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Posts posted by Tim

  1. Since the downfall of PP we have to use some other payment method to make purchase, however many of them is either not widely available, charging too much service fees or not too convenience. We all know that the best way to make a purchase is using Credit Card (beside cash, of course) and to my best knowledge at least 2 of the rep dealers here is accepting credit card now.

    I remember there's a debate whether we should use CC to buy rep, and I think most of our concern is can we trust the clearing agents they use.

    Like some had already mentioned there's a new kinds of credit card which allow the user to make online purchase much safer than ever before. This type of CC give you a One-Time use CC number, your actual credit card number is never revealed to the merchant, so it can't be stolen from their files. Plus, each number can only be used with a single merchant, so it will be void if someone tries to use it elsewhere.


    Oh I agree wholeheartedly. I've already used the cone-time CC number with both Andrew and Joshua. Couldn't be easier. In fact I've been a believer for a number of years. Wish all of our dealers could work with that type of payment. Would make life so much easier.


  2. Were you born with a stick up your ass, or was it acquired at some point post utero?

    Guy, I am not being elitist. All I am doing is suggesting is that you not be rude. Joining a forum with an immediate 3,000 questions is rude. Why don't you kick back and stay for a while by joining in the conversation? I am extending an invitation and not an exclusion. And with that, I am done with this conversation.


  3. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/forum

    Would you prefer it if nobody posted anything at all?

    I think you misunderstand the purpose of RWG and similar sites. This is a board for collectors, not the dealers. The collectors who get together to talk about the latest offerings and personal camaraderie. You are thinking of and treating this place like it is a sales forum for the watch dealers. Many of the dealers participate here as members, but if you continue to treat the place like this, everyone will ignore you like most of the other members are doing now. In fact, I don't know why I am bothering to try.


  4. Are these new style DJ with rolesor clasp accurate? My understanding whas hat the new style bracelet was paired with a slightly redesigned DJ case.

    You are full of questions! You ought to spend some time getting to know the people around here. How would you respond if a total stranger walked up to you and started asking you a million questions?

    You need to investigate this question a bit more. I will tell you that if you are unsure of how appropriate the new bracelet is, ask the dealer to put an old Flip-lock on the watch. They are still available and the dealer would most likely be more than happy to oblige you.


  5. ...so, now I'm offended......whatcha' gonna do about it.....get a life and get a thick skin.......?

    Hummm, treat it like you do when someone farts in public -- ignore it as best as you can while quickly exiting the area?

    Here is the point, and the reason while all the "pc" stuff is not BS. All things though can be taken too far to to the point of being ridiculous. Your blackboard example, if that really occurred somewhere, is the concept taken to an absurd extreme.

    Would you agree that there are racists in the world and that racism is a generally bad thing? What language is used by people with these beliefs? The words you list are touchstones for these beliefs. While you may not share these beliefs, using the language of people that do believe these things affirms their point of view. You are providing validation whether intended or not. Or to put it in terms a jock might understand :bleh: if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck....

    But as I said, everything can be taken to an absurd extreme. You've provided some valid examples.


  6. I used to have a Chinese restaurant in Glasgow that answered the phone "Hallo, Chinkies!" instead of "Hello, Chinese restaurant!"

    I find it difficult to believe that the Chinese community in the UK would be as offended by it as a Chinese community in the US. Like I say, it's a cultural thing. I don't use the term Chink myself, but am familiar with the word "Chinkie" as a Chinese restaurant.

    While I would not use the term on an international forum, I'm not going to get defensive over it. There are so many more things worthy of getting offended by.


    Understand that at this point this is a theoretical discussion for me, and I am not accusing you or anyone else of being a racist. (However, I do suggest that at many times various people can be culturally insensitive, like the dumba$$ Congressmen here that didn't know the difference between a Shiite and a Sunni Muslim.)

    A Chinese person calling themselves a "chink" is akin to a African American calling themselves the "n" word. They are entitled. While that happens and has a certain degree of acceptance, if you were to come here and go to just about any section of Washington DC where I live an call an individual the "n" word, you probably be hobbling to the Emergency Room.


  7. Are you in the US?

    Don't confuse what's insulting in one culture with what's insulting in another.

    Hummmm. Trying to process that sentiment.


    That would imply that a French national would be any less insulted by me calling him a frog, than you calling him a frog. (In fact, considering the history of England and France, I would think the French would be MORE insulted by you saying it but nevermind.)

    Another posibility is that perhaps it is indeed the case the the British and Americans are a people seperated by language.


    Nope, I think the term "chink" would be universally insulting in any culture.


  8. one unduly fearful of what is foreign and especially of people of foreign origin

    I hardly think so!

