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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. Tee Jay, Wise words...My biggest fear is that when My Dad and I are gone from this world, that they will feel much sorrow for their behavior . It's a tough deal for sure.

    If bridges aren't rebuilt, then they will for sure. That said, that may then be what inspires them to greater deeds towards others... Maybe going out for coffee or a meal would enable things to be discussed on neutral territory, which might lead to a way forwards for all, without anyone feeling territorial :) Best of luck with it all, my friend :good::drinks:

  2. Really sorry to hear of this situation, my friend :( As mentioned above, families are funny things... Family is very important to me, it is the central theme to the bodysuit which I have planned, and every major blood relative (including inlaws, a step-cousin and my four best friends) is having an individual reference. However. I have a cousin who, despite listing myself and my wife as cousins on facebook, hides all her posts from us so we cannot see them/comment upon them... :huh: As a result, we've done likewise, and I'm happy to simply ignore her, although of course, she still gets the place in the suit, as family is Family... Equally, I have an uncle who took umbrage when I befriended one of his exes, and warned me what a toxic individual they are. While I would agree that they are a very selfish, self-indulgent and pretentious individual, I would not say they were actually 'malicious', just misguided. When he and my step-aunt then re-friended this individual, I was offended by their hypocrisy, but remained silent on the subject. For several years, my brother in law and father in law were estranged, and he and I never even spoke. More recently, bridges have been rebuilt, and while we're not best friends, I can at least say I have a brother in law, without adding "who's an asshole..." afterwards... I guess all I'm trying to say, is as hostile as your kids might be at the moment towards their granddad, in time, they will come to understand your actions. As above, maybe put them up in a motel till bridges can be rebuilt, if them being in the home would cause tension, but make it clear that you're not kicking them out, simply trying to do best for all. Whatever beefs they may have with their granddad should be conquerable, it's just a case of going about it the right way :good::drinks:

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  3. It's none of my business, I know, but why do you want (and feel you are entitled to) a refund?

    I don't think many of the TDs cover "buyer's remorse" in the T&Cs

    Fourteen days of payment received, but no acknowledgement of the progress of the transaction, ie QC pics, tracking information (and it would appear no goods received) and no communications from the dealer, is certainly sounding reasonable as to why the OP would want to cancel the order and get a refund. Communication delays are one thing when dealing with purchases from members, after all, folks have families, jobs, obligations, which can get in the way of an online deal. But for a Trusted Dealer, this is their job, and to leave a client hanging like that, it's understandable why the OP would say "Enough is enough, I'm taking my business elsewhere..." :pardon:

  4. I would send one polite email stating that you wish to cancel the order, and require a refund in full within 36 hours of receipt of the email. State that you no longer want the selected item, and that they are not to ship anything to you under any circumstances, but stipulate that if any goods have already been shipped to you (unlikely, or you would probably have been sent a tracking number) you will immediately return them in unworn condition. If you still continue to be ignored after 7 days, PM any of the admins, or mods, like FXRAndy, KB, etc, and see what they can do for you :) Fingers crossed for a happy resolution for you :good::drinks:

  5. I'm just gonna make it simple. Why fix it if it ain't broke. Should someone really lose money just to find out and tell us this site is a scam? There's nothing wrong with the TDs already present. They can supply any rep watch that you find out on the other googled rep sites asking as it exists. If the pics are too good to be true then it's most likely too good to be true.

    Like I just said "Don't fix it if it ain't broke."

    Why do you assume that an off-forum seller will be a scam? :g: In all the purchases I've made since (and before) joining this forum (maybe 40-50) I've had one, and only one, attempted scam (on iOffer) which was refunded by PP. It was a sale where I should've thought "too good to be true..." but it had enough credibility to make it worth the while... (A rep of a Tudor Tiger Chronograph. If you know of a Trusted Dealer who sells one, please send a link) The only time I dealt with a Trusted Dealer, each transaction had issues... :bangin: It's not about trying to fix something that's not broken, just makes sense to have as many options as possible for people to go to :good::drinks:

  6. Ha ha ! Thanks my coke red insert is coming this week and thats got the white pearl so consider it done ! :) as i said i ordered both harley and coke red inserts to see which i like best but this harley suits the watch just swopped the bracelet again with my 1680 bracelet which is heavier and i will order a raffles tudor shield 16mm buckle for it !

