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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. one of my first reps...Breitling Emergency (kinda/sorta) -- from one of my trips to Singapore...and quite honestly, i can't recall the year...somewhere around 2000-2002, i think?!...

    this is one hunk of metal...but seriously, a nice darkened color brushed ss bracelet/case...the bracelet clasp has a raised wings logo, too...sunburst blue dial...

    i believe the logo is the Breitling Jet Team, but i'm not sure?!...7 jets in the logo...

    anyhow -- enjoy the pix...










    I don't know Breitlings enough to comment on accuracy, but regardless, that is one nice watch :good:

  2. A friend of my sister's came over one afternoon in late high school/early college years. She held out her wrist to show us all the new Rolex her father bought for her. He bought one for everyone in his family. I took one look at it and saw the hand ticking and told her it was a fake. She argued the point and insisted that it was real and that her father paid a lot of money for it. I guess she read my face because I realized what I had done and stopped talking. She stormed off and I later heard that she "threw the watch back in his face". She was one of the nicest people I've ever known and I think she was genuinely surprised and embarrassed that the watch was a fake. I don't know what kind of man her father was but based on the stories I heard after that point, he thought he'd get away with telling them these watches were real. That's the last time I told anyone their fake watch was a fake. All I say anymore is "nice watch" when someone shows me a rep.

    That's the kind of thing my wife's biological father would do, back when he was alive. I wouldn't want to put your friend's father in the same catagory as him, as he was a real scumbag, but yeah, it's not nice being in that kind of situation :black_eye::wounded1:

  3. When my wife raised an eyebrow about another box from China, I gently reminded her that the total amount I've ever spent on watches is exceeded by both:

    1) The cost of the single platinum and diamond anniversary band on her finger.


    2) My poker tournament winnings this Summer.

    She took the hint, she's pretty reasonable.


  4. Okay. That clears that up. :)

    Now, what's up with the rehaut on the reps? Why are they so "off?" I'm talking about the engravings not matching up at 1/4 hours.

    I read "1:1 Edition" on so many rep sites.

    I'm sure I read a while back that the inaccuracies are deliberate on the part of the factories, as a legal defence against copyright infringement, so they can argue that their product is not 100% the same as the original. Makes sense.

  5. :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    TJ .. you are a unique "personage" to say the least.. that was a cool 10 sec biography !!!!!

    the fact that you never drove a car is way cool.. helicopters are much harder than single engine airplanes.. all four limbs are doing something different.. like a motor bike.. but a little more intense.. :D

    Good luck with your PPL !!

    I still cannot find the thread that outlines the entire history of Admin and his buddies.. but for those who never read Admins interview..



    Thanks, bro :) I never drove a car, as I never actually needed to learn to drive as a form of transport, as I could always walk, walk to a train, or get a cab if need be :) I have driven go-karts, and enjoyed it, so I expect I could learn to drive a car without too much problem. With regard helicopters, as you say :D I remember hearing that if you can rub your head and pat your stomach, while making a cycling motion with your legs, then theoretically, you would have the potential coordination to learn to fly one, so I'm in good stead so far :lol:

  6. I started on the other RWG a few years back, having ordered a watch for my wife from Applewave, and eventually found my way here :)

    A bit about myself:

    I'll be 31 years old in a few weeks, and have been interested in watches most of my life. I'm married, and have been with my wife 5 years now. I converted to Islam 2 years ago, I take my faith very seriously, and although not everyone in my life was initially accepting of that, most have now got their heads round it :) I've never driven a car, and would be more interested in gaining a PPL (specifically for helicopters)than a driving license. I have five guinea pigs, and am ambidextrous :)

  7. Thats good to hear teejay. The sight I had visited was Exactreplicas. Thery are no longer around at least not by that name. There were many complants I had seen later at complantborad.com. Most people got rubbish that was DOA. Im glad that at least you got something for your money. :) Mike

