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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. Ach, Chinese symbols are for teenage girls. You might as well have a dolphin leaping over it.

    I'm joking of course, not personally a fan of tattoos to be perfectly honest.

    However I have a much better suggestion for you...

    It is the word:


    In the art world, this was the name given to the artists that painted underpants over the relevant regions of nude renaissance art at the insistence of the pope. It means "Big Underpants Man". :p

    I was actually considering having a leaping Marlin done on the right abdomen, but decided against it in the end :lol:

    Well, they do call them 'body-suits' for a reason :lol::good::drinks:

  2. gosh you're serious! :D

    Totally :tu: The kanji/writing I currently have, is:

    Inner right bicep: Arabic text reading 'jihad' (meaning 'struggle/strive')

    Inner left bicep: Kanji reading 'giri' (burden of obligations) (the two arms counter-balance each other to refer that one must strive/struggle to maintain one's obligations)

    Inner right thigh: Kanji reading 'ai shimai' (translated to mean 'beloved sister')

    Inner left thigh: Kanji reading 'aniki' (Yakuza slang meaning 'street brother')

    Right ribs: Kanji reading 'Konoyo no jigoku' (literal translation of 'Hell on Earth'. Another suitable variation would have been 'ikijigoku', meaning 'living hell' )

    Left ribs: Chinese character meaning 'protect' (not sure of the specific Chinese word, only the translated meaning)

    Left shoulder-blade: Kanji which translate as 'my father/head of house' and 'scorpion'.

    Upcoming kanji, to be in a 'pearl of wisdom' held by the dragon on my back: 'Kibou' (Hope)

    Chinese character meaning 'Soup' (Courage :bangin::lol: )

    post a pic dude! :drinks:

    Once it's done, I'll be sure to post the soup :lol::good::drinks:

  3. come on mate, say you aint serious about the tattoo :lol:. which nutcase would tattoo the character for "soup" on his buttock, or anywhere on his body for that matter? :D

    I would :whistling: I'm totally serious, brother, purely in the interests of humor, of course :D You may not have known, but I have plans to have a traditional full bodysuit of Japanese tattooing done. I didn't have anything particular planned for my backside other than 'background water', but seeing that episode really made me chuckle, and I thought "Why not...?" Taking the episode as true, she just has a tattoo of a character on one buttock. That's like putting a postage stamp on a blank wall, and it would stand out a mile... I'm going to wind up with tattoos all over, so it will just blend in with the rest of the work, and it's not likely that many folks would ever see it anyway :lol: This would be what is referred to in horimono as kakushibori, which literally means 'hidden carving', and according to Wikipedia: "tattooing near the armpits, the inside of the thighs and other 'hidden' body areas. Also refers to the tattooing of hidden words, for example among the petals of flowers." I already have kanji tattooed on the insides of my thighs and near the armpits, but the idea of another 'hidden' tattoo, and with such a random meaning/significance (ie none at all :lol: ) appealed to my sense of humor :lol::good::drinks:

  4. I asked Cathy, she said the first two she has no idea what they say and she speaks traditional Chinese.

    She said the last symbol has 2 meanings Hot/Boiling water or Hot Springs.


    Thanks, amigo, and please my thanks (and additional congratulations) on to Cathy :good::drinks:

    Thinking of a nice tattoo?

    Yup :lol::bangin::whistling:

    Of "soup"? May be apt, considering the amount of hot soup TeeJay gets himself into on a daily basis. :D

    Yup, of "soup", but for the following reason...

    All the kanji I have thus far is 100% serious/accurately translated, and having seen this episode, I thought it would be quite funny to have an 'incorrect' tattoo thrown into the mix for the lols as reference to the joke (and all miss-translated Chinese and Japanese tattoos :lol: ) I was considering having the character meaning 'nothing' done, simply for the lols of if someone asked what it meant, I would have to say "Nothing...." and a rather cyclic discussion for a few moments :D But having then seen the episode, I thought that would be even more amusing :lol:

    After engaging my Chinese team on this and distracting them for 15 minutes, they came up (after much debate) with the following translations.


    Fantastic, many thank :good::drinks:

    You do realise T that you will go and get these symbols tattooed on you and then LK and Arch are going to fess up that the really say "At the end of the day this is an ugly boy" :D

    Yes LK Cathy is Chinese in China :)


    Would be a good chuckle :lol:

  5. The top one is not soup in either simplify Chinese or traditional Chinese.

    The bottom one is in simplify Chinese character.

    "湯" this is soup in traditional Chinese character.