    Sounds like the icing on the cake :good::drinks:

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  7. I really don't have a dog in this fight, as I very, very seldom buy a new watch from a dealer. Probably 2-3 in the last 3 years. In the past I have bought from off site dealers with good results, but I also have visited the sites of the real scammers, and they have such a compelling story, it's hard not to get seduced. i know that when I first got into reps back in around 2004-on the old TRC, I was pretty knowledgeable about watches, but knew absolutely nothing about reps. i went to a few of the sites that were around back then, and almost pulled the trigger on a rep or two, but something wasn't clicking. One thing that made me suspicious was the "forums" they sponsored. It was pretty easy to see that the only comments that were allowed to get posted were rave reviews.No matter how good you are, how good your product is and how good your service is, there are going to be folks who aren't satisfied, and like here, they will post their negative feedback. Never saw that on any of those site forums.

    I believe that most members are well meaning in their recommendations that folks should use the trusted dealers. If you are a noob, and you don't know anything, it's probably safer to use one of these dealers, or a dealer on one of the other forums. After a member acquires a knowledge base, and is astute enough to glean through everything on a particular site, and is knowledgeable enough and comfortable with taking a chance, then I believe that it's perfectly OK to shop around. By that time hopefully the new member is reading and participating in discussions and is able to ask intelligent questions that will get an answer other than, "you need to read and research before you ask questions'" Heck, it's difficult enough buying watches in the rep world. i was in line for one of the WM9 SD's, that never came to pass, to the tune of 375.00 USD !! And while WM9 was not one of our trusted dealers, he was trusted and respected by a lot of members simply because he produced outstanding watches, and had until the "vanishing act" delivered what he promised.We have had some trusted dealers here that have gone south, some with a fair amount of member funds. Remember Eurotimez? Great watches, but couldn't keep all the balls in the air. So I'm not espousing a "party line" as I know that there are pitfalls with all the dealers, trusted or not. the difference is if one reads and does their homework, they will find enough feedback both positive and negative to at least make a fairly intelligent decision as to what they want and who they buy from. They can see lots of reviews and posts by members of watches offered by the dealers here, along with pretty candid evaluations and critiques of the watches. On the other hand all those safeguards are not available when one buys a watch from another source, unless of course the other source is selling a lot of watches to members, but is not, for whatever reason, a trusted dealer.

    Back in the old days Maria and George were pretty much the only sources for MBW watches. I don't think either of them were ever trusted dealers, but they sold a lot of very good watches to a lot of members. they and their watches got lots of comments and reviews, which were probably helpful to other members who wanted a "polex 1680"

    So what i'm trying to say in a million words or less, is the new member, who doesn't know anything at all, and doesn't know enough to even ask the right questions, would probably be safer dealing with the dealers that have been vetted by the admin and mods on the forum. When the little bird feels like he's ready to fly, then he can safely leave the confines of the forum and buy from whomever he pleases. by that time if he gets scammed, then it's sort of "Shame on me" for doing something stupid, rather than "Shame on all those RWG member"s who wouldn't help me avoid the pitfalls of a new member.

    My first rep was from one of those Scam Sites, before I even found a forum... Cost me way more than it probably would have done from a Trusted Dealer, but, it still cost less than the real thing, I got what I paid for, and I got what was advertised. I would agree about watches bought from forum Trusted Dealers having a bit more in the way of protection should there be an issue, but, issues are so few and far between, it's a bit of a redundancy, so not really the Be all End all in terms of purchasing choices... And absolutely, people are well meaning when they say "Stick to the trusted dealers..." but the point I was making, is that if people never use off-forum dealers, then those dealers never get the chance to prove themselves and become trusted (by buyers, even if not Forum Listed) It's all well and good to reject a dealer who's a known scammer, but when it's just a knee-jerk, blinkered reaction to an un-known source, the advice becomes hollow, because it's not coming from a place of knowledge on the subject... Eurotimez was indeed a disappointing scenario... They set themselves up to have better QC than the other dealers, but as you say, couldn't keep the balls in the air... :pardon::bangin:

  8. I'll check the tutorials, thanks. I looked for one earlier and didn't see anything, maybe I was looking in the wrong area.

    The QC pics had 0.0 BE.

    I ended up winding the watch for two minutes as suggested, and I unscrewed the crown until it popped, and turned it. I heard the gears winding up as you described. I set the watch down and it kept the time overnight, still going.

    Now, with these watches with the Asian automatic, must the watch be worn to keep from stopping as well?

    Yes (and the same goes for Swiss movements) You should be able to leave the watch on a desk etc for 24-36 hours before it 'runs out' and winds down :) Forget the QC pics, timing results can vary depending on what position the watch is in when the photo is taken. A watch laying on its side with crown pointing up, can show a different time when positioned crown down, or even with 12 o Clock to the top... As long as it keeps accurate time on the wrist, that's really all that matters... And as long as any gain/loss in time is consistent, that's okay, as it means the timing can be adjusted, and it should then consistently gain or lose that amount as adjusted to :good::drinks:

  9. Thanks for the suggestions. I'll try winding it.

    I unscrewed the crown until it clicked once and turned it clockwise for a good two minutes. From what I read, that's the way to do it right?

