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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. Being a newbie myself and reading that comment from a longtime member with 10.000+ posts got me really confused now. If suggesting to stick to the TDs is not good advice then what are we left with when someone asks if it's ok to buy from realswissAAAreps.com. We can't just tell them to guess or to use the force.

    I don't know if the second part of your reply was aimed at me but I made no comments regarding WU or PayPal. I actually agree with you 100%.

    No, second part was not aimed at you, or even really anyone in particular, I was just pointing out that WU may well become the only option available if dealers keep getting PP disputes launched against them. Equally, I used WU to make my first rep purchase (which was from a site which many would consider a 'scam site') and I had no issue... :whistling::pardon:

    At the end of the day, I think people need to do their research when it comes to dealer selection. While for the most part, the 'trusted dealers' are reasonably reliable, on a personal level, I find them untrustworthy and refuse to do business with them. In the last few months, there were bizarre and contradictory rumors about Factory Raids. Contradictory, in so much as people did not seem to be experiencing any delays, even though dealers were saying that there were delays... :bangin: I've never been desperate to pass a rep off as a gen, so I've always been happy with low-end stuff, and used a site called CQout, which uses a very strict feedback system, where three negative feedbacks will get a seller permabanned... I have seen this system in effect, and have total faith in it. I've seen 'trusted dealers' lie to customers, manipulate the truth, and behave in a generally untrustworthy manner, so I have no faith in them... :pardon: I think if someone comes to the forum asking about a particular site, then I don't think it hurts to give feedback on how the site appears, or if it may be worth a test purchase (unless it is obviously a scam site, or a cloned site, as you mentioned) but to simply say "stick to the TDs" isn't as good advice as it may seem :good::drinks:

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  2. Stick with the Trusted Dealers. If it ain't a TD then don't trust them.

    BTW what's the deal with newbies constantly posting URLs as a thread title lately?

    The only times I used a 'trusted dealer' (Silix) there were issues with each order. The Cartel Dealers seem to be going through a rough period in terms of reliability at the moment, so not exactly good advice... There are reliable sources outside of this forum's opinion of who is, and who is not 'trustworthy'...

    Also, RE the above comment about Dealers who only accept WU payments:

    If unreasonable douchebags keep posting PP disputes, WU will eventually be the only available payment method :whistling:

  3. I drive a nice car and have a nice house, and I am clearly considered well-off in terms of my finances (and it's not an inheritance). I can afford gens, but all my 5 of my watches are reps. Reason is simple, I love watches, and I love the brands. Homages don't work for me. I admire my watches as how you'd admire an ad for the watch.

    I never buy reps that have too obvious tells. Things like AR that are too blue, screws that are blue, the wrong markers, or a unreliable movement, are reps that I don't buy.

    I am fascinated by watchmaking, but I haven't had the time to start even exploring it. I can stare at the movement of my open-back Pam 111 all day, just watching it tick. One day, I hope I can dissemble a watch myself and assemble it back myself again.

    I've never had people call me out on my watches, because people normally assume that they can't be rep based on my lifestlye.

    When people do ask me about the price of my watches, I tell them what a gen costs.

    And if people ever ask me if the watch is a rep, i'll answer: "what do you think?" with a wink. The way I figure it, if the person can accurately tell me that it's a rep, I can have a good conversation with him/her about watches. Thing is, I've never been asked this question before.

    What I won't do is to attend AP get-togethers with AP owners, nor compare watches with a stranger with an authentic Pam. I wish I could, and I wish they'd accept me, but realistically speaking, I know I'd receive disdain and disgust rather than curiosity and friendliness.

    It's a lonely hobby, but one that I enjoy, because I can never see myself springing for a gen when I know a good rep is there. E.g. a Pam 111 is not a watch with a horological background that I would be impressed with. Whether it is a nice watch, is a totally different matter. A good patek complication, or a JLC, or an AP (not the commercial ROO trash) would be one that I would buy and invest in, and keep it within the family as a heirloom.

    So's spanking the monkey, but everyone still does it :lol:

    By the way, excellent post, welcome to the forum :good::drinks:

  4. One of the best things with gens is that you can try a type of watch for a reasonable prize. If you like it you can buy a gen if you like. I did that myself. Now I am wearing a gen two tone Sub.

