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Mike on a bike

RWG Crew
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Posts posted by Mike on a bike

  1. If you like we can open back up, did not want it to go down hill...................

    It is plain to see everyone's position is clear and we are not going to change each others view .  But go right ahead keep debating the nuances of what is called this and that.


  2. Gents I think we have all said our piece here so I will be locking this up shortly. As we all spend most of our free time here unlike other boards which frown upon such topics I think it good for us to talk about important matters such as this. For myself want to get a sense of what others are thinking world wide I am surely not visiting the cross section of countries that our members are from. This in no way means we can not have a similar topic again if world events present themselves but at this point beating a dead horse.

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  3. Yes 436 "plans within plans within plans" , I gather you smell disinformation in the air as do I in the current happenings. Whatever keeps the oil flowing with the least amount of interruption will be the order of the day whether that is bombing them into the stone age (for a little while, make it look good) or a massive ground offensive (not, we tried that one) or sitting tight behind perceived security that will surely be breached while sending in special ops (most likely).

  4. As always on this board which I consider the place for the senior guys (not in age but in thought process) of the rep world the discourse is kept in the bounds of civility even with disagreements on this hot button issue. Somewhere in all of our thoughts posted here is a logical path to follow.  I do not claim to know it but it lies somewhere between sending in the B-52s from Diego Garcia and laying waste the enemy and hiding behind layers of security hoping they do not slip through I'll venture. Let us hope that the world both the west and Muslim find a way to make it work between us.

  5. A very complex situation in the Muslim world with the Shiite, Sunnis internal struggle, tribal and national rivalries w/ century old axes to grind. This has proven itself to be beyond any western leader or power to remedy and to put or hope on a solution coming from within is a great leap of faith. We have found however despite the power to take the real-estate we get back to square one or an even worse sit. ala now, maybe pcardoza is on the right track. So we pull out and instead of us killing them they kill each other and let Allah sort it out, OK what could go wrong with that.....................tongue firmly implanted in cheek. So hopefully the guys 435NR knows take the day and all is well or perhaps not and we are deeper in shit than now.
    To that end let us one and all watch the video by the learned professor that Steel shared:   https://youtu.be/t_Qpy0mXg8Y?t=8

    A real can of worms we have here gents.

  6. This thread is getting a bit carried away and heading south.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    No not yet really but I'm sure it will in time, just remember to please forget political correctness NO opinion is suppressed here. The fact that some feel a fight /war is in order does nor mean the thread is going south nor does Kens stance or 435NR's mean it is either , all are entitled to there view.


    PS Oh forgot to mention Freddy333's post , love your crusader pic !

  7. "I fear people are really suggesting a war on Islam and I wonder if our children or their children will one day be studying about the start of WW111....or worse."  unfortunately yes Ken there is little other recourse being left to western civilization. Me thinks they made a grave strategic error poking the Russian bear and then hitting the French hard in short order, old feuds fade fast in the face of a common enemy.

  8. No PBR perhaps you can post across all the boards that you want it repped ala Fluffy. Sorry Fluffy could not resist, word of advice: just laugh dude it is your thing it will most likely be referenced for years when someone makes similar posts, run with it lighten up mate. Next time you see someone post I want this repped post "not going to happen not up to the Fluffy request level!" own it!

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