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Posts posted by Aero_Dave

  1. A beauty for sure. When you say a brand new movement was that new to you? In the pics it looks like it was a bit dirty (much better after the clean and service). Was it a NOS or something?

    This was a Brand New movement. Yuki 3135 and as others have seen, its a crap-shoot on how good it will be on delivery.

    So just plan on getting a full service by someone familiar with these and you'll be good-to-go!

    Should be about another 75 minutes :pray: until the mail arrives :clap2:



  2. Yeah but don't forget the Full Service just done last year.

    If they have paperwork to prove this was done. That's

    what, another $500 probably to consider. So for $4500 and

    then you get it serviced for another $500, your at the same

    price-point. As long as the full service was done by a Rolex AD.



  3. Believe it or not, I haven't used shaving cream or soap to shave with in over 30 years.

    Take shower in the morning, step out, grab razor and just shave! That's it, nothing else!

    Learn to quick-shave in the Military and never stopped since!



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  4. Just one story in the life of a Watchaholic (GEEK)


    OK, the anticipation is killing me. But the wait is almost over! After getting all of the parts together and then waiting for the build to be completed, my new baby is finally done and in-route to me now :)

    Hopefully if everything lines-up with the stars & the moon and the mailman, tomorrow afternoon we will finally meet for the 1st time. :pray:  I feel like a kid again, who’s waiting to meet his 1st date. I expect this to be the beginning of a very long relationship together. (Man, are we a strange group or what?) Not how ‘most’ people talk about watches. :huh:  I gather over the last 10+ years or so, I’ve bought, sold and traded more than 100 gen & rep watches. During that time I still have some ‘Grails’ on my list that have just never really made it into my hands, for no real reason. One being a Gen Breitling Emergency, Wakmann Triple Date, a Gen Daytona (but I just got a nice rep 6265 finally), Gen SeaDweller 4000 and the basic Submariner 16610. Just about every other Gen Grail watch I wanted, I’ve acquired and ended up selling or trading for something else.


    Finally I decided to go down the higher-priced Franken road for a change. So I started gathering the parts needed and shipped them off to my Favorite Modder ;)  It strange how hours can feel like days, days can feel like weeks, and weeks can feel like months, etc…when you’re anticipating / waiting for that final day you two meet! I’m now in the 24 hours or less count-down and I pray Nothing holds-up the delivery of said watch.


    So here are some of the teaser pictures of the process:


    The Case – 4.jpg


    The movement and the 1st of many issues; bent seconds pinion on a brand new movement!




    Well since is so dirty and I’m spending this must on the entire project, might as well have a Full Service on the movement.




    Wow, look at those clean parts :clap2:




    Time to start the rebuild process. New Main Spring








    Movement finished :yeah:




    Getting closer to the finish line:





    TADA, its done! :throb:




    Now I just need it on my wrist to complete the ‘circle-of-life. :Jumpy:


    I can’t thank my builder enough. :hug:  He ran into many issues along to way, but with patience, his outstanding skills & knowledge, everything was fixed and came together beautifully. I hope I didn’t bug him too many times with my emails & questions along the way. When I finally get the watch on my wrist, I will give another quick photo update and a list of all of the gen parts in this build. Total cost for this project is not really important, because I got exactly what “I wanted” and the end results are outstanding. :good:




  5. I know you can save money with Asian movements, but personally I'd rather have Swiss.

    Then if it ever needs servicing down the road, parts are much easier to get and work on.

    More Swiss ETA experienced modders than Asian movement guys.

    Just my .02 cents!



  6. Why are gens so expensive...? Because they can ask for that kind of money....

    Exactly. Have you heard the news, Apple just bought Beats for 3 Billion Dollars.



    Why, because:


    Beats' profit margins in the headphone market may be substantial.

    A pair of its high-end headphones retail for as much as $450,

    but production costs across the brand run only about $14 a pair,

    according to The New York Times.



  7. I noticed that the lume dot is out of the seconds hand. Should I have it re-lumed? In some kind of weird way I kind of like it not there. I hate to have it taken apart again.



    Leave it like this, I think it does look cool!

    Nice build. I have one like this incoming soon and will post pics of it when I receive it.



  8. Smart marketing and business 101, supply and demand. Shrink/limit the supply and demand is going to go up;therefore prices go up.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    But this really doesn't do much for Rolex. Since they don't sell parts to anyone but AD's, the high priced secondary markets (ebay etc) doesn't do them anything.
  9. 1st, I was not aware that anyone, including DW, was using MM anymore. Are you sure it is a MM?

    Freddy, yes I heard from the original owner. He said yes in deed, it is a DW MM. He also said the replacement pushers are a tad too short and that's why the chrono has issues. But the movement is supposed to be running fine, or it was at least when he owned it. David built it last year by request.


  10. Thanks Freddy. Yes, I'm told by the owner it has a DW MM. I'm trying to ping the Original owner.

    I will be the 3rd owner of this watch.

    In my reading, the 7750 may fit the case, but then the dial would also need to be replaced and the crown

    and pushers will not line-up correctly.

    My understanding is, the MM has the gen spec'd sub-dial spacing, where the 7750 does not.



  11. Ok, so I have a DW 6265 with the Mystery Movement incoming. This one was supposedly built early last year by DW himself. Not sure from my research what version of his MM it has. I’ve read there may have been a V1 & V2 MM? Also I was told the pushers were upgraded to better ones, but the arms may be a little short, so running the chrono has issues.  I was told its keeping good time though. So, what can I expect with this MM and is there anyone that can or does work on these movements? Anyone have any old MM laying around that don’t’ work? I may look into trying to pick one up for spare parts.       








  12. Ok guys. Full on 80's today. Full gold Franken and my Vuarnet's from 1982. Bought in freshman of high school....



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    LOL, I had a pair of Vuarnet's like these too. Probably bought them in 1982 as well, when I lived in California.

    They were very popular out there then.


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