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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. Teejay,

    first of all it takes a lot of courage to tell this to us. And it shows how comfortable you feel amounst this community.

    I'm no psychologist but i'm sure that we have several amoungst us.

    Almost exactly 1 year ago i posted a off topic and got soem good advise from several "specialists"

    Good luck with your search for the name of your habit

    Carpe Diem


    Thanks :) To be honest, I don't see it as courage, as I don't see it as something to be afraid or ashamed of, it's just something I'm curious if it has a name :) Now, to admit that I was seriously OCD about my cutlery drawer, or go back three times to check a door is locked, or have an unhealthy attraction to garden produce, those things take courage to own up to :lol: I'm just trying to see if there's a name for this compulsion :) But yes, this is an awesome community, with more than it's fair share of medical professionals :)

    PS No, I'm not actually OCD about my cutlery drawer, attracted to garden produce or keep checking a locked door, those were just examples off the top of my head for things which someone really could feel embarrassed about revealing :lol:

  2. No, I haven't finally flipped my lid, folks, I'm just hoping a psychologist might be able to give me some help with the name of a particular phobia/compulsion.

    Let me set the scene:

    For as long as I can remember, I have felt compelled to wear identification of some kind (ID bracelets, dog-tags etc) as I have always had a dread of being unidentified, or, more precisely, being unidentifiable post-mortem. It's not a case of being worried about being 'forgotten by history', or not 'leaving my mark on the world', that doesn't bother me in the slightest, but the idea of winding up a 'John Doe' really bothers me. (Not enough that I experience any anxiety or panic, but enough that I feel compelled to wear identification) I haven't worn an ID bracelet since I was a child, but, I do wear dog-tags with my details on (as would be the case with military-issued dog-tags) This isn't a case of going for the 'military-chic' look, or wanting to look like some kind of tough guy, it is literally just a case of wanting to be identifiable, and they are the easiest means to that end.

    My question, is is there a name for this phobia/compulsion?

    Thanks in advance :)

  3. Teejay,

    i forgot to wish a very nice day and my advise enjoy it to the max because the day will be over before you even noticed it.

    Carpe Diem


    Thanks, I'm sure it will be a great day, I'll be sure to post some non-indentifying photos after the event :) (I've already seen what can happen when people post personal photos online, only to have them used for shits and giggles :lol: )

    life goes on

    in-laws are the price ya pay for a lifetime soulmate

    I pay it gladly :)

  4. Interesting story, T.

    I latched onto the big watch fashion trend early on in 2000 with my 1st Pam. But, almost immediately, I began feeling like I was wearing something out of a Dick Tracy comic book that shouted 'Hey Everyone.........Look at my BIG WATCH' every time I entered a room. So, after buying a 2nd Pam (thinking that the discomfort might have stemmed from my not having sufficient Pam-variety, which ultimately proved not to be the case), I sold both (along with my other clunker, an Audemars Royal Oak) & decided that classic-sized watches -- whether trendy or not -- are more my cup of tea (I prefer that people see me before they see my watch).

    Thanks, amigo :) The funny thing was, I never felt self-conscious about the size of the watches, or what others would think about the size of them, my issue, was literally overnight, just like a light-switch being flipped, I suddenly felt no connection to the watches. In a sense, it was the feeling one might get trying on a friend's watch: The appreciation of the watch itself is still there, but, there's always the understanding that it belongs to someone else. That's how I feel now about my PAMs (especially my 127, which spent nearly half the year in a jewellers) I can still put it on, and think "Yep, that's a nice, clear dial, nice and easy to tell the time..." it just does not feel like it's 'my watch' anymore. The Omegas, on the other hand, even the X-33 which I was never particularly fond of till I fitted a Seamaster rubber strap, just feel like 'my property'. It's not the size issue either, as I'm still happy to wear my Planet Ocean Big Size, it's just an abrupt termination of connection to the PAMs. :huh: Oh well, I've still got the watches I bought with my gran's inheritance, so I'm happy ^_^

    Great read!! I went down that route too.

    I own a UPO and a SFSO that I hardly wear as both are large and heavy for wearing while working. I really prefer my EXP II or my Sub as they sit on my wrist almost invisible.

    I've been debating on getting rid of the SFSO since I dont wear it as often as I could.

    I cant wait for April to come around for when I can get my Franken 6263 serviced and wearable!

