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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. What really rubs me the wrong way these days is the constant harping on the most minute of flaws. I've seen very good reps absolutely panned by the membership for having the tiniest flaw. My favorite watch is still my Navitimer, a watch that I bought many years ago, and although it is far from perfect, I have never been called out on it. I have reps in my box that approach perfection (Graham Tech Seal, V1 Seamaster Chrono, etc.), but the watches that I wear the most are probably the least accurate of the lot, simply because those are the watches I love and I just don't sweat the small stuff as far as details go.

    Back in the day I used to write some pretty extensive reviews. These days its pretty hard to actually contribute anything of relevance. It seems that within hours of a watch's release the skeptics have already studied it, identified the one minor flaw, and decreed that the watch is not worth buying until that flaw is fixed. By the time any of us actually get the watch in our hands, it has been discussed to death, and their really isn't anything new to say about it. This happened when I got my V3 Skyland. I spent days writing a lengthly review, taking pics and studying gen pics. Once complete I gave it a final read and just felt disappointed that their was nothing in it that hadn't been discussed a million times in a million threads. The review never saw the light of day and I've never attempted another.

    Another shift I have seen over the years in the forums is that people seem to be less generous than in the old days. What ever happened to buying a watch, wearing it for a year, then selling it for half of what it cost you? It astounds me that people will buy a used watch from a complete stranger, take all the risk, simply to save ten or twenty dollars (sometimes not even that). In the old days there was more of a giving spirit (as seen by Ubi in this very thread) that was rampant throughout the forum. If someone posted that they'd lost or broken a part, it was generally answered fairly quickly with "I'll send you one". These days its more likely to be ignored or replied with "email Josh, he'll sell you one".

    As to what we can do to liven things up around here? Thats a more difficult question. This hobby isn't as underground as it used to be and finding quality reps is far easier than it was. Reps are in most cases 1 to 1 so building a franken is more an exercise in spending money more than a show of craftsmanship. Once elusive straps are now being produced everywhere. I think because of these factors the need for sites like ours has simply diminished. Fewer questions, fewer answers, results in slower traffic. Maybe its time to invite Neil back ;)

    Now now, things aren't that bad :lol:

    I know what you mean about reviews and whatnot, as that's something I always enjoyed doing, I think sadly, as you said, things get so discussed, that formal reviews're pretty much just rehashing of existing commentaries, and it can be difficult to come up with fresh input :unsure:

  2. OH



    :shock: :shock:

    What a hypocritical, self-obsessed moron!

    He won't wear a U-Boat because it makes him think of the war, but admits to having owned VWs in the past?? And as for buying a KKK robe WTF?!?! I wouldn't buy one of those even if I needed it for toilet paper! I think this guy needs his moral compass re-aligning... :thumbdown:

    For the record, I knew u-boat is the German word for submarine, yet seeing the brand name never once made me think of Nazism or Auschwitz... :pardon:

  3. You raise a good point Seafoam. I do find some of the negativity somewhat annoying. I remember getting super excited about a new rep I had just gotten only to have it torn to pieces by some of the WIS's here and then the allure was ruined for me.

    I think in some cases we are all a little guilty about pointing out some of the many flaws of our members reps and maybe that is somewhat counter productive. If you like the watch, then good for you. Let it make you happy as long as it can.

    On the flip side though, pointing out flaws in the watches has most likely contributed to the rep dealers pushing for better quality reps (which we have been getting lately)

    Either way, I am here for the friendships and the vast horological knowledge so I can continue what I believe is my part of the hobby - learning to work on and repair/build watches. That (along with the friendships) is my favorite part about being a member of RWG :D

    I remember reading about a guy who took a Sub he'd had for ten years in for servicing, only to be told it was a rep. I can only begin to imagine how miserable that change in perception made him :whistling:

  4. Helicopter Pilots for the only police helicopter was on vacation.

    And the boat special ops police used stopped in the middle of the ocean for 10minuts.

    Bomb was a direct plan to distract the Police but even so they should have used no more then 45minuts to arrive into the island, if only 2 regular cops that should at least been tried, you become a cop to serve the people not your own life...And you should be willing to risk your life for saving others, not use 20-30min waiting on super cops getting dressed in the armour and auto weapons.

    In Norway police don't have the same attitude as Police officers in the US, I only now Police their and Norway so cant comment on other country's, police in Norway are straight out pussies..

