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Posts posted by freddy333

  1. 38 minutes ago, jmb said:


    Clark's sells the correct battery. Although others may allow the watch to function, they greatly stress the circuit & will cause its premature demise. Be aware that these batteries only last about a year or so. Often, although the movement is humming, if the battery is more than a year old, it is probably due for replacement.

    Re the sticking date - the date change mechanism is similar to most other mechanical watches, so same rules for troubleshooting apply. Remove the dial & make sure the ring is in good shape, located correctly & its channel is clean. Once you have verified the date change condition, run it with the dial off. If the date changes correctly, investigate what it is contacting on the rear of the dial. If it still sticks without the dial, check the underside of the date ring & ancillary components. Once you watch it in action without the dial, it is usually pretty obvious where the problem lies.

    Back in the 1960s & early 1970s, in addition to the military, NASA used Accutron-timers in some of their instrumentation.

  2. Nice work! Are you using the proper 1.35 Volt Silver Oxide cell?


    My Accutron was a hand-me-down from my father, who received it from the watchmaker relative I referenced earlier. So I am its 2nd owner. I have had the Spaceview parts for years and originally planned to convert the watch. But due to the watch's family provenance, I decided to keep the watch as is & archive the parts, especially, since this model was used in alot of Bulova's early Accutron advertising.


  3. On 7/31/2017 at 11:40 PM, jmb said:

    I have not built for myself, or bought, a rep in years and even Frankens are getting a bit expensive for my blood.  BUT, I have recently been playing around with Bulova Accutrons and they are really starting to grow on me.  I've built up two with the Accutron 2181 movements and they are so appreciative they hum to me!  Kinda like a purring kat. ;)

    I am with you in the case of Accutrons. I have been a fan of them since they originally hit the market in the early 1960s. A relative, who was a watchmaker, owned a jewelry store back then & I remember him having to go to NYC for a 2-week Accutron training course at Bulova. He returned with a beautiful gold Spaceview that hummed when you put your ear next to it! Back then, that was the epitome of 'space age' technology & it still seems unique & cool.



    Accutron 214 back 006+2__-2_tonemapped+1.jpg

    Accutron 214 009+2__-2_tonemapped2+1.jpg


  4. This is for those who're FreeBSD Unix system admins:
    Is there a way to drop/disconnected an IP addresss on-the-fly?


    I've got an old server running FreeBSD 4.11, which, for a variety of reasons, cannot be upgraded to current kernel (long story). So, we're stuck dealing with it as-is. The server's been running without incident for ~18 years and has never suffered a breach or internal security issue. Trouble-makers are routinely added to our ipf firewall's deny list, which does a good job of keeping them away. However, this one (46.229.168... Advanced Hosters of Netherlands), although blocked at the firewall, is constantly banging on the site (currently pinging 40+ ports with variations of the core IP (e.g.,,,, et al) and they're beginning to bog-down our connection.


    Another server's running BSD 6.x, with tcpdrop, which makes dropping offending IPs like AH easy. But, unfortunately, the BSD 4.11 doesn't include tcpdrop, so I'm looking to find an alternative way of dropping IP connections.



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  5. On a new FreeBSD installation running xorg with xfce, after a fresh install, when attempting to run firefox from either root or a user account, firefox fails to start & returns this error - 'Error: GDK_BACKEND does not match available displays'.


    Obviously, a display problem of some type, but I am not clear on what to do about it?


    After extensive googling, I found a number of 'fixes' that suggest running some variation of - export DISPLAY=:0

    But FreeBSD does not have an 'export' command, so this just produces a 'command not found' error.


    Anyone know how to fix this GDK_BACKEND error for firefox on FreeBSD or Linux?

  6. Update - I did find a reference to this in Rolex in China - 'Rolex is one of the watch brands who firstly enter Chinese market in early liberation days of China. For quite a long period of time, Rolex is the only brand of watch that Chinese people can think of when they wanted to buy luxury watches. Nowadays, Rolex still enjoy the high reputation it gained in those days.'


    This quote clearly references Rolex's late 20th Century Asian marketing strategy to plant the Rolex name in the minds of the Chinese people, so that once they were free to make money & had disposable income, they would equate wealth with the Rolex brand & purchase Rolex watches. But I am still searching for some of those pics of Tienanmen Square with Rolex advertising banners.

  7. Do any of you old-timers recall seeing the photos of Tiananmen Square with Rolex banners plastered all around it?


    This is going back some 25-30 years, before the Chinese government permitted its citizens to own luxury goods (like Rolex). This was big news at the time because everyone thought Rolex, generally known for having brilliant marketing people, had lost its mind spending large amounts of money advertising to a population that was specifically prohibited from owning their goods. Of course, a couple of years later, when the government changed its mind & began permitting luxury companies to sell in China, everyone declared Rolex's marketing strategy to be a brilliant coup.


    Anyway, google used to be full of photos of the Rolex banners in Tiananmen Square, but now, after searching through google, yahoo & youtube, I am coming up empty. Not a single pic or reference.


    Anyone know of an existing photo online?

  8. 2 minutes ago, nikki6 said:

    You should be able to block that range, so when they go to the next on the list, that'll be blocked too

    The $64,000 question remains - How do I block them on a freeBSD server, when /.htaccess & pf.conf failed?

  9. 1 minute ago, nikki6 said:

    It may well be worth blocking an IP set, so any numbers within the IP range they're using are put in as permabanned on that server.

    Thanks & that may be useful in the future once I figure out how to block these 2 single IPs.

  10. 14 minutes ago, docthor said:

    "em1" is an interface and ext_if is the alias within the script for the relevant interface.

    With ipconfig you are able to find out which interface is up.

    Does this tell you if I need to reconfigure that line in pc.conf -



  11. Unfortunately, service does not appear to be installed on our server either.

    I may be grabbing at straws, but I wonder if the bolded line from post 14 in your original web link refers to a port number?


    # External
    ext_if = "em1"
    set loginterface $ext_if
    set block-policy drop


    The reason I ask is because pf.conf seems to be running, but it has no affect on these IPs. & I am not sure what "em1" is? If it is a port, how do I know it is the correct port for our server?

  12. I followed the instructions in post 14 from that 'how to block ip in freebsd' (creating a new pf.conf) & got it running, but it has no affect on these IPs. They continue processing some type of mail program.

    Any other suggestions? Or, do you know any BSD admins who would be willing to take a look? At this point, whatever it is that these miscreants are running on our server, it is slowing the server to a crawl.

  13. I do not know if this will be relevant for your experience, but the server's firewall is /etc/ipf.rules.

    The guy who setup the server configured the ipf.rules to block all logins except my local IP. So whenever I change my IP (roughly monthy), I have to edit ipf.rules to reflect this, so I can login for maintenance. Up until a few days ago, for the 20 years the server has been online, I have never seen anyone able to do what these guys are doing.


    Anyway, is there anything similar to your iptables command that will work for ipf.rules?

    5 minutes ago, docthor said:

    Just was searching for it...
    Maybe this helps...

    I think you are on to something.... I did find a pf.conf, but the commands listed on that web page are a bit too advanced for me since it has been so long since I dabbled.

    Question -

    In post 14 on that page, I am confused when the author says ' Paste this into a new copy of your '/etc/pf.conf''.

    Do you think he means to replace the original pf.conf or just copy/paste his code into the existing pf.conf?

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