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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. Did you try a complete reboot instead of a simple power off? Hold the home and power button for about 5-10 seconds (it will display power off option...but continue holding the buttons). The phone will then switch off and a second later you will see the apple logo. Leave the buttons at that time and let the phone come on.

    Hopefully this will help. Which firmware version are you on?

    This won't affect any data/programs on your phone.


    It's on v2.2 :)

    I had this problem with mine too Tim, its a pain in the ass, I tried with Samurai did, and it seemed to have cured it.

    I also have the latest updated firmware.

    But hey.......dont listen to me.......I'm a scammer anyway hahaha!


    Hope you get it sorted, its annoying when the whole thing is touchscreen too and that acts up!

    I think I may have to many apps on mine?

    It was weird, I did the 'hot keys' re-boot, removing the SIM, even hitting the software reset option on the phone, but, they didn't do anything, but it was the headphone jack trick which cured it... It seems to be fine now, I'm a bit wary of if it's going to become a persistent problem, as I bought the phone for business use, so it needs to be reliable, but, all I can do is wait and see how it behaves in the future :)

    How many apps have you got? I've got 71 apps installed (including factory installed), but I'm not sure if there's a limit to how many can be installed... :huh:

    That's an interesting result, but I think the first link probably sums it up best, that the phone 'forgets' which mode it's in. I'd certainly rather think that it was a software issue, rather than physical damage to the socket or headphone jack. At the moment, considering the circumstances when the phone actually did this, I'm putting it down to gremlin* interferance ;)



    Couldn't've said it any better myself :D

    * Historical excuse rather than movie versions ;)

  2. I've got to the bottom of it. Ish :lol:

    I found out that it wasn't playing music through the speakers, and the audio recorder was acting up as well. I tried putting the headphones in, and the music was fine. I pulled out the headphones, and this time, it was all working, so all I can think it, as Pugwash suggested, maybe there's an issue with the connections in the headphone jack, and it simply thought it was in 'headphone mode' rather than 'normal' mode...

    Fortunately, all I've had to do is re-organize my apps pages, rather than losing them all :lol: Fingers crossed that it was a one-off abberation, if it is a case of it having become unreliable as a phone, then I'll probably sell it 'as is', as a well-stocked iPod :)

    Thanks for the swift responses, guys :good:

  3. OKay, I'll admit up front, that my iPhone has been dropped a few times... However, this new behavior was not following any drop, it simply started acting up.

    Here's what's happening...

    The only function which is being affected, is the telephone function. I can receive calls and I can dial out, but, there is no sound of any kind at either end. I don't here the 'ringing', I can't hear any conversation, and likewise, the person on the other end can't hear anything from me either. However. Other than that, everything else is fine, and all other functions and apps are working.

    I've tried turning the phone on and off, removed and re-inserted the SIM, I've used the phones on-screen 'reset' option, which reset the settings, but did not remove any apps, yet it is still playing up. If I were to use the 'reset' function on iTunes to do a complete hard reset, would it back up my apps, or would I lose them all? My playlist, okay, I'd have to re-load the tunes, but it wouldn't be impossible... The loss of the apps concerns me, not so much because they cost money, but because, if the hard reset still does not remedy the problem, I would have wiped everything for nothing...

    Has anyone got any ideas or suggestions?

    Thanks in advance :)

  4. You gotta choose a good quality tie in the first place. Your fighting a losing battle if you start with a long tampax wrapped in so called "silk". Also make sure your tie is long enough in the first place (pre knot) Nothing worse than a 6 inch gap between the end of your tie and your belt! A good quality, very thick, raw silk tie, on a pristine quality white shirt, with polished black shoes is your best bet imo. If you get that right the rest will take care of itself.

    p.s 2 button single breast every time. Pure class.

    Absolutely :) Nothing worse than a tie which is too short :lol: I have to admit, the tie in question isn't silk, but, it still looks the business B)

  5. Yeah, I forgot - the software offshoot logo. Let me give it some thought again and I'l give you some ideas.

    And good for you regarding the job. There is nothing worse than a leader who knows it all. What we need are more leaders that only know success comes from nurturing talent and that you are only as good as your weakest link. Surrouding yourself with those who know more than you is the only way to truly achieve anything great in life. But if they aren't able to allow your own ego to step down. Half the time my right hand speaks I tell him he makes me feel stupid and then he will say something like yeah but he doesn't see the big picture of how to get it all humming and pay us off. And we really aren't blowing smoke. We both mean it and appreciate each other. They say you should respect your own intellect. and in this case, details aside, we try to operate on the level of knowing that we are each just smart enough to know we couldn't do what we do without each other, nor could we duplicate it with a substitution. I think what I'm talking about exists in all things. It reminds me of that great old line: "You see that dog over there? He's the best hunting dog I ever seen or heard about and I didn't teach him a damn thing..." The best things is life - ideas, freindships, success, etc. are never made - they just are as they should be given the components and the result of the marriage of them. Gargage in, garbage out. But if you put evolved thinking in, evolution comes out. Cool how that works. Or as Carlos Castaneda would say, "The Universe is unfolding as it should."

