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Mike on a bike

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Posts posted by Mike on a bike

  1. PWG first off I knew what you meant as did others they just wanted you to say it clearly. I agree moving on is the course of action, now your blunt assessment a bit harsh on your fellow members. Untrue no , callus yes but I can handle that others might not be so forgiving. One thing for sure certainly not the way to endear yourself to your fellow members.

  2. Fracture, on 07 Jun 2014 - 9:08 PM, said:snapback.png

    Because there are people that don't quite get that these are reps and are expecting a perfect watch. Posting pics here and having other members point out every flaw is just a wast of the TD's time imo since he'll have to change your watch every time a minor imperfection is spotted.



    And the Seamaster logo is orange, not red.


    So it is exactly the reasons I was thinking about: newbies influenced by comments of the others and creating problems to the dealer.


    Ok ok, orange.

    Not that it's so far from red anyway...



    Guys "Because there are people that don't quite get that these are reps and are expecting a perfect watch" they will be schooled better unless glaring flaw (not present in all models of said watch) or damaged approve it, we will temper their expectations. Now if they did their reading this would not be necessary but sometimes it is. :hammer:

  3. He didn´t ask you not to post these pics in the forum?

    Toro sorry my friend he can ask but that is all he can do. We allow pics of QC here unlike other RWG this forum exist to safeguard members interest first and formost all other considerations are secondary.

    • Like 1
  4. Night watch: " And the blue Drake Borealis takes longer than a new rep (blue BB) to come out, keen on that one." as you may know have the red great watch for the money. THE SW200 on my first one that JPZ won in raffle running like one second off in three days , no idea on my replacement never checked. Whatever............ :partytime:

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