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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. Hi TeeJay,

    Thanks for the clarification.. really appreciate it!

    I just went through the noob site and found a GMTII with Nickel plated Swiss ETA 2836-2. How does one verify it's nickel plated in the first place, and does the price premium translate to better time-keeping?

    No problem at all :) To be honest, as above, I have only had one watch which was not water-resistant 'out of the box', so as long as you make sure the case-back is closed as securely as possible, and the crown is closed down, as long as the crystal is properly seated, you shouldn't have an issue with water-resistance. Of course, it's always worth testing a watch before wearing it to a pool party, or some other kind of 'public submersion' :lol:

    With regards the movement and the plating, I have no idea how you would verify that, although to be honest, with a solid caseback, rather than a display back, as on a Panerai, the appearance of the movement itself is pretty redundant, afterall, who, other than a watchsmith, is ever going to see it :lol:

    As for time-keeping, as I mentioned in HikeUSA's thread, I've always found Asian movements perfectly reliable, and all the Asian movements I had, kept better time 'out of the box', than a Swiss movement I had...

    At the end of the day, the choice is yours :)

  2. I've only had problems with one rep not having water resistance out of the box, and that was a manufacturing flaw. I've had a chrono rep which was water resistant, taken several photos of my reps under water, and have no quarms getting any of them wet as long as: They are on an SS bracelet or Rubber strap, and have all the o-rings in place. When the plexi crystal on my vintage sub started to leak a bit, I fixed it in place with epoxy... No more leaks :good:

  3. I can only speak for myself on this subject, but personally speaking, while I think the watch looks awesome, the lack of lume on the hands would make it totally impractical to my personal requirements, compared to the hands of a Submariner, so I wonder if maybe others might feel the same, which might account for a lack of examples shown?

  4. Good thinking on the marker--I've tried to use those as the first step to fix the a's on PAMs..the black does not quite match.

    Not to be a dope, but if you're painting over white, couldn't you get an exact match using oil paints, which you can mix to match, and a fine brush which wouldn't seem any harder to use than a marker?

    I know what you mean, I've used a black marker as well, and as you say, it never quite matches :)

    You're absolutely right, it would be possible to get an exact color match with paints, but, there's no way I could achieve that level of precision with a brush. To be honest, even the marker tip is too big really, but it 'bleeds' onto the existing print quite nicely, so I can get a neater job, than I would with brush :)

  5. On one monitor here, it's too yellow. On another it's too washed out.

    I'll check it tomorrow on my calibrated monitor at work and give you a third opinion.

    Don't you have access to Pantone cards?

    Thanks for the feedback, that's interesting to know :) To the naked eye, it appears very similar to how the color appears on the watch, I just thought I'd get some clarification from those who have studied the watch more extensively than myself :)

    No, I haven't access to them. I've used online Pantone reference before, but not actually got a set of cards myself.

  6. What colour balance settings are you using? Is your monitor calibrated? What white-balance was used? What colorsync settings are you using?

    If you want to colour match anything, you'll need to use a reference colour, like a Pantone colour. You can't do it across the internet like this, I'm afraid. Just looking at the three different greens in your three photos demonstrates this ain't going to be easy.

    Just the auto settings on the camera, and with and without flash... I would say that the first photo most closely represents the color as it appears to the naked eye, how would you say that was if taking it at face value?

  7. Hi RWG-fellas,

    unfortunately I just got my second watch seized by Austrian Customs :(.

    I said to myself, calm down, stick to EU based dealers as always and everything will be ok.

    So, ordered a Pam 194 and a correct engraved He-Valve from PT.

    Bummer number two -> the factory where PT gets his watches won't produce the 194 anymore.

    Now I'm here without two new Pams, the only thing I'll going to have is a correct he-valve "How awesome" :(

    Now here is my request (thanks Oberblender for this great idea in the right moment):

    Maybe there is one Eu-member with not so strict custom laws as Austria, Germany, Italy, who will be so kind to forward me the watch?

    I'll order the watch from PWC (time4direct), as it seems he has the newest modell, best price and stock of this wonderfull watch, maybe we can share the shipping costs?

    Of course your service will be rewarded with 50$ and the additional shipping costs in EU :)

    Please help some fellow Austrian, to mod the hell out of the hopefully incoming 194.

    thanks a lot in advance


    @admins, mods: feel free to delete or move this post, if this request is inappropriate

    this is the watch we are talking about:


    I've dealt with PWC before with no issues, so I'll be happy to help you out :) Feel free to PM me if you haven't already had found someone to assist you :)

  8. +1

    He isn't a well person. I have watched too many people close to me self-destruct to suggest that somehow they deserved it - I know better.

    There is a big difference between a person who comes to a forum with the express and conscious purpose to harm or steal and the person who, because of an unwell mind, alienates even their own friends and, ultimately, ends up harming themselves even more than those around them. I lost a couple hundred bucks, but do I think Neil "ripped me off"? No, he just went down in flames and I would be happy if he just got better (in mind AND body) even if I never recovered a dime from him. At this point I wouldn't even try, it just feels petty. I am quite sure he needs it more than I do.

    The treatment he dished out to myself and others, I would consider unforgivable, but, his circumstances have settled that karmic debt, as I'm sure at some point something will settle mine. As I said before, I'm not wishing the guy ill, I'm just saying, he obviously doesn't take care of himself healthwise. I will say, that personally, I have found the forum a more pleasant place since his absence, I hope he doesn't wind up losing a foot, and I'll leave it at that, as far as I'm concerned, the debt is settled.

  9. He had a wound in one foot that he did not treat until it was very seriously infected. He had to return to the UK and the last I knew (about two months ago) it had not been decided if they could save the foot or not.

    It is unlikely he will return to the forums anyway, is what I have been told. I was one who was still waiting for a couple of watches from him but I have written them off. He left some bad blood in Thailand and it is unlikely he will be able to do business there again.

    He is a guy who has some problems, more than some, less than others, who, it is true, ended up flaking out on some people. But people love to hate (I know this all too well myself) and judge, and so he is ridiculed relentlessly and no one, that I can see, every gives him credit for the role he played in the early development of the forums and this hobby.

    How quickly people turn on their own.

    I don't deny the contributions he made, but at the end of the day, the guy was a pathetic bully, so as far as I'm concerned, he well and truly earned whatever karma is throwing his way. That's not me wishing him ill, just saying, the way he acted towards people, well, lets just say payback's a bitch... As for any medical issues, he brings it on himself. He tried claiming that he was 'going blind' through blepharitis, and that the ointments made it nearly impossible to see... Yes. That's why other suffers use the ointment at night before going to sleep, rather than first thing in the morning... Not saying he deserves to get ill, but he obviously doesn't look after himself healthwise, so has no one but himself to blame... Here's hoping he doesn't have to lose a foot.

    This was what TTK did.

    I miss the guy, but he wasn't kind to me at the end. Here are his last words to me:

    "As for being a friend....get over yourself....numpty.....and don't reference me in future...make comments about my photos or anything else regarding me....otherwise I'll really roast your arse on the forums...!"

    I still wish him well, though.


    Oh the fun of taking stuff out of context :D

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