    The site I ordered from was EuroFakes, and they're still about. I wouldn't say it was a scam site, as I got what I paid for (and what they advertised) but I definitely got my pants pulled down over the price :lol:

  8. The first rep that I saw was at a rep sight about ten months ago. The thing Is I could not get over how great this rep looked. It was the Omega Seamaster po chrono. I compared to the gen and It was spot on, unbelievable :shock: Then I ran Into RWG1 and they said to stay away from rep sights that show 10 10 watches. Because the gens are always shown at the time of.... thats right you guessed It 10 10. Now I know why that rep looked so real. Because It was :pardon: Im glad I had visited RWG1. Saved me a nice hunk of change. God only knows what I would have received, If anything :g: Mike

    I bought from one of the so-called scam sites once. I got exactly what was advertised, in the time-frame promised. Of course, I paid about twice as much as the same watch would likely cost from a Cartel Dealer, but never mind, as far as I'm concerned, I got what I paid for :) Never again though :lol:

  9. I'm not normally so keen on IWCs, but that's a very tasty piece :) From the name, it sounds like it should be an astronaut's watch. My one criticism, is I think a white on black datewheel, like the Planet Ocean, would have blended better with the dial... Overall though, very nice :good:

  10. This exact watch - in 1986. High School buddy's mom brought it back from a trip to HK.



    I hung onto it for posterity.

    At one point the owner of a local music store (circa 1988) wanted to trade me a Rickenbacker 4001 for it... But I told him it was fake.

    Absolutely awesome watch :) To a 'civilian', it would pass as the real thing :) To someone who 'knows the brand', it's identifiably fake... But to anyone who appreciates watches, it's fun to spot the tells, and still looks good :good::victory:

  11. Actually my family tried to convince my grandfather to press charges against anonymous but he never did because he was embarassed and I think the person he acquired those fakes from wouldn't have been deemed suitable contact for a police officer. So I don't know if the man who scammed him was ever brought to justice.


    That's a real shame your grandfather felt unable to press charges, but chances are karma settled the guy's hash for him at some point :victory: Thanks for bringing up such an interesting topic :good:

  12. I hope karma settled the hash of whoever did that to your granddad. Reps are reps, but they can still be enjoyed 'as watches'. The first time I saw a Rolex, I was about 11 years old, and a friend bought his dad's Rolex into school. It was gold, and on a presidential bracelet. I'm a bit fuzzy on if it was a DD or a DJ, but I think DD. My friend let me wear the watch during a maths lesson (We were both interested in watches at this age) but by the end of the lesson, my wrist had a rash around it where the watch had rested. I've not worn or touched gold since. I'm not sure if it was a rep or gen (it would not have surprised me if it was gen) but it was my first exposure to Rolex as a brand.

  13. I never would've expected to get such a negative response from family and friends over this hobby.

    My bills are paid, I am generally a very responsible person.

    There are so many other things I could waste a few hundred dollars on in the course of a weekend, and have nothing to show for it come Monday morning besides a nose-bleed or a sunburn and a hangover. I don't spend a fortune on clothing, I drive a moderately priced car. Does it not seem like for every desire, there is double the reason to begrudge yourself of it?

    I just don't get the negativity towards this hobby. The watches are not replacing meals on the table or the electricity bill. I've never spent much money on myself, and up until recently, it felt really nice to be able to do so.

    Do any of you go through this as well? I can't believe you all have significant others that LOVE seeing you unwrap one heavily taped package after another. Maybe I am in wealthy company here, and it's just not that much of an issue to you all.

    I wouldn't say I get it all the time, but my wife feels that the money I spend on watches could be better spent, and my father in law is just a philistine who worships the Quartz, so finds great pleasure in mocking any slight failure of a mechanical movement... (one of these days, I'm going to use a Sub as Bond did in OHMSS and see how he likes it then ;) )

    Only my mother in law understands :thumbsupsmileyanim:

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