    Why would using an abbreviation of a country of origin indicate I am afraid of foreigners... for heavens sake


    Since we appear to be using a dictionary:

    Main Entry: Chink

    Pronunciation: 'chi[ng]k

    Function: noun or adjective

    Etymology: perhaps alteration of Chinese

    usually offensive : CHINESE

    It's that "usually offensive" bit that makes it an inappropriate term. It is equivalent to using gook to refer to a more generalized Asian. It is not simply "pc" to avoid using derogatory terms to refer to others. Exhibiting a basic respect for other humans is more appropriate. Of course, in your case narikaa, long live Britannia aye dude?

    ...you ought to know better.


  9. Snicker. From a TimeZone FAQ on Rolex watches:

    "24", the TV show, first season

    Jack Bauer, the character played by Kiefer Sutherland, wears a Submariner. The watch is a fake (or, in this case, a "prop")--it has the wrong bezel, weak Cyclops magnification, wrong date font, and other problems.

    This might be a fun thread. Many manufacturers highlight movies and shows where their watches have been spotted. Maybe we ought to start the same thing for reps!


  10. http://watchwindersworld.com/rdjms10022-wh...8362-p-900.html

    Seems to be a ladies model. Same is true of most listed in the men's section

    No, that is what a men's Datejust looks like. I have one almost exactly like it. Look at the diameter - 37mm. Compare it to the actual womens model in the "Datejust Ladies" section. The ladies model is typically 24 mm. Look at the bracelet between the two models and that should highlight the scale for you.

    Is it the size that doesn't look right or something else? Are you sure you are looking for a Datejust model instead of something like a Submariner?


  11. on dealers sites ladies models, even when they are supposed to be men's. Just checnked te site of 2 of the bigger dealers and apart from a few pics that are proper men's models the rest are ladies. Don't want to order and end up with some crappy little ladies watch.

    Provide a link to an example and why you believe it to be a ladies model. The regular dealers all clearly label the men and womens models -- although that really is an artificial distinction which in many cases simply refers to size. I know some small boned men that look much better with a smaller women's model.

  12. Bah! For a Panerai? Never in a million years for me. I can dump together an "exclusive" series of watches. What is it that makes it, or any watch, worth $100K. To me the only thing approaching that value is something made by a master watchmaker. Kind of like in Japan where they have craftsmen who are considered national treasures--potters, sword makers, calligraphers, and whatnot. Something from that level of artisan might be worth that amount to me.

    Something even touched by the Richmont Group? Like I said, never in a million years for me.


  13. Question. What is the story with RWG1 and RWG2 and the big breakup? What happened? I can probably figure it out without even knowing the story but was wondering if the history was written down somewhere.


  14. This all sounded so harsh that I had to investigate a bit more. The bum deserved what he got and more. He had actually sold some of the fakes to other members of that Bulletin Board as genuine.

    If you have a rep of a $10K+ watch, and you paid $200 for it, and you try to sell for even $400 -- that is OK in my book. Any buyer should realize that they are not going to buy a $10K watch for hundreds of dollars. If you take that $200 watch and then try to sell it for a grey market new or pre-owned price of say $3,500, that is very wrong. It is wrong to try and do that to others plain and simple. And that is what this guy did.

  15. Corgi, your love of replicas is obvious in your posts and it's refreshing but,...I was there once too man and be forwarned, replicas will let you down. I once thought I had found the Holy Grail, a shortcut to high quality time pieces, but it turns out these watches, in general, have some gaping holes in quality that will lead to annoyances and sometimes to failure. If you buy enough of them, the numbers and the percentages will flush this fact out. Once I lowered my expectations and developed a more reasoned relationship with replica watches, I had a more satisfying experience.

    I would like to refine that statement a bit more, if I have enough "creed" with a dozen purchases. It depends upon the model of rep you select as well. If you read through the forums you can generally find which models are good and which are bad. In general, any of the "asia" chronographs are going to be less than you hope for. I found if you stick with basic watch functionality (i.e. time and date) and skip the fancy stuff, you can have very good results with the products available from our dealers. So instead of that PAN with alarm bells and flashing lights, just K.I.S.S. and stick with the basic PAN manual wind Marina and it will be very nice. The DJs and DDs are very nice these days. And I've been very satisfied with the SMP--although for the life of me I can't figure out why they can't get the bezel alignment correct. About as far up on the functional ladder I would recommend going is a GMT model.

    I bought a few different asia "7750" versions and wasn't very happy with any of them, though they are all still working so far. The new 28,880 bpm 7750 were reviewed on one of the boards and they might be better. If you try those stick to the 12-9-6 natural configuration and the results are not bad.


    KISS = Keep It Simple Stupid

  16. I'm sorry, but I can' seem to find your name on the list of people who started a thread in the "Give me a free VIP membership" forum, so I guess that's why you haven't been upgraded;

    Ohhhhhhhhh..... I thought it was "started" a thread in the Forums. My bad. Guess I just need to join.

    Hey! If I join for the pre-paid 12 months will you give me one month free so I don't feel excluded?? :crazy:


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