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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. Nice T,I thought you had some ink on your lower forarms. I was thinking after the wedding,the reception is when people loosen there ties and roll up there sleeves. It's all good bro,do try to have some fun with those "scally mates" :lol: Mike

    Thanks, bro :good: I do have the maple leaves on the lower forearm, my arm's just rotated in such a way that you can't really see them, as this pic was to show the new ink I added to start 'capping' the end of the sleeve :) There's still going to be cloudwork coming a bit lower, but without the hibiscus outlines on the edge of my elbow, the leaves were making an incomplete sleeve which was starting to bug me, so I decided to add them myself, rather than waiting for Nathan to do it (as he's moving at the moment) That then created the illusion of more of a complete end to the sleeve, but then the space on my bicep between the kanji and the tribal was starting to bother me, so again, rather than waiting, I got out the planned stencils and did it myself :bangin: The tricep area now looks really empty by comparison, but as I can't see there, I'm not too fussed about waiting till Nathan can do more work :thumbsupsmileyanim: The plan for the tricep area is another full Japanese maple, cloud/wind-bars and some hibiscus petals, but possibly also some stylized lightning bolts to wrap right around to the front as well :)

    [Edit to add]

    As the sleeves're going to be the traditional 7/10th length, they'll almost never be visible with rolled sleeves, but yeah, I definitely think the scally's need messing with :D

  2. T it's your business what you wear,I hate It when I allow what some d bag(s) might or might not say/think dictate what I wear. I also go through the same thought process when a furture function or another arises. Screw them,wear what you like,me? I like your Tudor Heritage,for the simple reason that It's a bad ass looking watch,cheers :drinks: Mike (ps)... Rock those awesome tats to bro,really give them something to talk about :D

    M, I like your thinking, bro :good: Indeed, the Heritage is a badass watch, I'm just thinking it might be too badass for the occasion :lol: Ironically, the ink's going to have to stay hidden, simply because I've been given a 'shirt and trousers' dresscode by my friend (going to look soooo funny seeing his scally mates trying to wear suits :D ) and even with my sleeves rolled back, the sleeving on my arm still wouldn't be visible :D Here's a pic of the latest expansion work I did...


    The higher up my arm I went, the harder it was to get the proper contact with the machine (even with Emily stretching the skin) so my friend's going to have to re-line that stuff by my shoulder when he does more work on me :D

  3. a tudor sub...hehehe.

    It seems that you're leaning towards the Tudor Heritage to begin with. And you reasoned that the datejust looks more subtle but is attracting attention, which is contradictory to itself. Rolex DJ is a common watch no? I've seen them in the wild more so than other watches.

    Hee hee, the Tudor sub would be fine, but I figured better not to wear a tool watch for a semi-formal occasion :D I am leaning towards the Heritage in terms of a) I'll be wearing it anyway b ) It's not likely to attract the "Is that a Real Rolex??" question, and c) Much easier to read the hands after a few drinks :whistling: But, it is a very noticeable watch on the wrist, which was why I felt it might look a bit OTT for the occasion. I agree, the DJ is way more subtle, but, it still has the R Word on the dial, so if it was to attract attention, it could very easily be the wrong kind of attention... It's not that I'm worried about pulling off wearing a rep, as you say, the DJ is a common watch to see in the wild, and I could have conceivably afforded to buy the real thing at one point, it's just that some of the people going are the kind who would make needless/snarky comments just for the sake of it if they were to see the R Word, hence my thoughts as if the Heritage might be the better watch to wear, as, although it would be noticeable, it would be unrecognizable, so less likely to be commented upon :bangin:

  4. I'm going to a friend's wedding reception this coming Saturday, and debating on what watch to wear... We're going to be away for a few days, so I'll be wearing my Heritage the rest of the time, but I'm thinking that would be a bit much for the reception (wearing a suit with a black shirt) and was thinking about wearing my DateJust on black leather, which is way more subtle. But, that has the dreaded R Word on the dial, and I'm wondering if to wear it might be an invitation for some douche to make a comment... I've worn the DJ to business networking lunches, and never once had anyone comment (or that I could tell, even notice it) but this is a situation where I think someone 'might' (some of my friend's friends are chavvy [censored]) so I'm, just wondering if it might be easier to just avoid the risk by not wearing it... The Heritage is less likely to attract 'brand recognition', but more likely to attract attention (and maybe look a bit poseurish) so I'm really in two minds about what best to wear :bangin:

  5. I really think a lot of "call outs" are age related. In your 20's and younger the fake is largely assumed (weather right or wrong, true or false).

