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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. You contradict yourself and prove the very point I was about to make: Rules about case diameters are silly because they ignore CONTEXT. They is a very wide range in the circumference of the male wrist and what looks large on one may look small on another. About the only generalization that can be made is that conservative or "classic" styles tend to reject extremes (whereas trends embrace them) - but what is extreme on one wrist may be just right on another. A 39mm case on my wrist looks classic but on another it could look small.

    Dragging a post out from the dead, but looks like GQ got this one wrong. Big watches are here to stay for a while to come - 42/44mm is the new 38.

    Size matters....but they can get too big (50mm and larger watches/Clocks are just way too large to be desireable in 99 out of 100 cases)


    same goes for organs....


    I definitely think context is the most crucial factor. Touching back onto the subject I raised the other day about what to wear to a friend's wedding reception being a prime example. For day to day wear, the 42mm Heritage is an absolutely awesome watch. It's clear and easy to read at a glance, the case is very rugged and durable, it goes with just about any clothing, and of course, being a stopwatch (with timing bezel as well) it is very practical (I would consider it a "Diver's Stopwatch" rather than a 'Racing Chronograph') If I was going out for the evening to a bar, I would probably keep it on with a nice shirt, but for a more formal occasion, it's just too big, and a 36mm DateJust is much more subtle and suitable. To be honest, a DJ is a great watch for most occasions, but of course, I wouldn't consider it as useful as the Heritage... The context and circumstances of use/wear, definitely play a major part in what is or is not 'too big'... :)

  2. After I ordered it said to contact their customer service if I didn't have it in 7 days but I think that is waaaay optimistic. I'm getting the strap as it looks a whole more correct than the bracelet. The clasp is so wrong it is really starting to bug me...

    I love the clasp :lol: Sure, it would be nice if it was more accurate, or if the leaves were at least stamped 'Tudor', but given that the original THC clasp is of the same design as the DSSD clasp, I honestly believe that it's a welding failure waiting to happen :black_eye: This kind of clasp, inaccurate as it may be, simply cannot fail in the same manner as the welded clasps, so for me, while it's an inaccuracy of replication, it is (IMHO) a functional improvement :)

    I just received mine as I was leaving town for a week holiday at the beach (took the wife and daughter and it was great). Just got back into town and have been wearing it the whole time. So far I am kind of neutral in my response. I don't hate it, but I'm not knocked out by it either. All in all it is a decent, solid feeling piece. One thing that does bug me though is my orange stop-watch hand does not quite 'zero-in' at '12'. It will be just slightly almost a 2/10th's of a second fast...then I double click the reset button, and it goes back to just under 1/10 of a second (almost 12)...then the next time I look at it, (all by itself) it's back to 2/10's (off 12). So I just reset it and double click again. I'm doing this throughout the day, because it bothers me to see that little imperfection.

    Sadly just one of those things which can occur with any watch :pardon: But, as you say:

    Keeps perfect time...has average lume...a hundred dollars...what's not to like, already...?

    Exactly :tu: It's none too shabby, and an excellent daily beater :drinks:

    JMB, regarding the clasp...what was the clasp like on the original Monte Carlo...?

    I believe the original Monte Carlo had a Rolex-branded clasp, as on models like the 1655. The original Heritage clasp, is much more substantial, as can be seen in this photo :)

  3. No no you misunderstood me, the tatt is visible in the first pic...I just wanted to scroll down a bit more. :D


    Ahh, I see what you mean now :D Yeah, sadly that's where the pic crops :lol:

    I was thinking the same thing ken,but I was still able to still rub one out before I left the hacienda. :thumbsupsmileyanim: Those cute little toes drained me :blowup: Mike

    Sandy really is a beauty :)

    Thats really going to be something else when It's finished :drinks:

    Thanks, bro, I've got high hopes for it :thumbsupsmileyanim: Some of the elements I've been planning for years, others, have been added as the inspiration for an idea struck me, and of course, I'm still refining the overall composition and layout till I get it just the way I want :) If I can have the finished piece look like it would be worn by these guys, I'll be happy :)

  4. OMG Mrs Sandy :Jumpy: dam she's hot,tatoo?what tatoo? :unsure: Keep us posted on your progress bro,looking good :drinks:

    Stunning, isn't she :D In the pic I linked, there's a dolphin tattoo on the outside of her right ankle :)

    Here's stencil 2.0 :lol:


    [Edit to add]

    Here're the two front stencils together :) (wind-bars are just for reference rather than 100% final positioning)


  5. Indeed It is T,going to be a wicked tat :boat:

    I had the idea for a while, but wasn't 100% on it till this morning :lol: The left hand side of the bodysuit is devoted to air, the right hand side is devoted to water, so it was a case of finding something suitable for the area, and then I remembered the ankle tattoo (link not work safe) of one of my favorite porno bunnies, Sandy aka Zsanett Égerházi, and thought that the composition of her tattoo might be along the right lines to balance against the cobra which will be going on my left side. Of course, a dolphin wasn't really what I had in mind, then I thought of a marlin and got drawing :lol: I'm re-drawing the stencil at the moment, just to further refine the design, so I'll post it up once it's done :)

  6. Great stuff TeeJay! (And Maxman ;) )

    Argh, not stuck on the 'Iceland' diet I hope mate! :animal_rooster:

    [Totally off topic looked up their site and this made me laugh: http://www.iceland.co.uk/page/view/royal_wedding "celebrate the Royal Wedding in style with Iceland". (Probably a UK in-joke)]

    We're getting a good and varied diet, infact, our freezer is stocked more healthily than the inlaw's freezer :D (who do do most of their shopping at Iceland :lol: )