    The SFSO is a watch I love the look of in photography, but when I tried one on, it just didn't grab me, as I felt the dial was too small in comparison to the case-size, like putting a Submariner dial in a Planet Ocean Big Size case :lol:

  5. ken, since i paid the whole thing up front is mine ready to ship? do i need to send cruzer my address? please PM me if so

    Exact same question from me as well :)

    Well, okay, I didn't pay the whole amount upfront, but I have paid the whole amount... Does Kruzer need my shipping details, or have they already been passed over?

  6. I've been away for awhile trying not to obsess to much with watches but every time I get out, it pulls me back in! I saw a Planet Ocean in an AD and decided to check on it.

    Ok, so I've been reading reviews on the UPO and I think I have narrowed my choice to Puretime. A couple of questions first.

    1. Do most here like the orange bezel over the black?

    2. I noticed in comparing Puretime to Silix that the hands on Puretime's UPO Lite seem a liitle short. Has that been fixed?

    3. Is the date font still different from the Lite to the Asian Clone 2824?

    4. Are my eyes playing tricks on me or is the date window a little too far left?

    I think that's it for right now. I appreciate the responses in advance.

    Thanks guys!

    A few quick answers, I'm hoping others will be able to fill in my blanks :)

    1. What you like is important, not what is 'the popular option' ;)

    2. Pass :lol:

    3. Pass :lol:

    4. The date window on the 45mm Planet Ocean appears further to the left than on the 42 mm Planet Ocean, because in a way, it is. The 42 and 45 both use the same movement, so the datewheel is the same distance from the center of the dial, but, due to the larger dial on the 45, it means there is 'extra dial' between the edge of the date window, and the edge of the dial, giving the impression of the datewindow on the 45 being further to the left, than on the 42 ;)

    I hope that answers a few of your questions :)

  7. If you wear it because you like it, you'll do fine, even if the guy does spot it, you can reel off what you know about Rolex, and how you collect watches (they still are a good investment).

    If you wear it to show it, glance at it a few times, fiddle with the bezel, pull your sleeve up, then you'll be taken as a wannabe.

    There are 101 reasons for having one, and if you have it for yourself, you have no problems!

    Absolutely. Those are things you simply cannot do if you want to be taken seriously. As above, there is no watch. By the time you go for the interview, it has to be a part of your arm, something you don't even consider as being there. That's the only way to pull off wearing a nice watch without looking like a wannabe ;):good:

  8. For years, my perception of rolex as bling bling so I tend not to wear it around my colleagues or job interview. As for tag or omega, yes they are reps too but I believe they're more sporty and not as screaming out like rollie. As for the field I'm in, yes it's perfectly fine to wear an expensive watch as I often meeting with high end clients or attorneys when closing a commercial real estate deal. I do have a few gen tags but they are older models. With all the super reps we have nowaday, my gen basically have been collecting dust.

    Thanks all so far

    The thing you have to bear in mind, is that it's not the cash cost of the watch which will raise eyebrows, but the fact that it has 'Rolex' on the dial ;) In the minds of the general populace, while Rolex is the luxury watch people know, it's also the watch which they know is copied, so to most folks, Rolex = Fake

    I've worn my 127 (and other PAMs) in company where people could afford to be buying the genuine article, but no one even raised an eyebrow. It could have been that they clocked them as reps, and were being polite, it could have been that they thought I'd sold a kidney and bought one, or, it could have been that they simply did not know the brand, so did not know the cash cost, therefore the question of it being 'real or fake' never even crossed their minds. For someone to call someone else out for wearing a rep shows a real lack of class and manners, but that's not to say that someone might not have such suspicions privately... The easiest way to avoid such suspicions, is to 'stay below the radar', by either wearing a watch which is in your financial reach, or, wearing a rep of a brand which is unknown out of watch enthusiast circles. Before I got into reps, I'd never even heard of Panerai or Vacheron Constantin (although I had heard of Pateks, as Eric Lustbader often writes them into his novels)

  9. the older rolex clasps with the stamped metal were quite cheesy, especially for the TT bracelets.

    but the new rolesor clasps and bracelets are great. they have gold thru the middle on the TT and the

    clasp itself is first rate.