    No problem bro :) Just give me some ideas, and I'll see what I can come up with for you :)

    I think you're absolutely right about ego. That was my area manager's problem. He would accuse me of being arrogant, out of fear that I had a better grasp of certain aspects of the job to him. He would be forever complaining that profits were down on the previous year, or if it was a slow week, but, if I pointed out that it was a slow week because it was the week before payday, so people were obviously short on cash, you could literally hear the cogs between his ears, or, on another occasion, when I pointed out that the previous year, the country hadn't been in a recession, all he could come out with was that the country wasn't in a recession (okay, maybe not officially declared, but at the end of the day, the same thing ) and accused me of needing to get better information :o He even accused me of being arrogant, because I wouldn't let people treat me like shit, and expected people to behave with courtesy :o Any suggestions I made which would have increased profits, were flat ignored, all because, at the end of the day, his ego made him think that I was just out to make him look bad and steal his job, when in fact, all I was trying to do, was do mine, in a professional and competent way, and take an interest in the workings of the industry, so I could be more efficient at my job. I think that was ultimately what was so frustrating... Oh well, water under the bridge now :)

    It's as you say with friendships as well. Some people, it takes a while to warm to enough to have a reasonable relationship, but others, you just get on with immediately, the first time you meet them :)

  6. Cool. No stigma really on the knot, other than that the Windsor is decidedly Brittish. The in style was also wide spread collars when the knot first came into use which fit the shirt. It is also good for formals as it is really symetrical and triangular - although the half Windsor is too and a bit smaller. So with a 2-button it is right with a spread collar shirt, but if the collar is tighter you might consider a Half Instead. Depending on your build a Half Windsor and more narrow collar coupled with the 2-button suit can make you look slimmer unless you are already slim and want to go the other way a bit. Bigger knots tend to balance out flat front trousers too. So do give those points some consideration. The full Windsor can look clunky with a more narrow collar so give that the most thought as well as the build stuff and then kind of average them all together...

    Awesome :) I have to admit, I never really paid much attention to tie knots, but, since I found that list, I've noticed how much better a Windsor fills the collar area compared to smaller knots, so much so, that I now think a small knot doesn't really look 'up to the job' in a collar :)

  7. Thanks for the replies folks, I think the knot I'm thinking of, is actually the Double Windsor, but the page identified it only as a 'Windsor knot'... Aesthetically, it's the right tie for everything, I was just curious if there was some kind stigma attached to the tie, or if indeed it was just Bond's personal prejudice :lol:

    I found these for you as well TJ. Two Armani suits for illustration - one 2-buton and one 3-button. Notice how much the shape and size of knot can impact the look of a suit. These pics are from a wholesaler so the tie choices are not important - just the imagination really. A bigger knot belongs on the 2-button for balance and a thinner knot belongs on the 3-button. The small "shirt" area doesn't want to be filled with a giant knot on the 3-button - and also you can see what I mean in how all but the lankiest guy is going to look like the Pilsbury Dough Boy in that with or without the big knot. LOL. Meanwhile a skinny guy and a skinny knot in the 2-button will be ready to tour with Duran Duran so that is no good either, even though the 2-button will be more formal with the right choices. Tricky stuff sometimes all this - and you only get married once (hopefully) so you have to give it some thought...



    Thanks for the advice, bro, it's much appreciated :) The suit I'm going to be wearing is an off the rack 2 button clone of the Armani suit you've shown. Having spent on other things, I'm happy to go with a budget suit L( It's flat black, which will be going with a white shirt, with a faint pinstripe, and a deep scarlet tie. Infact, the suit and shirt are pretty much identical to these:


    And, strangely enough, that's the hairstyle I'll be going with as well ;)

  8. Oh yeah. I get all that brother for sure, but I think these things should be looked past in interviews and one should look for other information. You can use someone's demeanor as an information tool and what you find isn't usually inadequacies - Usually quite the opposite. All I'm saying is that that is kind of the problem with nice things. There is always going to be a big number of people who are going to perceive it as flash if it isn't their thing. Nothing you can do about it and so I think it is not worth worrying about.

