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Everything posted by 2005SUBMARINER

  1. i only use western union ! dont mind the extra fee !! as long as i receive my watch ! PP SUX !
  2. The Zigmeister does this movement have a name ? is it a 7750 asia movement without the chronos ? or just asian 21j like the ones you find in the standard asian submariner? thanx for your help .
  3. thank you very much sir The Zigmeister ! dont know why the makers of this movement didnt use the same method as the eta regulating device its a breeze to regulate with the > + - screw thing on the othet hand this asian movement will be hit or miss with that type of regulating device
  4. i dont think that pams are as water tight from the factory as the submariners with the screw in crown & 3 crown / stem gaskets ..
  5. man i would love to vacation in the rep mother land of china & buy all the eta repa iv ever wanted but i could not take the long plane flight from us-china dont enjoy flying for more than 3 hours great stuff !! thanx for sharing !! did ya take any videos or pix of the mother land ?
  6. hey guys just bought a cool looking pam 090 & it comes with this type of asian movement asian movement does any one knows the proper method of regulating this type of movement ? i dont think it comes with the eta style + - to regulate .. thanx ... p.s. i think its a copy of eta's 2894 movement ..
  7. cool is there a way to regulate this movement ?
  8. hey all you need is to plug your amp thru your pc sound card & use your windows recorder to lay down your riff & it saves it in mps format ! after youv done that you then can upload your mp3 guitar shred & post the link up hear so that we can hear it heres the webpage i use to upload my guitar stuff upload your mp3 webpage heres my version of EVH euroption 2005submariner on evh euroption
  9. now that you mention it , its some kind of asian movement .. this is the pic of the movement on puals page .. asian movement
  10. hey whats the price sticker on a 090/091 gen pam ? are they more expensive than rolex ?
  11. HEY nice JP lp post some of your licks & riffs man ! would like to hear that thing crank !!
  12. man that thing has to sound sweet man ! would love to play a lil acoustic hotel california on that thing !
  13. man looks like fun PB ! im in the orlando area every june for about 8 days for vacation with the family ..
  14. im curious to see how this watch is assembled have a look at the infamous asia 7750 how well its water proofed if any .. i can take apart eta's & china rolex but never tried it on a pam \ ill do some research 1st .. p.s. the crown is a lil wobbley when you wind it but other than that its an awsome watch !
  15. hey LT if ya dont find anyone in NYC ... i would send it off to the ZIGGSTER ! YOU ONLY HAVE 1 SHOT AT this ..
  16. hey guys sorry i had to step out to buy an XMAS tree with the wife man in feeling this watch guys ! .. hey thanx for the correction pam 090 i know nothing about these dam watches ! i do know i like my pammy
  17. hey all you panerai freaks ! my 1st pam 091 from paul 3 days ! i went home for lunch today & met with my local mailman yep he had a package from the mother land china .. i hurried inside looking up & down the st , makeing sure there where no rep police in the area & man when i opened the box BAM ! huge 44mm ss 091 inside i must say im a lil shell shocked . the watch feels great despite of the 230gr weight the power reserve works so far the asian 7750 is working great ! thank GOD ! i really like this dam watch ! i took off my eta submariner & slipped on the 091 & took it to work ! many complaments already . heres some pix guys ! finaly im in the dam PAM CLUB ! p.s. i hope i dont get pam fever
  18. hey GUYS COME ON MAN POST SOME of your acoustic works here ! would love to hear those acoustic chime
  19. very true !!! hey PB we may even have a famous ROCK STAR here in the forum ........ those acoustics are sure nice looking hey GUYS COME ON MAN POST SOME of your acoustic works here ! would love to hear those acoustic chime
  20. BOTH nanug & trademarq's guitars look & must sound awsome !!
  21. staw away from bc rich platnium series they suck big time ! the bodies are made of laminated plywood .. i owned 1 in the 80's & thru it in thr garbage .. gunslinger is cool though
  22. hey PB DT sounded awsome in that vid ! reminds me a lil of rush ! DT'S drummer is awsome ! p.s hey nanug the flight of the tubabee was awsome !
  23. you know PB thers so much bands out there that i have to get into like dream T I REMEMBER WHEN they started must say that they didnt get to much radio play here in NYC ,.. but they played alot in local clubs in BROOKLYN , NYC ... i never got to see then in action but everytime they played in my area they would sell out fast ! .. one of my favorite live bands to see back in the days was ANTHRAX local boys from queens NY got to meet idian joe & took some pix but that was in the 80's i remember he was jammin on a jackson flying v ! .. another crazy band that i saw in the 80's was overkill played realy tight live not a big fan though.. iv seeing many bigtime metal bands play a lil local rock club in brooklyn called LA'MOURS .. saw one holloween nite metalica , wasp & armored saint .. saw iron maiden ext .... cool setting your right next to the stage .. oh also saw there WHITELION vito bratta was awsome ! i remember he hung out out side the club smokin & was wearing a leather vest with no t-shirt under in the middle of winter ! next day he was rushed to the hospital with numonia he's a local boy from brooklyn i believe he was a sanitation working ( garbage man )
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