    Indeed, those're the clasps which rather 'let the side down'. That said, with the more recent watches like the GMTIIc and the Deep Sea it looks like Rolex as a company has decided that the "if it's don't broke, then don't try to fix it..." motto isn't always the best policy, when innovations in technology allow for a better quality product, so maybe there's hope for them yet ;)

    [Edit to add]

    I'm having trouble re-fitting the stock bracelet to the X-33... The 'end links' of the bracelet are the kind which are hollow, with the wire loops inside, which the springbar passes through, and that would mean bending a springbar... However, strangely, the actual bracelet itself, composes individual sections for the outer links, inner links, and the highlight links next to the center links :)

  10. Thanks for taking the time to post such an awesome story :good:

    I think I've just made the same journey myself. After spending the past year wearing nothing but PAMs, I've found them leaving me totally cold, and I'm back wearing my Omegas. I have to admit, the GMTIIC has got my interest. If I was going to wear a Rolex, I think it would be that one, but, the visibility of the dial, compared to the Omegas, is still the deal killer for me. Not so much a case of the size, just the visibility of the indices and hands. Maybe I will pick one up at some point, but, I think for now, I'll stick with the Omegas :) Not too big, not too small, but just right :)

  11. wow, this really makes me rethink about wearing any watch. Thanks

    No problem at all :) I look at it this way: Someone making 'gestures' to 'accidentally on purpose' display a watch, will only ever be thought of as a showoff and poseur. If someone can afford a gen watch, then the cost involved, would be less significant to them, than it would be to someone who, could not necessarily afford a gen, but treats a rep with the same value and respect, so you'll find people wearing very nice and expensive watches, but treating them like a Casio, and totally unaware of it, rather than someone posturing to get the watch displayed 'just so'. I think the only way to prevent that, is to be so comfortable with the watch, that one forgets one is even wearing it. That way, any gesture which might expose the watch, will be received as being a natural gesture, rather than an affected one.

    If you rotate between several watches, then just wear that particular watch for a week or so prior to the interview, and keep it on at all times. Eventually, you'll just forget you're wearing it, and there won't be any 'showy gestures' :) If someone compliments you on the watch, just say "Thanks..." It doesn't need any more of an explanation than that :) You have to wear the watch, rather than letting it wear you. Just remember, there is no watch... ;)

  12. You know I have to say that while the PO bracelet is nice because it is curved and that part is very comfortable, it is the least comfortable overall in my box because of the shape of the case back - and while all that relief engraving looks cool it doesn't help that matter either. The watch feels better with the rubber strap, but you know, I didn't realize until just now that I actually wear it less than the others because of the comfort factor. Hmm. I have known for some time it wasn't getting as much time - now I know why...

    You're absolutely right there, the weight of the watch, and the shape of the caseback plays a huge part. Indeed, the watch does feel better on rubber, possibly because of the reduced weight, possibly because the rubber is a naturally more tactile substance than the SS bracelet. Either way, the Planet Ocean bracelet itself, is a very comfortable one, and I'd attribute that to the shape of the links, and reduced contact with the wrist, making it 'feel' like there's less contact...

    I'll try re-fitting the factory strap to my X-33, as that has the same shape links, but a flatter caseback than the Planet Ocean, that'd certainly be a better test of the comfort of the bracelet itself :)

  13. As I mentioned before, the best way to wear it, is to 'not wear it'. There is no watch. That way, any appearances from beneath cuff are entirely natural and unaffected, rather than any gestures like fiddling, shooting the cuffs, or deliberately exposing it. Zen and watches. It doesn't get much better B)

    And of course, best of luck with the interview :good:

  14. Yeah, you are both right IMO. Noel is right when he says the DJ and DD reps don't feel like the gens so much. Night and day really. And when Bytor said about reps feeling the same he was I think only talking about the flimsy Sub/GMT/EXP style bracelets that are brushed and have hollow cenetr links. The rep ones don't usually match up out of the box but with a bit of "working" and oiling you can get them close - although to someone picky it still may not be quite right.

    This is likely down to the differences in the weights and tactile qualities of the metals being used, ie Platinum rather than SS, I would think :)

    Oh, and I would for sure agree with TJ that of all the Rollies, the Sub really has the worst feel. It never felt like an expensive watch to me. Cheap and rattling and flimsy for sure.

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks that :lol:

    I always loved them though - just for different reasons.

