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Mike on a bike

RWG Crew
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Posts posted by Mike on a bike

  1. Not our guy Markie & did not happen here just a bit of inter-board news so neither I nor legend in charge of investigating the case.


    You know guys best to stay home here where we know each other when buying/selling, there is an upside to being  a smaller community. ;)

  2. "I have seen pics and videos of the watches both before and after shipment. 

    I had broken down the cause of each defect of the watches to the buyer, and explained that the root issues are not as disastrous as the symptoms. 

    The buyer had offered to send the watches back for fixing and not raise any pp dispute."


    Well then due diligence has been done by Legend and a fair solution has been put forth, so our buyer not listening to advice of mods at RWI and here has gone nuclear...................


    Patience, patience grasshoppers it is the key, allow those who look out for us to help you. Of course this is not the case, Oh how an easy fix or two could have averted this fiasco.

  3. 14 hours ago, markiemark said:

    I happen to know the full story. He bought 5 fully modded AP's and all 5 had problems. I've seen video's of non working watches, broken date, cloudy cyclops, loose hands...

    I told him to work it out with the modder and not to file a dispute, but he was furious and did it anyways...

    Hmm if this is true adds some color.


    You know guys it is a hard thing when not in the cat bird seat myself examining all the evidence: most do not go through the lengths we do here to hear cases, they go w/ expediency.( but considering their size I understand) Know that here both sides are in my PM box w/ at least one other mod in it to make a decision and on another note we do not set prices.


    I trust you guys to have a brain when buying or selling, we are not overrun w/ noobs to be protected nor the biggest board , better for us!

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