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  1. All The Modern OFFICINE PANERAI/Richmont Watches Are Reps of the original Military isue Familly Company! And they could learn from some of the Projects in this comunity! But Serious, Unless Your Are A Agent-Provocateur or Thrillseeker (Remeber that scene From National Lampoon's?) I would Like to See Your 3646 Finished These PANERISTI are Anal Retentive to anything not Registered By their Club. The one thing they Can mutual Attack is Items or people who Can't afford or are smart enough not to pay A couple of Grands for A piece Of SS Swiss Chocolat! Or Are Creative enough to built there own Dreamwatch Do enjoy The Vintage Pieces Those where not made By Elliterian, Uptight, Materialistic Cultmembers!
  2. Beautifull Watch! How did You Proces The Plexi? To Give it A real Vintage Finnish it needs some Ageing Effects; Davidsen Dials Are Custom made And not like the standard MM20 Asian Reps wich Cutout numerals are to Fat. The Orange Lume Looks Good, Did You Aply this Yourself?
  3. Diving into 1 meter Deep water? Too shallow, I would not recomend it! Or Scuba Diving submerged 1 meter deep? Save yourself some money and Go snorkeling Ok serious know, I do enjoy the Clear Seas of the Adriatic & Ionian. I love the Med.
  4. Cortebért Looks stunning! The Dial agings is nice but the Numerals seem to be too close to the edge? Regards, Kees
  5. I would say Radioactive Crispy! I the past Swiss Watchmakers died becuase they used to lick the hairs of the brushes that they aplied the Radioctive Lume with!
  6. VENI VIDI VICI! I Came, I Saw, I Conquerd! Efgaristo for the lessons Veni! I loved it when You said "Bloody Screw"in You other wise Peacfull Tutorials. Green Goblin Must be The best fed Greek Cat! Here in The Netherlands Cats are usualy wel fed Like Goblin, But In Greece They usualy look Skinny. If We come Back From my Family in-law in Kerkira (Corfu) We Always have to get used to our three Cats aperience, They look so Overweight in reference to Greek Gattas, My mother in law takes care of many Stray cats and Dogs. Hope to see more (Download) Tutorials, where maybe you can explain some more on the functions of the watch and movement, and what could go wrong while messing with A movement. Jassas! Kees.
  7. Not realising that if Your Rolli/Radiomir was A Gen Sothebys would prefer Yours over his! Are You Sure that his was A Gen? How Did you remove the Strap Wire Attchments from the 3646? Kees
  8. He, He, Finally somebody Said It! 47 Milimeters Some Of the (Fine) Dealers really confused this comunity with stating that these Russian Vintage 3646 Watches are 45mm! Reps Are confusing enough allready.
  9. Great Article, Explaining in detail what happens during pressure testing..... Now could you Explain the Procedure in simple step by step for the Dummy's under us? Without Academic theory's? Ok Serious now, Noobs, Newbies, Non graduates, DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME! :cc_confused: Unless You really did understand what the Intellegent Gentleman Said! I try Again, You are NOT seriously suggesting that People would trust their Asian REPLICA of A Divers watch, After they Pressure tested It, and depending nothing less then their life (Who Cares About A Wet Replica when Youre Dead?) On It, While Scuba Diving!? I say this in Jest, and warning to the reader, not the Gentleman who posted this Intersting topic, I take him to Smart to sugest otherwise (As A Life long Free Diver myself) Oh, And I know they have Dive Computers these days, Still A certified Divers Watch is A Security Backup! Maybe You Could Pressure test Some watches from Members of this comunity? If theywould Like to take it Swimming or Snorkeling? Regards, Kees
  10. Also Look what happend to the Strap Attachment wire....?....! On the right side the welding is discoloured (Unlike the originals) and the Left Wire hole in the Case is thorn open. My conclusion, Somebody did change the strap maybe A long time ago. And did not wan't to Send it to A strap maker who could have Sewn The strap around the Wire loops, So he he pulled the Welded Attachments Out off the Case with force damaging the Case, And badly welde them back after the Strap was exhanged. Would A polar Bear enjoy the Tropics?
  11. That Gen Bezel and Backplate look like A interesting Replica Item for someone with Oswald's skills!
  12. Have you checked Out Ebay? I came across several offerings of Rubber straps and folding clasps. Just type "Panerai strap'' in the homepage search function select the box that says something like "search in text" choose 'World' instead of region and '7 Days' before auction ends.
  13. I'm new to this particular Forum, Not new to other Sites dealing with Vintage panerai Reps. I found this interesting article from September (See link) http://www.rwg.cc/members/index.php?showto...211&hl=3646 And i woundered Am i the only one to notice.....? Didn't You notice the Text; "Radiomir Panerai" on the Dial?! It is not suposed to be there, If this watch was taken from A German Kampfschwimmer! The 3646 used by the Kriegsmarine KVK Kleinst kampf verbande, Did not have any ingravings or text (Exept on the Rolex movement) Very wisely to not simply give Away the unit or Country of the wearer. We are talking about stealth Commando Operations here. The Backplate ingravings seen on most Vintage 3646 where aplied after the war! The Regia Marina, The Italian Royal Navy During the Faschist reign. Did Feature The "Radiomir Panerai" ingravings on the Dial of there 3646 Radiomirs, This is usally how You distinction A German Kampfschwimmer from A Italian Decima Mas Radiomir. So Is the Watch genuine, Is the Strap genuine? The story is suspect, and the watch strap looks like A replacement since All Photos of Kampfschwimmers show Natural undied Leather Straps or tanned by oill and Age. Not Black as used in the 1950's Marina Militare Italian Navy's watches. My Conclusion? Hard to say I read A book by A German who trained and served with The Decima and after the 1943 Armistice with the Kriegsmarine. It is not his he is still Alive. A Other German Officer observed and trained with the Decima Mas to instruct The Einzats Gruppe keller His Watch is known, With it's post-War Ingraving But Kampfschwimmer Dial! Did A Italian Die hard Decima Mas Member join in the Werewolf actions of the German counterparts? Faschist X Mas Commander Prince Valerio Borghese fought till the bitter end in Italy but he did not take part in Northwest Europe at the end of the War! On the otherhand War is A complex Chaotic mix up of hapenings, that are usally simplyfied Avant-le lettre. Would be intersting to know how A Decima MAS watch ended up in my HomeCountry! regards, Kees
  14. Illustrating that these ingravings are usually Post-War! The Kriegsmarine was to clever to to use give-away inscriptions for there Behind Enemy lines Commandos. The Kampfschwimmer Watch had no inscriptions at all (Exept on the Rolex movement)
  15. Have You got A link for that site? Thnx
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