    Indeed, I've always like how Subs look, I just wasn't impressed by how it felt... At least, not how it felt at gen price... Reduced price, then sure, that's not so bad :)

    Meanwhile, the new GMTIIc whith its poished center links, new case, and improved bracelet and clasp feels like a million bucks...

    And while the clasps on the Subs, etc. are cheap and flimsy and always have been the new rolesor clasp used on the Oysters for DJ's is anything but. On of the nicest, sturdiest and most comfortable clasps in my box. For what it is worth, the hidden snapping clasp on the President bracelets are the nuts too. That bracelet is wonderful. The weight of the precious metals and the smaller symetrical links just melts it into the wearers wrist and the clasp is both snug and esy to use. That can be an issue on the reps because the President design is meant to be heavier to feel right with the smaller links. In SS on the reps it just feels cheap and rattles to much. Which is why it is better to get a DJ rep instead with a Oyster/Rolesor clasp instead. Or a Jubilee bracelet DJ rep. The rep Jubilee is quite nice. My dad has a rep Jubi bracelet on his gen DJ and he loves it.

    I know what you're refering to there, afterall, small links allow for greater conformity to the wearer's wrist :) Although it's not quite the same principle, I find that the Planet Ocean bracelet is very comfortable, as the curves of the links, mean that it is only making contact with the wrist in at certain points, rather than total contact, like with a Sub, or even SMP bracelet... I'd be interested for your feelings on that one :)

    Of course, for sturdy clasps, I prefer the locking button release type, like on the Omega PO that TJ mentions. My UN MMD has that style too and for sheer strenghth you can't beat that design...



    Likewise. Not just the method of closure and opening, but the actual structure of the sections themselves, having more material in the sections, yet the actual height of the clasp when closed, is no greater than the height of a Sub clasp when closed... In essence, cramming more engineering and strength, into the same sized package :) That's a big :good: from me :)

    I should also add the if we had it to do again - and we do kind of because there is always more jewelry for the girls, we will never buy real stones again. The only exception is if I was really loaded and could buy her like a neckless with those raw diamonds from DeBeers or something. That place is the nuts. In which case it is just as much about the setting design as it is the stone - but in any event they have great stuff. Problem is everything in there is over a hundred grand that you would want so you have to be well heeled and prove it or they won't let you keep coming in there. I think we have worn out our welcome at the Rodeo store. The last time we stopped in there the manager all but told me that when I come back I'm going to need a black Amex and I'll have to slide it under the door so he can do a pre-auth before buzzing us in. I figure hell might freeze over before that happens so I suppose DeBeers is off the list unless I hit the lottery... :D

    That's top notch customer service there, bro :lol: I know what you mean about not wanting to buy real stones. A while back, the diamond popped out of my wife's engagement ring while she was working, and was lost to infinity. (hopefully, a cleaner found the stone and pawned it) When I first bought our engagement rings, hers was a silver ring with a 'pink stone' of somekind (probably just colored glass) but when it was cloned into Platinum, the jeweler insisted on putting a diamond in instead of a colored stone (which would've looked awesome with the grey-hue of Platinum) When the diamond was lost, we considered replacing it with a pink tourmaline, which would have cost pence, but, the jeweler (a different one that made the ring) had to obviously charge a labor cost, and, as we decided to claim on the insurance, they were only prepared to pay the full bill, if it was a like for like stone, so she wound up getting another diamond B) Had it been a case of just paying it ourselves (but after all, that's what insurances are paid for :lol: ) we would've just bought the cheaper stone and gone with that :lol:

    I went into the jewelers and confirmed the details of my wedding ring :) The company he's sourced the work to, can't put the engravings on curved Titanium, so we're compromising with a half-court ring instead. Curved on the inside, and with the same thickness at the sides, but with a flat outer surface, which will be able to take the engravings properly. I also took in some photographic reference, and he agreed that media-blasted Titanium should provide a near identical match to the engraved Naquadah of the Stargate, where Platinum wouldn't be dark enough, Stainless Steel would be the wrong color, and Tungsten would be too dark, so Titanium was the way to go :) He also agreed, that this ring should look the nuts when it's done, I think he's as keen to see it as I am :lol:

  15. Nope. you had it reversed. The CZ is in the center, the other two are of the diamond. The CZ was made to the exact same size as the original stone (just under 2ct) and is on the exact same setting which is a special vintage scroll design made by Scott Kay. The settings each have around 3/4 of a carat of small VS / G stones including one on the side. These pictures are crap of course. In person both are stunning and impossible to tell apart save for a little nick in one of the settings I can find. Otherwise even I need a loop to find it...

