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Everything posted by martijnp

  1. Read the rules: http://www.rwgforum.net/topic/24786-read-our-forum-rules/ "Read up before asking! There are tons of guides, FAQs and lots of other info." and "Use the search function before posting. Chances are your question has already been answered." If you did that, you'll find this: http://www.rwgforum.net/forum/112-reviews-jos-nanajoshua/
  2. I still want to get my motor license, but my girlfriend (it's now my ex girlfriend) said I drive myself dead with those machines.. Well maybe it's time to start on that license
  3. Already told MrBoombasteke that I'm out of the order. Need to fill the current watchbox first.. So there is room for other buyers!
  4. Nice picture sgtguk! I go with the PAM104 today!
  5. I'm not voting "yes" or "no". I think you should decide this on your own. Do you need the money to fund another watch or something else? Do you wear the watch? Well keep ask yourself some questions like this and decide yourself And if you want to, post some pics from your collection.. Curious to see all those watches
  6. that lumeshot looks awesome but it's to futuristic for my taste..
  7. Wow looks great! Donerix is really the man when it comes to straps!
  8. Could you post those pics again? They don't work anymore..
  9. QC stands for Quality Control, it's normal that those pics are coming after the order he's a trusted dealer and you can place an order with confidence
  10. I'm a Apple lover so I will scream directly iPhone.. If you think the iPhone 5 is to expensive, just do a step back and take an iPhone 4S
  11. Oh didn't know that Hublot gummy croc looks so good.. Could you post (or pm me) some pics from that strap? Thanks in advance!
  12. Didn't know about the shutdown.. Is every TD (on RWG, like Joshua) able to get this watch from Noob Factorey if they release it?
  13. Thanks for the little hint Legend Hoping they build and release this watch soon
  14. I saw the sarcasm lol but thanks! Will try with a toothbrush and some water and a little soap Thanks for the comments! @Hansmeier, well that was a good night my friend.. unfortunately the hang over kicked in but it's totally worth it
  15. Looks good! Where did you get the Hublot and PAM strap?
  16. I'm very careful to all of my watches except one, the cheap Hublot Big Bang Rose Gold. Everytime I go out (to the clubs) I wear that watch because there is always beer (and other alcohol) coming all over the watch and I think it's a shame to ruin the more expensive watches. Now I want to clean that Hublot a little so it looks good again but what is the best way to clean the watch? I just smelled on the watch, and it smells like beer lol
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