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Posts posted by Devedander

  1. TJ but has anyone taken apart and put back together the Ingy? I was under the impression that the dial chips came from a very delicate dial print method whereby rubbing against the inside of the case could damage the black and lettering... this could be bad news for datefont fix as it would be harsh to fix the date font only to end up with a damaged dial...

  2. Home theater has always been a passion for me.

    Is that 4805? And is that a floating recessed light?

    Sadly I don't own a home so as an apartment dweller there is only so much I can do (or should bother with)...

    I just upgraded from a 4805 to an HD72 (got it for about $800 new from Overstock so couldn't resist) and now I am in the process of redoing the mount/screen to accomodate the offset and take advantage of the zoom...

  3. I'm a little ADD when it comes to hobbies. I get interested in something and am 100% about it until I feel I've achieved some level of mastery of knowledge/skills, then I move on to something else.

    This absolutely describes me and my hobbies 100%. I have shelves and drawers of things that had me literally dreaming about how to tinker/fix/learn more about them for months, then one day, died off entirely and left me moving on to something else.

    I think watches are a little more timeless than lots of my other hobbies so hopefully they will last a little longer but I am totally prepared to find out next year that my investments will remain in a box in the back of a closet somewhere for the rest of my life when the next thing comes along for me to learn.

  4. Good info!

    Interested to see what it's like when you get it.

    Glad to hear Jay is open and honest that it's not the same as what the other guys have (not to say it's worse or better and certainly not to say I would expect otherwise of him!) and I would guess that maybe our dealers are getting deeper in the game than just dropshipping for someone... they may be getting into the actual manufacturing business themselves or at least forming partnerships... reps are undoubtably good money and like any other business, it's... well it's business!

    I almost wonder if one day when Angus digs around in his suppliers drawer to see what's new it will just be him at his own desk :D

    It will be interesting to see how the economies of the world reflect themselves as a microcosm in our rep corner of the world, ie normal business practices like exculsivity contracts, partnerships and barriers to entry...

  5. Well the 45mm Ultimate PO from Josh and Andrew seems to be getting answered all around, noteably by Silix and River...

    Now if I recall correctly the ultimate was supposed to be an exclusive to Josh and Andrew... so are these new POs the same as the ultimate or are they different?

  6. To put it in perspective one of my other hobbies is RC cars... I got a CHEAP car for $220 that I drove all of 3 times and used to learn about taking apart the electronics. I think I got my value out of it... if it's going to be a hobbie you have real interest in, $350 is nothing in the big picture.

    But if you want a dial swapped or a movement regulated once or twice, best to just pay someone to do it.

  7. The anti-piracy campaign announced Wednesday will target producers and distributors of illegally copied movies, music and other goods, the official Xinhua news agency said. It follows a 100-day-long crackdown launched in July that targeted vendors.

    This might explain recent reports of the watch markets in Guangzhou being less impressive. Hopefully it's a good sign though as reprecussions should have reached our dealers by now... and I think our dealers are still going strong...

    But this upcomming olympics does make me think the time to buy is now rather than later...

  8. Well I figured Jay got some kind of deal back from his dealer or swapped in a good dial to resell and cut losses... at worst just ate the loss but at less than what he sold for so $10k at $200 is still 50 pieces... I knew they were popular but didn't realize that many went out...

    In my case I paid shipping back and he shipped the replacement with some other watches I ordered so hopefully he lost less on my replacement.

    I am very interested to see what happens when Jay gets his own manufacturing going on... he has been top notch in his service and it makes me really interested in what we would see out of a silix factory!

  9. Jay lost tens of thousands? Wow... how did he loose so much? At what I imagine price to him is he must have sold quite a few to take a hit that big...

    And I am curious about the newer dials (chrono ver) if they are the same process that might result in dial chipping... even my replacement from Jay has a few tiny spots of problems and it makes me very nervous should the movement ever have to come out for any work what would happen when it all went back together...

    I will be looking into adding some extra support to my bracelet as you recommend to be safe... rather not find out what happens if it falls. It does seem odd that so far no reports of falling off the wrist entirely have been reported...

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