    The character you've inserted isn't showing up on my laptop (I'll try on a PC tomorrow) but thanks for the feedback :good::drinks: Looks like it's going to be the bottom character, kinda ironic, given where it's going to be going :lol::whistling:

  6. I remember Allen's Pam :drinks:

    The thing that made me cringe, was when they went swimming, and he kept it on, that wouldn't've done the strap leather any good :bangin::lol: Also, when they're hiding from Los Fuegos in Marissa Tomei's place, his watch is giving off a noticeable glow :victory:

    As an aside, he wore a modern Daytona in Galaxy Quest B)

  7. Thanks for chiming In T. :) I agree bro....GMT's are Indeed the business. The more I see them and learn about there history....the more I like them

    The one down below was worn by Pussy Galore In Goldfinger. The first GMT Master from 1954 without CG.. :drinks:


    They do kinda grow on you :) I've always loved diver's watches, but GMTs have a nice bit of variety in color, plus the additional function of the extra hand is an added bonus :good: The 6542 really is a thing of beauty :good::drinks: I had an idea for a custom GMTII build a few years ago, but never got round to it. What with there being the Coke and Pepsi options, I was thinking about using an aftermarket black and silver insert as a Diet Coke option :lol: Hoping to have my custom build done in the near future though :good::drinks:

  8. From my understanding this GMT Root beer....I think It's referred to....Is Clints own personal watch. He purchased It around the time he started making the Dirty Harry films.

    He has worn It In several of his movies. I'm a huge Clint Eastwood fan and had no idea. I actually don't know much about these GMT's.....or Rolex's In general. Are these rare or hard to find? :g:



    I wouldn't say 'rare', but definitely 'obscure'... He wore it in Firefox as well :) Not sure if reps're available, it might be possible to build one though, bro, GMTs really are the business :good::drinks:

  9. Looking forward to my Polex! Keep your word buddy :D

    and if you ever come to Singapore, guess what I will pick you up and send you around in :lol: :lol:

    I can modify it to Polex for you, bro, unless you'd rather keep the R Word on the dial, just for the full experience of the personal joke that the PN Submariner is :lol: I'll pass through London sometime before Christmas, so I'll pick up the base watch then :victory:

    Sounds like a good plan :drive1::good::drinks:

  10. Sorry, TeeJay, but that is just wrong. These types of rumors have been surfacing for many years &, to my knowledge, there has never been any credible evidence proving that Rolex is currently assembling or producing any of their watches outside their factories in Switzerland.

    That's fair enough, I just don't have much faith in Rolex to not follow the examples of those like Hublot, so it wouldn't surprise me if they do have some parts outsourced, and have the legal clout to keep it quiet :)

    The proposed 'Swiss-Made' rule you refer to does not pertain to the majors like Patek, VC or Rolex. It is meant for those companies who source ebauches from other vendors (as opposed to manufacturing them in-house as Patek, VC & Rolex do).

    If I recall, the movements had to be entirely locally manufactured as a base requirement, but there was also an additional percentage criteria relating to the overall build as well :)

  11. I'm not certain that thte 80% rule has gone into effect. There was quite a bit of push back from some of the brands when this was proposed. I read the regulations a few months ago, but there is some vagueness to it. Especially as to what the 80% would entail. lots of price, ratios, adding up costs and plugging them into a formula to come up with the magic number. It looks to me liike some compamies could ,if they wanted, price their Chinese/foreign made components very cheap, and their Swiss parts and labor very high and get a lot more Chinese or foreign made parts into a watch and still make the 50% ratio. Possibly much more difficult if the ratio went to 80%

    It's certainly an interesting subject, but I think it's only right that they adopt that higher percentage to maintain that Swiss Made status. To be fair, branding is thus that a change in production location is unlikely to have any effect on people's appreciation of the brand itself, after all, companies like Nike outsource their goods, and people still buy them :lol:

  12. The former. To the best of my knowledge, while ancillaries like straps or springbars may sometimes be sourced (by dealers) locally, all Rolex watches are currently made in Switzerland.

    From my understanding of 'the word on the street', although the pieces of the watch are assembled in Switzerland, those component parts are being manufactured in China and then shipped to Switzerland for assembly. I saw a post a while back stating that to be considered 'Swiss Made' there had to be a certain percentage of parts either fabricated or assembled in Switzerland (movement must be entirely locally made) and then originally 50%, which I believe was then scaled up to 80% assembly to maintain the status. I'm sure that at least some of the parts are being made in China, or at least, that is certainly what I've seen people posting over the years :)

  13. I just didn't see it. I went from an Air King to the Sub and did not notice at the time. Maybe my point is, you expect perfection for £4000, on a steel watch made by Rolex. There should be no excuses, but then again, they do mass produce one million watches a year........

    That's fair enough :) I think that expectation is down to Rolex's hyped reputation for excellence, but it's interesting that they do occasionally let a 'factory seconds' slip through the net every now and again :)

  14. Umm davylloyd, is tapatalk acting up or do you have a pic of my daughter as your avatar????

    If you do, please change it.

    If not, sorry.

    I had this situation happen before years ago... The Person A has a photo titled Me uploaded direct from the PC. Person B also has a photo titled Me uploaded direct from their PC. When the browser tries to load the photos, it confuses with loading the pictures, so Person A sees their photo displayed by Person B instead of Person B's photo :bangin: Easy solution is to rename the photo :good::drinks:

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