And is still jealous
Have to bring some huge bags with me on my next visit
Unfortunately Tanfo got six little friends, and they can all run faster than i can...
Yupp... $650...
I ordered the one with Lemania... prefer the movement over the Asian-7750... and it's handwind what i like a lot more
But as said this version id the least similar to the gen...
It all depend on personal affectations...
Great to hear you all like the it... it's an old comparison from October 2005 made on an Siam-watch-forum... unfortunately i can't read more than 2% what's written there...
Damn thought the pics from the last Admin/Mod-meeting where Top-Secret... but luckily we had been masked... as seen only Ken had been s a dog in the manger... hanging around offended in his chair sipping some beers
Where did you get this pics Gran... don't force me to torture you... finally you'll talk... i'll promise you... i have special treatments...