    You unscrewed the crown till it popped, but didn't pull it out a further position, did you? Did you hear/feel gears winding and a constant, mild resistance, or more of a 'flicking' sound every few rotations of the crown? When the crown releases from the tube, that is the winding position, next pull is date-setting position (even if no date window on the dial, the movement will still have a date wheel, which can be rotated beneath the dial) and the final position is time-setting position. I've never wound a watch for maybe more than 20 twists on the crown, then put it on, and that's always been enough for the watch to run smoothly (I only ever buy 21j Asian movements, never Swiss, and never had issues with them) If you look for tutorials on regulating a movement, you should find a 'how to' guide on how to tweak the timing (probably just needs moving the arm a hair's breadth to the right (will make sense when you're looking at a diagram and tutorial). If you have the necessary tools and a steady hand, it's just the work of a few minutes to tweak the adjustment arm, then replace the caseback, and leave the watch for another period of observation, before deciding if further adjustment is necessary :) The key here, is consistency. While regulating, set the watch to a digital source, and always check it over the same period of observation (an hour, two hours etc) and count the second/minute variances. I forget the minus value, but if you can get it to be running up to +7 seconds over 24 hours, that is within COSC standard (+2 seconds is easily attainable with a 21j movement, +0.2 is possible, with sufficient patience :lol: ) Best of luck :good::drinks:

  10. What really pisses me off, is that any time someone asks about an off-forum site, the peanut gallery just spouts "Stick with the trusted dealers!" like a bunch of parrots getting their tails yanked. It wouldn't be so bad if someone had personal experiences and was to say "Yes, I bought from them, and they ripped me off for $600 for a watch Josh sells for $200..." or "Yeah, I ordered from them, and never got anything..." or even "Yeah, I ordered from them, and had no problems..." Personal experiences are what this community of forums are all about, not just 'maintaining the Party line'. At the end of the day, it's a person's choice where they spend their money, and if they're happy (or not) with their purchases, that should be all that matters, not the source those purchases are coming from... By all means, if a site is a known scammer, then by all means people should say so, but saying "Yeah, Shinji-San ripped me off and never sent me my watch..." is very different, and way more constructive, than "Stick with the trusted dealers!" :bangin:

  11. I bought my first ever rep, before finding this forum, using WU and had no issues... I'm not normally one to champion the trusted dealers, but in this instance, I must say, that if someone doesn't trust the dealer enough to use WU, they have no business ordering from them. Dealers are here for a reason: Business. They aren't going to risk that opportunity, just to screw someone over for a few hundred $$s... WU + Trusted Dealers = Results all round :good::drinks:

  12. Haven't watched that movie in a while, nice pic. I always liked her, sexy biitch, always been bit of a saucy mare. You know she seems to have keep a down to earth attitude despite all the Hollywood bullshite around her....and a nice arrse.

    Shown to best effect by the SAPD uniform :tu: :tu: I know what you mean though, she definitely has a quality about her :pimp:

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  13. I was hoping for some suggestions for folks about watch boxes and cases. The other day my mother in law was doing some clearing out, and gave me an old unwanted cutlery set box, which I thought I could make some dividers for, to convert it into a nice 8 watch storage case. However, a little measuring, and I think this can easily become a 10 watch case, with space at the side for keeping spare straps and screwdrivers :tu: What I wanted advice on, was lining the case and dividers. I was initially thinking about white pleather, but also considering green baize like on a snooker table... I was going to pad the dividers before wrapping with the fabric, but wondered if people could post pics of their boxes so I could see what options I like the look of :) Thanks in advance :good::drinks:

  14. Got up to 60 watches at a moment !

    Like others, when I discovered RWG I couldn't belive what I read and saw and bought every single watch that was matching my taste.

    Then, year after year I realised that I was only wearing a few watches and that even if the other ones were still nice to look at, wearing them was not an option.

    So I sold everything includung many modified ones.

    In the end, I always wanted a Submariner and a JLC: I have both ones, genuine now and they are the one I really wear.

    The rest of the box contains mainly Rolex (1665,1680,16710 and Exporer II), all reps and all worn.

    So, no evolution here at all: Rolex is my brand not only in terms of taste but also for the ease of them. Simple to wear and size when I gain or loose weight (lost 10kg lately) ;)

    I tried almost every possible type of watch but the black dials and the ss bracelet, except to wear with a suit, are my thing and will remain for ever I guess !

    Good to see you posting, my friend, congrats on the 10kg :good::drinks:

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