    Ahh, I have to admit, I thought the center one looked like the better stone, so I figured that would be the diamond :lol: I guess it just goes to show that substitutes can look every bit as good as the original :good: And with that in mind, I'm off to the jewellers to finalize the details of a faux-Naquadah ring ;)

  16. some of the geeks put down the rollies cos they're 'too small'. also they mistakenly say that the bracelets are 'flimsy'.

    i challenge anyone to handle the gen and not think that they are the most comfortable and silky feeling watch/bracelet combo.

    i even disagree with By-Tor when he says that the best reps are close to the quality and feel of the gen. they never come close to the FEEL.

    I wouldn't put Rollies down for their size, but they are too small for my personal requirements... No, the bracelets aren't flimsy, the individual links are well crafted, and yes, the bracelets are very comfortable to wear. However. The clasps of the bracelets are extremely flimsy. The comment has been made by many reviewers, and it's one that I agree with. Compare the internals of the clasp of a Sub, with the internals of the clasp of an SMP. It is obvious just from a visual inspection that the Omega clasps are sturdier than the Rolex clasps. That is not confined to the gen watches, but reps as well. Yes, Rolex clasps are functional, but, they could be better engineered, such as Omega clasps are.

    I would not disagree that Rolexes are comfortable watches, but, I feel the SMP is an equally comfortable watch.

    However, I would point out, that when I first tried on a Submariner, I was not impressed with it. It did not actually feel like a prestigious watch. It did not feel like it was worth the pricetag, and that was why I bought the rep instead. However, when I wore the rep, that actually felt like value for money. Incredibly comfortable watch, and one which I feel meets the feel of the gen I tried on, but, I would still say that the SMP feels as comfortable, and would definitely say that the Omega clasp is more sturdily constructed than the Rolex clasp ;)

  17. My fiance and I have bought A LOT of jewelry for her and set it with high quality CZ's. If you know where to find the good stuff they are equal to diamonds in every way. If there is one fault it is that they are too perfect actually. We both love that they are totally colorless. IMO, all diamonds, even included ones are the same as long as you get D or better color and a great cut. I think it is silly to pay through the nose for a flawless diamond. An S or an I which is cut perfectly and a D color is preferable to a VSS G with just an ok cut. The cut is where the sparkle comes from not how flawless it is. Inclusions can't be seen to the naked eye anyway so I have no idea why people pay through the nose not to have them. And the lack of color is the depth and what draws you in. The icing on the cake. Because of all this well cut and colored CZ's are amazing. We actually enjoy telling people some of her stuff is CZ which we have to do because we would never get called out in a million years. Even a jeweler would need a loupe and a test kit for the ones we are getting. People will tell you that all CZ's are the same as it is a perfect chemical formula but it is just not true. The quality of the raw material does matter as does how the finished product is cut, just like a diamond.

    Here are three pictures. We bought two of the same settings of her engagement ring. Some or one is a VSS/D real stone and some or one is a CZ which she wears when we travel. One cost a sh*tload of money and one didn't. LOL. Can you tell the difference. I honestly can't in person without a loupe...




    I have to admit, I can't tell the difference between them, but, if I had to guess, it would be that the top and bottom were the Zirconia.

    You have to check out the ring in the link, as the rings themselves are actually made from Zirconia ceramic, not just a ring set with a Zirconia B)

  18. Hey TJ, is this your watch? I couldn't seem to find the model number of your watch and was wondering if it just had an updated number or something now...


    Yes and no. I have a (not particularly accurate :lol: ) rep of that Seamaster, but it's not the precise one I was refering to :) That's the Co-Axial SMP which Daniel Craig wore in Casino Royale, from the beginning of the journey to Montenegro for the rest of the movie. The SMP I'm meaning, is the 2531.80, which Pierce Brosnan wore from Tomorrow Never Dies, onwards. The main visual differences, are that in the new 2220.80, the lume is surrounded by metal, as with the markers on modern Submariners, and the word 'Seamaster' is in red above the hands, where the 2531.80, it is in white, and below the hands. The other difference, is that on the 2531.80, the Omega branding is printed on the dial, but on the 2220.80, the Omega branding is in the form of metal attachments.