    Buy the time you are in your late 30's early 40's, the plausibility factor kicks in, and no one really cares.

    I think if I were ever called out these days, I simply would ignore/dismiss the fscker.... By not qualifying their call-out they will feel like the ass and it will lend credibility to you and your rep.

    I think you're absolutely right there :):drinks:

  6. I am always amazed at how angry some forums can get over something that really only seems to dig out their personal and social insecurities. Just because you spend a fortune on a watch does not make you a person of taste and greatness, it just means you prioritised something over something else. Buying and trying reps is a very cost effective way of trying different watches out and enables you to play and mod them without risking major amounts of money should things not go to plan. That is the clever way...

    :thumbsupsmileyanim: :thumbsupsmileyanim: :thumbsupsmileyanim: :thumbsupsmileyanim: :thumbsupsmileyanim:

  7. Just wanted to post another pic of the Heritage :) While setting up the shot (so the watch was in direct sunlight) it fell a good 6ft to the floor :bangin: No damage to the case or crystal, and it's still ticking (figuratively speaking) I guess it's a good job it's quartz rather than mechanical :victory:


  8. Thanks all for the advice..i have informed Angus on the inaccuracies and hope he'll source and QC a better piece..

    I know the mentioned issues can be sorted out with aftermarket parts but since Angus stated his as the best out of box, i'll put it to the test..

    As the watch Angus showed you has drilled lugs, how about buying both his watch, the one I showed, and then performing a dial/movement transplant? Of course, if Angus can source you one which has the lugs drilled and a good dial (hopefully even with factory-applied Lume, as that'll save you a modification to do ) then go for it :victory:

  9. I think I have a black and gray Nato - if I do, I'll send it to you.

    Send me an email @ TJGladeRaider@aol.com

    Lemme look.


    Thanks for the offer, Bill, but I already have a black and grey NATO myself. This watch needs a 22mm strap, rather than 20mm. I'm pretty happy with the strap which I've got on it at the moment, but when someone found the other NATO which was even closer to the correct Tudor strap, well, that went on my 'to buy' list :thumbsupsmileyanim: The offer really is very much appreciated though :good::drinks:

  10. I don't like begging for money, but, when times dictate it, a man sometimes has no resort but to throw himself on the mercy of his brothers and beg for help, and this is one of those situations...

    As you may have read, I've recently started tattooing, and this is what I need the money for... The question now, is how much do I need?

    15c. Yes, you read that correctly, I need fifteen cents, or, to be more specific, I need a dime and a nickel. What kind of tattooing supplies can I buy with 15c? A few drops of ink, perhaps, or maybe a sheet of carbon paper for stenciling? No, in my research, I have discovered that in the US, tattoo artists use a dime and a nickel, when setting the movement of the armature bar which controls the depth of the needle, and a different coin is used (giving a different depth) for lining, and for shading, and I simply don't have those coins to hand, so I wondered if anyone might be able to put some change my way? In return, I will draw up and post out a tattoo stencil, which can then be taken to a local artist for execution (or a piece of paper art which could then be framed, if you're not into tattoos) :) Can I draw? I'll let you decide, and thanks in advance :good::drinks:






  11. 297fe32e.jpg

    Review is here

    :thumbsupsmileyanim: :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    Just in, still needs some tweaking, but I really love this watch (it kind of has everything: vintage feel, comfortable, good wrist presence):

    Sorry for the bad pic, but as you see it was really getting dark:


    :thumbsupsmileyanim: :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    I hadn't planned on wearing this combo quite this early in the year, but, I took a gouge out of my wrist (right were a bracelet would rest against the heel of the palm) while carving a walking stick, and don't want the weight of the Heritage knocking the scab 24-7 and delaying/messing with the healing process, so I put this on instead :) As a result, wrist is healing up nicely, and as a bonus, the weather over the last few days has been good enough for me to swap jeans for cargo shorts* :victory:


    *Yes, I am wearing jeans at this precise moment, but once it hits noon, I'll be in the shorts :D

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