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Posts posted by HaydenM

  1. Guys, the troll is well fed, he has had his daily fodder. How about we agree that he is beyond help and do not do further dealing with one who relished off of his belief that he has superior knowledge than the rest of us, even if he if saying that the media is wrong and the faceless "professionals" of the internet are right. This type of person is not going to see reason, they're simply too far into the depths of madness to be pulled out and seems far more interested in spouting their belief of delusion than the watches we so peacefully enjoy in this community.

  2. Good Morning,


    Its hardly an edifying proposition repeating his use of a silly and rather sordid term to 'explain away' so-called Govt incompetence as the answer to everything - or rather how they can't hide any imaginary fraud so silly are they. Likewise the over-used 'Occams razor' - meaningless in the context and very disrespectful to those who paid the price for all the lies and coverup let alone the crime.


    Similarly you CANNOT take Dr Wood's volume of scientific evidence Where Did The Towers Go? together with good old common sense and reason looking at all the things I list mostly in reference to her amazing work and gnore it all as irrelevant as if her highly specialist Materials Science, Physics and Interferometry Phd, Msc, Bsc and fine mind are ...worthless or misguided at best.


    As for trying to pull the 'what are your qualifications' card - that's like shouting down the victim of a stabbing demanding how can they know they were stabbed by a vicious intruder if they don't have a degree and 30 years experience in sharp objects and policing?!


    Again - another one in complete denial about the facts and evidence and preferring to pull the covers up in their cosy world for fear of what you'll find if you REALLY DARE LOOK.


    And by the way, if Physics, Chemistry and Materials 'experts' at the worlds top universities are so clever why don't they speak of their findings let alone their suspicions? I know, because I've written to dozens of them and they're either brainwashed like the 99% or scared witless of the consequences if they challenge any official narrative, that's why they don't and won't speak out. Ultimately they're cowards, and selfish ones at that - especially when remembering they have positions of great responsibility in teaching the young.


    Kind Rgds


    Comparing intricate scientific knowledge to that of whether or not somebody was stabbed is an insult to all of us who have or are studying the sciences. It is a completely different discipline to rudimentary knowledge of a stab wound and I know that you know that. If you want to make big scientific claims, you must either have evidence or have studied it, you can't just pull it out of nowhere, that isn't science.

    Occams razor is often used as it is a simple method of reasoning that states that if you are making up a convoluted means for which something is true, a far simpler reasoning is often true.

    How is it possible that the countless countless people that would be needed to keep such an act quiet would all have not said anything after all these years, how none of them would have evidence which they could sell off to the highest bidder of many nations who wish to see the US government crumble, how so many people on the planes have disappeared to not be seen again by anybody, or are all of their families simply shills?


  3. Okay, I watched several of 'his' videos including the Building7 one and if he's not a determined and vain fool he's DisInfoOps....the very people he jokes about; a double bluffer throwing out all the insults about 'conspiracy nuts' and that how anybody who doesn't follow the official narrative AND his unscientific non-explanations clearly needs help.


    Straight away its a FAIL; No Boeing 767 can fly @ 550 knots at 800 feet for all kinds of reasons but I'm not going to repeat myself here if people cannot be bothered to do some homework or even read and comprehend that point let alone the hundreds I raise directly and indirectly. Random..... Okay, explain the 1250 cars toasted on FDR Drive?! You can't, he can't - chase back and look at the other serious questions. Can't be bothered? Then you simply don't want to know, do you, stay ignorant - why should I care about someone who doesnt' care himself?


    If people WON'T look - they're saying in effect they WANT to be HAD, conned, and made fools of as their worlds are taken away from them, bit by bit. And that's why its being allowed to happen, lethargy, complacency and ignorance.


    Kind Rgds nevertheless.



    "His"? really? why the heck is the pronoun for the gender noted as such?

    What's your scientific / engineering education? You seem to have an awful lot of knowledge on the matter to be making very large claims without stating any sources.

    You have absolutely no use of "Occam's razor" type logic in your argument, because it's a lot more likely that a government that couldn't hide a semen stain could have orchestrated the use of "star wars energy weapons" (Dr Judy Wood) than terrorism occurring.

  4. JUST HOW Can so many people be sooo wrong; and I didn't even bring the subject up?! Talk-back politely and the worlds outraged masses of 'watch enthusiasts' zip into overdrive and display their complete ignorance, complacency and gullibility whilst still defending that which they can't even be bothered to check the facts and evidence over; www.drjudywood.com ; Its directly proportional to the amount of TV one watches so all those impolite yet 'outraged' zombies who don't mind that their lives and freedoms are gradually being shutdown bit by bit....just so long as they can hear their watches ticking. You ALL deserve it, you really do - and you'll lose it all too and for the children of the future. They'll be ashamed of you all..... but hey, you've got some watches to look at. All about priorities I suppose, but how easy its all being given away, amazing.


    No wonder its all gotten away with so easily, the '99%' have been dumbed-down (quaint English saying) so far they wouldn't know a bar of steel from a bar of soap ; 236 around each WTC Tower & 47 even THICKER ones in the core ... all turned largely to dust by Directed Energy Weapons for an array of reasons but not least as justification to kick off the war on terror www.drjudywood.com


    Now, we were talking about watches I believe..... or at least I was.


    I'll try another thread...see who answers.... one of the brainwashed or a gen watch enthusiast with an open mind....Jeeeesh.


    Kind Rgds

    I study chemistry, look around the world at the amount of universities that have done studies on the world trade centre collapse. 

    Though I am sure you will not take anything from this video as you'll believe that the new world order or illuminati are controlling this guy through fluoride in the water or chem trails, many others may.


    A playlist of videos of a chemist debunking the false claims made by the 9/11 "truther" movement when commenting on science incorrectly.

  5. How can somebody like this waffle on for so long. 

    If you want a fight about 9/11 do it elsewhere, don't bring it into this peaceful domain that has been set up here for the enjoyment and love of watches, not your crackpot "theories". 

    If you in fact want advice on the watches then talk about watches and nobody will give a damn about what you believe if you do not bring it up and don't respond to criticism of your delusion. 

    Now can we get back to watches? Haha

  6. Thank you all. I would not mind making one but have no equipment or tools to do so, so the initial cost is high.


    As for the ones seen in the sales area many are either not what I am looking for or they are more of a frankenwatch and have many gen parts bringing the price up quite dramatically.


    may go with the josh's sub as it is more like the original than the puretime watch and after all it's cheap. But before I pull the trigger I'll stay on the look out for a while to see if any good Tudor Subs or Tudor Snowflakes come up.


    thank you again




  7. Hey all,


    I've been looking around for a Tudor sub rep but unfortunately they all seem to be on the rather expensive side, or a DIY job. I have absolutely no skill with watches and do not associate with watch aficionados so although as near to perfection as possible is preferred, it is far from a necessity. 


    So I'm now asking anybody who knows their Tudor subs how bad these are and whether or not they could be (simply) modified to be any better.










    Thank you in advance






    p.s.  If anybody knows of any good Tudor sub reps for sale elsewhere that would also be appreciated

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