Another thing I have a problem with, and this is for obvious reasons far worse with bracelets than rubber/leather straps.

    On a somewhat related topic, I find that in the mornings, my wrists are considerably smaller than they are during the day. A strap that I might put on in the morning will become so tight that I might need to change the tang hole towards the end of the day. That's a change of between 6-8mm depending on the strap. Does anyone else find this? I've wondered if it's real or just my imagination, but it seems pretty constant, almost like clockwork (if you'll pardon the terrible pun :p) I figure it has something to do with fluid retention during the day.

  10. Wat44 makes a good point. If you use the CD player just as a transport and link your other digital outputs into a really good quality DAC, that's better than all your players having mediocre DACs and then amplifying the analog signal.

    Good luck ;)

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