    As a result of this I have asked myself what is special with a Rolex? I like the feeling and the look of it, and the knowledge of knowing it is a gen. I know, and not anybody else. But I am also a great fan of my franken SMP and plain rep UPO.

    The productions of reps are showing that the producers are having a good knowledge and are creating high quality products. What if the rep factories started to create their own brands? We all know the quality (and support) they would give to their products! I have a (gen!) Tao International. Chinese all the way. Perfect thing! But would you pay the same for this as for a rep of Breitling?

    I have not seen Tao International selling those “tribute watches” as the Gen-People call it. A tribute watch might look like a Submariner, but might has the name Seiko Submariner or something like that.

    I guess myself; I would not buy the “Tao International” Sea Wolf. Even though I know the quality is good, I know that. But one of our trusted dealers Sea Wolf; I would like that. Again; it has to do with feelings. The gen-factories has given also us the bands value and “bling value”. And we like it…

    (Guess I will go an swap to the franken SMP....)


    If they were quality and individual designs, then absolutely, such watches would be fantastic value :) I think the issue that some have with the self-branded homage watches, is that the makers are trying to claim the design as their own. Rep manufacturers might be ripping off the design entirely, but they are then replicating the design, and presenting the product as said brandname, not saying "Hey, look at this cool watch I designed myself..." :whistling:

  5. I agree with you, my tenacious bro, that some audi drivers are idiots. But idiots from this same clan exist as drivers of all car makes.. :lol:

    Oh for sure, bro, plenty of morons on the roads in all manner of vehicles, but the UK Audi drivers certainly seem the worst, and most consistently inconsiderate drivers :lol:

  6. ohhh.. now you tell me thats not allowed..I am starting to see your point now, gotta change my habits :lol:

    Nothing wrong with a three point turn if the road's clear/safe to do so etc, but this fucknut basically just spun the wheel, oblivious to the cars behind him or pedestrians, nearly reversed into a parked car, then nearly mounted the kerb, nearly taking out pedestrians (again :omg: ) when pulling out of the turn to go back the way they'd come from :bangin: The overall level of driving in my town is abysmal (I blame the inbreeding :whistling: ) but this really was a new low when it comes to the Four Ringers :lol: I'm wondering if the overall issue of the fucknuts who drive Audis, and the snobs on gen forums who own one Rolex, is because they're entry-level 'luxury products', thus enabling some asshole to think "I've made it, I'm Mr Big Potatoes!!!", so they start acting like a fucknut, and are oblivious to their douchebaggery, when really, they haven't 'made it' at all, beyond what anyone with a reasonable job/line of credit could afford :g:

  7. The most important thing I would say someone needs to consider when beginning to build a collection, is the shape they want that collection to take. What they want out of it, or for it to represent. Without this intentional structure, a person can wind up with a messy accumulation, rather than a collection... For example, someone might want to only collect diver's watches, or military watches, or watches from a particular time period, or even simply all the color variants of a particular model. It really is a case of to each his own, and what's right for me, may not be what's right for you... Here's the structure of my current collection as an example :)

    Everyday casual : Rolex GMT II

    Hot weather/Summer: Tudor 79090 on Tropic Style strap

    Suit and tie: 80s Yuppy Rolex DateJust Jubilee

    Dress Occasion: Rolex Cellini on NATO strap (to be acquired)

    Dress down Casual: Rolex 1655 on leather fat strap

    Camping: Tudor Heritage on custom webbing fat strap

    Tattooing: Custom quartz Rolex Submariner (unaffected by magnetism of tattoo machine)

    Alternate Camping/Hot weather: Tudor Snowflake on NATO Strap

    Alternate Everyday/suit and tie: Custom Tudor DateJust Presidential

    By mentally organizing my collection thus, while I may not wear a particular watch for a while, eventually, every watch will get its turn when the time is right :) As above, it really is a case of to each his own, and a matter of personal tastes and requirements :)

    Watches I would recommend for any collection:

    Rolex Submariner (Any variant prior to 2005)

    Rolex GMT Master II

    Omega Seamaster Professional 2531.80

    Omega Planet Ocean 42mm variant

    IWC 'Slevin'

    Panerai 112

  8. you're sayin', brother, that all Audi Drivers in the UK drive like they're The Stig on an Topgear episode? :lol:

    They drive like they think they're The Stig :lol: When I was walking out to meet wifey earlier, some cunt in a, yeah, I don't even need to name the kind of car it was ( :whistling: ) decided to pull a three point turn in a busy road, nearly taking out a parked car and getting pretty close to the people on the footpath :drive1: I can't deny what my eyes show me :lol:

  9. im sure your thoughts will change if you get the disposable funds

    I have to admit, I can't see it happening... The only reason I say that, is because when I first bought my EuroFakes Submariner, it was because I wasn't prepared to spend the cash on the gen, even though I could have afforded to do so... While I'm hoping that my future finances will improve and be different, I grew up, and still am, very frugal with cash, for example, I buy supermarket generic cola rather than Coca Cola or Pepsi, and habits like those, formed over a lifetime of almost always having to scrape by and make do, I suspect will be very hard, if not impossible to break... Even if money was no object, I simply don't think I'd be able to justify the cost of a gen, over a rep :pardon::good::drinks:

  10. why do you always need to find excuses to justify the purchase of reps. And how can you compare tan to a replica product. Maybe he can afford a vacation in bahamas for real tan but have no time, but you wear replica because you cant afford the real one. Dont become too obssesed with them. I hope one day you will realize why its wrong..

    But for many members here, that is simply not true: Many have collections involving both reps and gens, so 'being able to afford it' is not necessarily always the immediate reason for wearing reps :) At the moment, I can't afford to buy reps, let alone gens ( :bangin::lol: ) but having learned what I've learned here, I can't see me ever buying a rep gen, even if I had the disposable funds to do so :)

    [Edit to correct]

    Thanks for the catch, bro :good::drinks:

  11. In addition to Freddy's comment, I would suggest instead of a toothpick, pull the ink reservoir from a Bic biro, and use the open nib-end of the barrel of the pen to apply the pressure to the hour hand, so you are applying the pressure equally, rather than possibly setting the hand 'tilted' (which I've done myself in the past :bangin: ) Just the work of a few minutes to cycle the movement through 24 hours so each hand is properly aligned with regards the date change :good::drinks: Although I have read someone say if someone is sitting up at midnight just to check that the date wheel rolls over exactly at midnight, then they have bigger problems than mis-aligned hands :whistling::lol:

  12. Good. No need to spend money at that dealer or any dealer that try to pull a fast one. As teejay said.. its insulting.

    Last watch i ordered (from another td) i asked for a pic with the watch on a timegraph. I did get that pic. But only showing the timegraph.. not including the actual watch. I give up with thees edealers. I just want to find one who is 90% honest and that td will get all my future business.

    Oh dear :lol::bangin: I guess the fact you wanted to see the watch on the timegraph got lost in translation :whistling:

  13. dont encourage the noob S! :D

    I like to encourage the n00bs to think for themselves, rather than just running to the 'trusted' dealers :lol: I really do regret selling my EuroFakes Sub, I was never able to find a single 'tell' to any original photos I found online, and if someone wants that level of accuracy, I would encourage them (but they seem to be shut down :( ) Likewise, if the OP orders from RH and they come up with the goods, then it'll be nice to see a new supplier beyond the Usual Suspects :good::drinks:

  14. Go ahead and order from them and let us know :good::drinks: I would recommend EuroFakes.com, but the site seems to have been shut down... They sold what was described as 'Swiss Replicas', and although I paid about $800 for a Submariner from them 6-7 years ago, it arrived via FedEx in 3 days, and was a really nice piece, I regret selling it... :bangin:

  15. I am amazed at how some people try to pull a fast one.

    Trusted dealer? I am beginning to agree with TeeJay on their credentials. :D

    All it takes is long enough, and they continually show themselves up :whistling:

    they are two different pictures of the same watch, maybe it was an honset mistake?

    :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

    Why would someone take two different photos of the same watch under circumstances like these? Come on, there is no justifying this kind of behaviour, it's insulting the intelligence of the buyer, and as they know full well that QC pics will be posted here and scrutinized, by extension, insulting the community as well.

    And people wonder why I don't deal with Trusted Dealers... :bangin:

    I've asked for a full refund. I spent over $600 for both of the watches, the Carrera 43mm and the PAM 380. Let's hope he doesn't give me a hard time.

    Update: Josh is now telling me to expect a refund in 3 to 5 days. What the hell?!

    Disgraceful... :thumbdown: Next time you order from Josh ( :rofl::bangin: ) try telling him he'll get his money in three to five days, and see how fast you get dealt with... :whistling:

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