    More civilian people risked their life then any cop that showed up, they even ignored Police request to get into safe area so they could rescue over 250 people from the water and the outscirt of the Island.

    Spot on bro, sounds like they've got some major explaining to do <_<

  5. :thumbsupsmileyanim: :thumbsupsmileyanim: :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    Soaked everything on 100% Clorux......after 15min check, all looked good......30 mins.....the Bezel insert was well done, so I took that out.....an hour later, dial and hads looks good, so let it stay overnight........

    Next day all the paint except the Lume were floating on top!:black_eye::bicycle: The minute hand's lume got bleached a bit......oh well, another experience gained! Looks cool, though, if I may say so!

    It's an interesting result, that's for sure :drinks:

  6. I don't know if Norway has the death sentence or not, it's not something I would normally advocate.

    However there are cases such as the Bali bombers and now this guy who simply fall into a grey area where life imprisonment just doesn't meet the crime.

    To me the big danger is that this guy, if interned, can actually acquire followers or copycat murderers.


    I read an interesting perspective on the death sentence a while back from someone who believed that it was wrong for 'punishments' to be inflicted by anyone on anything for any reason. That seemed a bit :blink::bangin: to me, but their opinion on the death sentence was that it could be viewed as the ultimate way of 'isolating' a dangerous individual from society for their [society's] protection. I thought it was an interesting perspective, to say the least :unsure:

  7. police used 1,5hour to get their, that is just plain sick..I could be their from when I hear about it faster so could the police..I live 20min from Utøya so does one of the largest Police districts in Norway..

    when you now kids are being killed you dont wait on some super cops to arrive you take your glock and run into a boat and try stop it even if it takes your life in trying..

    Yeah that 1,5 hours sounds ridiculous. Did they swim there or what? I'm sure the Norwegian police will have something to explain.

    But weren't they dealing with the explosion in Oslo? Could their resources simply have been over-stretched?

  8. Yes I know.

    But I doubt kids that young have any strong political views... how could they? When you're 14 you live with your parents and don't know much about real adult life. Most of those kids have probably joined because their friends were there. Like boy scouts/girl scouts, etc. Just a hobby and place to gather.

    Edit: This is straight from the guy's "manifest". What a complete psycho indeed.

    The way I see it, he's making sure they don't develop strong left-wing political views (which is what such a political camp would no doubt engender) Think of it being like the first Terminator movie: The Terminator was preventing John Connor from defeating Skynet by attempting to ensure he was never born, or, to quote Dr. Silberman, a king of 'retrocative abortion'. Consider that in say 25/30 years time, any one of those kids there could have been the Norwegian primeminister and signed in a load of left-wing policies which go against nationalistic principles... Killing them as children prevents them from doing such a thing... It's the kind of cold (if flawed) logic I'd expect from a sociopath, I just hope that Norway has the death sentence, this guy deserves nothing less :thumbdown:

    Unfortunately it's not the religions, as all are against slaughter of innocents, but the few fanatics who pervert the words of their God.



  9. my first attempt at this turned out decent. i used an ivory enamel paint that gave it a nice rich texture and no glow. hand painted this with a fine brush


    then theres always the iodine and bake route. i used a sewing pin to make tiny indents in the marker to give it a crumbling appearance


    sadly i ve sold both of these pieces

    I really like the effect you achieved by indenting the paint, I'll have to remember to do that :good::drinks:

  10. I LOVE the idea. Would simplify things and allow me to use a watch with a somewhat "expendable dial"

    I wondwer if there are more available. Still have the lollipop hand?

    BTW your avatar, is that the Blue Mosque?


    Personally specking, I think it gives fantastic results for dials :) The only person who would know if there are still some decals available, would be the creator, Slartibartfast, but sadly, he's not posted in a while :( I do still have the hand, but am waiting on Blix to confirm if they want it :) Yes, it is the King Abdullah II mosque, I came across the pic one day on google, and really liked it :)

  11. Better hurry TJ, I'm guessing Ubi just got 50 PM's. :D


    PMs have been sent :lol: Such a gesture really meant a lot to me, and totally brings home just what a truly awesome community this forum has :) On the subject of PMs, any time you're free to email me that other thing you mentioned a while back, I'll take care of it for you :)

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