    You're not wrong there, bro, and I totally agree with everything you said in your post above, as well. If the person's right for the job, then they're right for the job, but most important of all, they need to know that themselves and project it with confidence, not be going into an interview 'cap in hand' hoping to get lucky. If my last employed job taught me anything, it was to not doubt myself or my instincts about anything: People, industry, economic shifts, all that jazz. It also taught me not to work for inadequates. My last area manager was an ass of the heighest order. Thought he knew it all, and thought he was always right because he'd been with the company 20 years, when infact, he was always proven wrong in the end, and a classic example of someone who was in a job role they weren't actually capable of performing, but allowed to continue, as many years of service to the company had showed him to be a loyal minion. Well, that was, he was allowed to continue until his actions towards me cost the company a load of money ;) Working for myself might not be as secure as I'd like in terms of a regular paycheck, but it sure does promote a self of pride in oneself and one's job (I know, pride is considered a sin, and I'm not meaning 'pride' in a way connected to arrogance, I just mean 'pride' as in not having to work under a cloud of shame or belittlement)

    You never did PM me about your requirements for the logo design ;)

  9. OCD comes in all forms. The basic compenent of it is always a 'fear' of something. Now fear of something does not always mean you have OCD. An example would be a fear fo Clowns. But a fear of Clowns does not compel people to do certain things. They just get anxious around them.

    That's very true. I guess to that extent, it is a compulsion, but, it's not one which I must do or I start getting jittery (such as folks who have to lock and re-lock doors, or run up and down a flight of stairs three times) so I guess if it is in the OCD spectrum, it's pretty mild :)

  10. Hey TJ! That's a wicked Fiddy! Have you tried doing the plastic glue mod on the CG lever? It's pretty easy, but you need to have a plastic heat glue gun that looks like this: http://www.sears.com/shc/s/p_10153_12605_0...%26+Glue+Sticks

    What you do is remove the CG and punch out the lever, then put a drop of the heated/melted plastic on the hole on the lever and using a paper clip, push it thru the hole! Make sure you push enough of it to go thru the other side! Let it cool hard and slowly wiggle the paper clip to loosen it, using a box cutter blade, cut any excess glue around the bottom clip and pull it out gently. Once it's all out, trim any excess glue and put it back on the CG and put the metal pin thru using a watchsmith hammer, plastic side if you have that one! Viola! Tight as a Virgen!

    Good luck!


    Thanks, bro, :):good: I knew it was my favorite for a reason :lol:

    I haven't done the glue mod, as the problem wasn't so much a case of the lever pin simply being loose, it was that there simply wasn't enough pressure in its contact with the crown to always hold it in place. I had asked the watch smith to try adjusting the tube, so there was more pressure from the underside, but, he didn't do it, ( :rolleyes: ) and I remembered reading Andy's comment about filing down the feet of the CG, and that's resolved the issue :) It now locks down securely enough that it doesn't rattle about, and, another mm or so, and it will then lock down tight enough to definitely press the crown and tube closed to ensure the water resistance :lol:

  11. According to James Bond, the Windsor knot was the mark of a cad. I've heard a few people make disparaging comments about people wearing their ties with a Windsor knot, but, everything I read about being 'properly dressed' for formal situations, suggests that the Windsor knot, is the correct knot to use, and has been described thus:

    Windsor Knot

    The Windsor Knot is a thick, wide and triangular tie knot that projects confidence. It would therefore be your knot of choice for presentations, job interviews, courtroom appearances etc. It is best suited for spread collar shirts and it's actually quite easy to do.

    While just about everyone can use this tie knot to tie his tie, it looks especially well on men with longer necks as its wide form shortens the perceived height of the neck a little bit.

    What do folks think? Yes, this is something I'm planning on wearing for my wedding :lol:

  12. Fiddys back then TJ all working well?

    Indeed, it seems to be running smooth as silk :) The smith never sorted out the issue with the crown assembly as asked ( :rolleyes: ) but, I recalled you'd said about filing down the feet of the CG itself, so the lever would be tighter. I need to take another few mm off before I'll be happy to try dunk-testing it, but, at least it's stopped rattling when I wear it B):lol: I have to admit, the watch was gone so long, that when I got it back, it didn't actually feel like 'my watch' any more, and I was pretty happy with my Omegas. But, a quick strap change, a little DIY tinkering, and I think we're happily re-united :lol: I'll keep an eye on it for 24 hours to see how well it's keeping time :)

  13. I'm going with this beauty today


    Awesome photo, bro, and awesome watch, it looks great on you :good: Fantastic back-ground as well :) Frosted door glass?

    Nothing new from me, I'm still wearing the X-33 on the SMP strap B) It's funny, before fitting this strap, this watch just never appealed to me to wear it, as it felt more like a 'collection piece', but, since putting it on the strap, I'm really liking it :) So much so, that I might even spring for a gen rubber strap with the butterfly deployant in the new year. Maybe... We'll see how things go B)


  14. First, congrats...I hope that the vision and joy of the day have/will not be shaken by this awful situation.

    It sounds like you have been a pure gentleman throughout and that your karma points remain positive. I have some crazy family members and occasionally have to step back, take stock and ensure I am conducting myself at a higher level. Serenity now, rinse and repeat...

