My black 6263 dial luckily enough had the gen like horizontal holes underneath the coronet itself which I just broached very little believe it or not with a needle and a little bit of taping, the reason being was because the legs were just a tad bit thicker, once I broached the holes a little the coronet was able to sit right in the holes then secured with loc-tite super glue from the back of the dial, as for my albino dial, this one was tricky being that it had vertical holes underneath the coronet, I took a file to the back of the gen coronet and took the legs all the way down so they no longer exist, when I applied the coronet to the dial a used a 3M adhesive spray that acts as a glue to avoid damaging the dial, I lined up the highest point of the coronet to cover the top hole of the holes on the dial itself that way both holes would now be hidden by the new gen coronet.. Lol make sense??