    Speaking of Marlins,one very bad fish. Almost killed this kid. :shock:

    Have to click "temporarily allow pop-ups",sorry :pardon:

    Wow, that's one hardcore fish! :shock:

  7. Very nice work T,love the swordfish/marlin. :pardon: It looks like everything Is comming together quite nicely,well done bro :drinks:

    Thanks, bro, and spot on, it's a marlin :) The waves need a bit of tweaking, but I'm liking the overall composition :):drinks: Gonna be a bit uncomfortable for a few days after it's done though :bangin:

  8. We have to keep one of are best members on the upgrade swing ;) We all know that you will do what you can when you can,no worries bro. :drinks: Mike

    Thanks, M, it's much appreciated, bro :drinks: Here's a sneak peak of future tattoo work for you, as I just finished this stencil for myself :) Placement is from the front of my right ribs/appendix area to traditional bodysuit centre-line. Kanji is already done (reads 'Hell on Earth' in Japanese) and included for allignment purposes (as are the lower cherry blosoms)


  9. I just wanted to say a huge thankyou to those who contacted Admin with regards to my supporter status. Funds have been tight lately. Nothing serious, we have food in our freezer, and enough for day to day living, just nothing spare for any of the extras which make life that little bit more fun. When I can afford it, I'll be doing a forum fundraising project watch as my way of saying thankyou :):drinks: :drinks: :drinks: :drinks: :drinks:

  10. That's a funny story because I was out to dinner not too long ago and our (maybe 19yo) busser was wearing the absolute WORST Daytona rep I've ever seen. I told him that if he wanted to find some decent reps and information on them to check out our website. He looked mortified that I knew he was wearing a fake Rolex Daytona and I said, "Well, it's highly unlikely that someone my age (28) and in my tax bracket could afford that watch, let alone someone your age... check out some TAGs or Omegas as they'll be a little more believable." I saw the same busser there not too long ago and he was wearing a Carrera date. ;)

    I've brought another on to the dark side. 8)

    :thumbsupsmileyanim: :thumbsupsmileyanim: :thumbsupsmileyanim: :thumbsupsmileyanim: :thumbsupsmileyanim:

  11. I would think it would be a matter of obtaining the gen crown and then sending it to be PVD coated by an individual company, so certainly not impossible. What might be difficult, however, might be if the coating on the crown, was being done separately to the coating on the rest of the watch case, I suspect that the two different PVD setups and treatments, might result in two different color finishes :whistling::pardon:

  12. 18062009111339487.jpg

    :thumbsupsmileyanim: and live forever after

    :thumbsupsmileyanim: :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    That being the case, I cannot imagine that any of the usual rules would apply. Wear whatever you like.

    We've been told the dresscode is smart-casual, and shirt and trousers, so enough towards the formal end of the spectrum where the DJ would be more suitable than the Heritage, but not formal enough to go jacket, tie and pocket watch :)

  13. Traditionally, weddings are all about the bride, so gentlemens' watches should be kept simple, small &, for the most part, out-of-sight.

    But if you plan to attend without a jacket, this is obviously not a traditional wedding, so I would select a watch that is in keeping with your overall deportment. If you expect to be revealing body art, I would not fuss over this & just wear whatever you want.

    If we were attending the wedding itself, I'd definitely be wearing a jacket, but we're only attending the evening reception, which is being held at a pub, so a little relaxation of the dress code will be okay :) As before though, none of the sleeving on my arm will be visible, even with my cuffs rolled :)

  14. If it was me, with my own stable of reps to choose from for a wedding, I would wear either a FM silver dialed crazy hour with black numbers on black croco or my Senator Sixties silver sunburst on black croco.

    Fantastic choices :good::drinks:


    There you go


    Come to think of it, my wife is dragging me down to Miami in June for the wedding of people we hardly know. She thinks it will be a nice get-away but for some reason she never remembers that she absolutely wilts in the heat. Borderline comatose.

    For a Miami wedding, I'd go BIG with a white guayabera with white embroidery over natural linen pants and a Flying B, baby!!

    Absolutely ideal for the location :good: I think I'd definitely be wearing a watch on NATO or Tropic-style strap in that kind of heat :whistling:

    [Edit to add]

    This is the gift I'll be taking. The writing is "The Pursuit of Happiness" translated into Chinese :)


  15. That is a sharp looking DJ. Good decision.

    Thanks, I do like how it looks, but I can't claim credit for the idea, that's down to John Barrowman and the Torchwood Costume Department :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    [Edit to add]

    Thought I'd take a combo shot :)


  16. Man thats going to be wicked awesome when complete,very nice work so far T :drinks:

    Thanks, M :drinks: The dragon's body is essentially going to be an extended question mark/open-bottomed 9, looping round and up and over from the head, and then back down towards my left leg, with a load of cherry blossoms, wind and water thrown in for good measure :victory:

    I think you made the right decision. For a wedding, you go Class all the way, not bling.

    Thanks, I think the DJ will be the right watch to wear, and the Heritage would be too much. I'll just have to hope no-one notices the R Word :whistling:

  17. DJ on leather strap? I've been considered putting mine on a croc. Do you have a pic?

    p.s. have you made a descision yet?

    Go for it, it makes a subtle, but clear distinction between a watch good for with a suit, to a watch more suited to formal occasions :) This is mine with the shirt I'll be wearing (cuffs will be rolled, as I'm not taking a jacket with me)


    Here's where I got the idea of a DJ on a strap...


    I'm thinking I will go with the DJ and just risk the comments :lol:

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