    Your feelings aside for a second, I worry about your wife. Doesnt sound like this will be one of those things thats swept under the rug. A jacka** indeed, but still a player in an event with much long-term, emotional gravity.

    You're quite right, it's not an easy thing for her, but, it is a situation that has been a long-time coming. Her biological father has always treated her like dirt, and subjected her to any number of mind-games on the occasions they did see each other. For example, we always used to go over for Boxing Day, and, although such an event should be a good family time, he would never pass up the opportunity to make some kind of sly dig at her mother, or step-father, who of course, is the man who has actually raised her and paid for her and supporter her at every turn. Of course, it would be easy to have called him out in front of his own inlaws and family, but that would do nothing, as chances are they would not believe that he could actually be such a despicable failure of a human being.

    Bearing that in mind, she's always known that the time would come where she would have to write him out of her life, the only thing which was not set, was the circumstances which would be the catalyst for the inevitable outcome...

    Indeed, I've done all I can to be whiter than white in this situation. I've always been courteous and civil towards him, even to the point of biting my tongue when I could easily have just let rip and verbally brought him down a peg or two. He likes to imagine himself as some 'master manipulator', and, to a degree, yes, he is very manipulative. However, to use chess as an analogy, his 'level' is around that of playing chequers (and not even managing to get a 'double jump' on someone ) where in order to protect my wife's interests over this issue, I've had to be like Deep Blue with the scenario :lol:

    On a positive note, her wedding ring arrived today, is a perfect fit, and looks awesome with her engagement ring :)

  15. Agree with Stephane. If you are successful and you have good taste don't hide it. If the guy interviewing you is going to be affected by your image in that way trust me, you don't want to work for him anyway. Just the tip of the iceberg. Successful men tend to frive nice cars, wear nice clothes and wear nice watches. If anyone is going to perceive you as flaunting these things simply because you dare to wear them or even talk about them if they interest you isn't worth your time. However, I am always amazed just how many people there are out there that are like that so you always have to expect it to some degree. Usually IME, people who would judge you for such a thing are unhappy with their own station in life so they try and "take the shine of others down" in order to somehow make themselves look better in judgeing you. So I say not only should you wear the GMT - wear it proudly and if you should one day have a twenty thousand dollar gen and a hundred thousand dollar car or whatever, you should wear and drive those proudly too!

    For sure, bro, but, there's a fine line between wearing something with pride, and flashing it like a poser ;) Indeed, there'll always be the inadequates out there who have to bring others down to make themselves feel bigger, but, that's still no reason to actually live up to their accusation, heck, what better way to deflate such a person than being so understated about something, all they do is draw attention to their own inadequacies ;)

  16. Just so I am clear on this one. Silix's PO has the bad markers, but the hands on Silix's PO are longer and therefore more true to gen than the shorter hands on the UPO?

    I had also heard that Silix's lug width is not the true 22mm.

    So realisticly what it seems we need is:

    UPO as a base

    Switch hands from Silix's PO to UPO

    Switch Omega logo from Silix's dial to UPO dial

    get it re-lumed, have the crystal AR'd by Cheif or K2 and then that would be an Ultimate PO save for the bezel insert.

    Other than the revision (apologies for taking the liberty, but it's the kind of information folks need to know) that's the perfect recipe for an awesome Planet Ocean :good:

  17. If I had found you guys 10 years ago I would have gladly offered my services, sadly though, with a wife, 3 little boys and a stint at "hmp" I am trying to mend my ways and show the boys a better life. Dont get me wrong, bring it to me and someone is going down ;) but i have come to realize you cant take out every idiot in life. However this guy needs dealing with imo. I think a very private, very quiet, very serious word would be in order.

    On a softer note. Why not hire the comedy boxing ring and gloves at the reception, invite him to "play" and just "accidently" knock his teeth out?


    I think that's most likely what will eventually transpire, if he ever makes the attempt to contact us in the future.

    Thanks for the input and support, it's much appreciated :)

  18. Bought this from a member here CDV.. Unfortunately have got 5 watches since this one landed and have yet not unwrapped this baby....


    That's just shocking, that watch needs immediate wrist time ;):good:

    All joking aside, those are both really nice watches, I'm sure you'll get a lot of pleasure from them :)

  19. Thanks to you both for your answers so far.

    I think I like the Orange myself. I just wanted to gauge others opinions.

    I couldn't see the difference in the Omega "feet" until looking at it over and over again and then bam, I noticed it. Now it's very visible to me. I hate how picky we can be. :p

    TJ, thanks for the explanation of the date window. It makes sense to me now.

    No problem, Darius, just glad to be of help :)

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