    Comparing the two together, while it is a pretty smart watch anyway, I think the 2220.80 is smarter, as in 'more formal' than the 2531.80, but, that's just my own thoughts on the two watches, and something I factored into my choice when it came to my 'only one watch' decision, as, while the 2531.80 can 'dress up' easily, the 2220.80 is not as easy to consider as 'casual'. :)

    [Edit to add]

    Here's a side-by-side comparison of the two I have :) (the watches are next to each other, the line is the overlap of paper, not a photo-merge, also, my 2220.80 is inaccurate as it does not have a '3' marker, and the dial brandings are printed on, rather than the correct attachments, but, there is a v2 rep available which corrects those flaws. Either way, I still think mine is a nice watch in its own right, I just feel that the 2531.80 is the more versatile of the two :) )





  19. Always a pleasure to hear your views TJ. You obviously are like me in that you enjoy giving lots of thought to the most minute of lifes decisions and details. My little nephew asked me recently what I wanted to be when I grew up. When I finished laughing at how cute that was I told him I wanted to be a professional ponderer. Giving more thought to things and as such trying to better undertstand what really inspires me is something I enjoy doing more and more as I get older. As a result, I have so much less waste and baggage both tangible and intangible in my life now than I did even a year ago.

    I'll know I have achieved nirvana when I just have one watch, one suit, 3 pairs or jeans, one pair of shorts, a bathing suit, three T-shirts, 3 button downs, a pair of sneakers, a pair of flip flops, a pair of dress shoes, room service and send out laundry - and you guessed it, I'm living in a hotel. It won't be long now. When I can "move" for a season to Newport or Tuscany or Napa with a days notice and a carry on, I'll have as much stuff as I want to own. And when I feel like a new shirt it will be just like the watch thoughts. I'll go buy one, but not until I stop at the Goodwill box on the way to the store and give away one of the others. Accumulation is just pointless IMO...

    Likewise, bro :) We have the same birthday, is it any surprise that we both ponder such minutia? ;):lol: Some things in life, I'm not fussed by, and 'good enough' will often suffice, but others, it's a case of specifics being specific to what I want, or not at all. It's like my example of the wedding ring. What I want, is an engraved Naquadah ring. That's not a possibility, so I'm going for the closest visual equivalent, so Titanium is the metal of choice. However, with regards things like the Pepsi v Coke debate, yes, I can tell the difference between the two in a blind taste test, but, at the end of the day, I'm happy to drink the generic stuff which tastes just as good, in its own unique way :)

    I have to admit, that would certainly be an awesome wardrobe, and certainly along the lines of my own stylings, in that I would be quite happy to wear the same clothes day in and day out (well, assuming they wouldn't get dirty of course :lol: ) just so I'd always be wearing what I really liked. That said, I think there's something to be said for variety, and having one thing better suited to a particular situation than another, but, then again, how efficient to just have the one thing, and know that it would be suitable for all occasions B)

    PS: What do you think of the Zirconia rings?

  20. The watch that I aspire to own is a Patek Phillipe.

    My partner and I love watches and we have a number of them. I usually get a new genuine watch in the sales after Xmas. I've done very well with large discounts on brands like Breitling and Maurice Lacroix in the past. I wanted either a Panerai, a Patek or an IWC this year. I knew they would not be discounted after Xmas, so we went looking in the big watch shops on Bond St.

    The other half told me that I would not be allowed a Patek. Apparently they had some adverts saying something along the lines of "you don't own a PP, you hold onto it for your kids". She has bought into that mesasge and has told me that "under no circumstances" will I be getting one until we have children.

    So while I'm kept awake all night, at least I'll have a nice watch to let me know what time it is...

    It might still be worth looking, as I've heard that folks have seen PAMs, not only at reduced prices, but actually being offered the 'store watch' for sale, rather than being told they could look at it, and have their name added to a waiting list ;)

    If you wanted to wind your partner up, you could treat yourself to a Patek rep, and then just wear it without saying anything, and see how long it is before she twigs that it's a new watch, and what it is ;) Of course, you'll then have the justification that as it's a rep, it's not a huge expense :)

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