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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. I got to agree with that mate....

    Not from opinion but experience... one of those experiences being here now on my wrist.. sent last week arrived this AM.... ;)

    Awesome :tu: I've always waited four to five weeks for stuff to arrive, and what with all the shite about the Olympics causing delays in customs due to replica merchandise, talk of factory raids and legal action posted against TDs, I was expecting to wait at least that this time round. However... I made the order on a Monday evening, and the following Tuesday morning, the watch had arrived... Out of curiousity, what did you order? Mine was a GMT II, Hambone's equally speedy Cartel delivery was a TT GMTIIc, so I'm wondering if they might be 'less popular' stock which dealers might have easier access to, or if it really is simply a case of there really being no delays, and the TDs're just milking the situation to either look like they're going above and beyond to get the goods through, or just preparing to start filtering in price rises because the masses are preparing themselves to pay them :g::bangin:

  2. The thing I've observed through all this, is folks are still getting product through with no appreciable delay. I don't believe this to be anything than more 'little white lies', and all the time people discuss price rises as a potential inevitability, then dealers will raise prices accordingly, because they will know that people are not only expecting it, but will more than likely be prepared to pay that increase. Anyone remember the M.Night Shymalan movie The Villiage, where the residents were essentially kept inside due to a fear of the forest? What happened when the girl made it beyond the forest? Apply that same reasoning and rationalle to our hobby. While I wouldn't claim that the reps I buy are 1:1 flawless, I've never yet been called out wearing anything, even the most budget of watches. There's a product for everyone, and a price that's right for everyone, but folks really need to start thinking outside the box, rather than remaining fish in a barrel to a select few 'trusted' dealers...

  3. I think one thing that has come back to haunt the Swiss watch industry is the very lax 50% rule, which has allowed them to outsource a whole lot of the parts. Guess who is making most of these parts? I bet it isn't Portugal or Slovakia, it's China. If you outsource parts manufacture to other countries, essentially what you are doing is exporting your technology. Lets say Rolex decides to have the Tudor cases made in China, they send the CAD/CAM specs to the plant in China and they build the cases. Who's to know whether or not the plant owner isn't producing another couple of thousand cases to sell to a rep manufacturer? In some respects the Luxury brands in their unrelenting quest to increase the bottom line have created their own monster. They let the Genie out the bottle, and now they want the Chinese government to stuff her back in!!

    Interestingly in 2007 the Federation of the Swiss Watch Industry (FH) tried to rewrite the rules upping the value of Swiss made parts and assembly requirements to 80% of the value of the watches. Obviously that rule has been opposed by the manufacturers because it's now 5 years later, and the 50% rule is still in effect. Going to 80% would cut out a tremendous amounrt of outsourcing, but it would cut profits as well.

    This may have little to do with the current crackdown, but it is part of the whole situation.

    The 50% Rule for Swiss Made watches

    Use of the Swiss Made label for watches is covered by an ordinance of the Federal Council dated 29 December 1971. The Swiss standard is often pejoratively referred to as the 50% Rule. However, it has its basis in real life economics. Again, the law merely sets forth a minimum standard. The famous or infamous Swiss Made Ordinance has, for a number of years, been subject to many criticisms, particularly inside the industry, because it is considered too lax, but also in legal circles, where the view is that it no longer fully meets the legal mandate specified in the companion law on trademarks (SR 232.11).

    In 2007, the FH plans to seek political action on a proposal which introduces a new aspect to the definition of Swiss made, in the form of a value criterion.

    Accordingly, any mechanical watch in which at least 80% of the production cost is attributable to operations carried out in Switzerland would be considered as a mechanical Swiss watch. For other watches, particularly electronic watches, this rate would be 60%. Technical construction and prototype development would moreover need to be carried out in Switzerland. Raw materials, precious stones and the battery would be excluded from the production cost. The Swiss movement in the existing ordinance already has a value criterion, namely the rate of 50%. Considering that here, too, the definition needs reinforcing, the draft amends these value criteria. For mechanical movements therefore, the rate would be at least 80% of the value of all constituent parts. For other movements, particularly electronic movements, this rate would be 60%. Technical construction and prototype development in Switzerland would also be a requirement in this case. The draft also stipulates other provisions concerning the definition of Swiss constituent parts and assembly in Switzerland.

    I think that really is the crux of the matter, and even if they redefine The Standard, as you say, the genie is out of the box, and they only have themselves to blame for the entire situation by not only creating the demand, but by then outsourcing in such a way as to feed that demand more cheaply than they do :lol:

  4. I wonder about the Top Gear guys.. the watches they wear are almost always one that decent reps are made of.. could be coincidence..

    Clarkson (being the unimaginative tosspiece that he is) pretty much only ever wears Bond Watches. First the Omega SMP, then the Omega Planet Ocean. I have spotted him wearing an Omega Railmaster on occasion, but it is rare, and he strikes me as someone who goes from an old watch to a new one, rather than a collector. He's definitely too much of an over-compensating snob to lower himself to wearing a rep, although he did briefly sport a rep Omega (for filming purposes) while on a shoot in China (wether he kept it or fed it to Hammond as a joke is another matter) The one thing I do agree with Clarkson on, was when he said "The only thing worse than a fake Rolex, is a real one..." I tend to tune out May altogether, as he just bores me to tears. I have noticed him wearing some nice pieces now and again, but I suspect he's too much of 'a purist' to wear reps (for totally different reasons to Clarkson). Hammond is the only one I could actually see wearing reps (and is the only one of the trio I actually like) but, knowing the torment he would get from Clarkson for doing so, I suspect his collection is totally legit.

  5. No change in what I'm wearing, and I must say, I'm really looking forward to using this movement in a custom build in the future, but for now, I'm quite happy with it in it's GMT II case :victory:


    There's only so many times I can post the same photo, so I'm going to liven this post up, by posting my List. If any of you remember an episode of Friends, or for those of you who don't, the concept is that a person (in a relationship) may have a list of five celebrities, who if the opportunity ever arose to hook up with, they were pre-sanctioned to do so without repurcussions, and here is my wifey-approved list.

    Peta Wilson


    Ashley Greene


    Louise Brooks


    Noemie Lenoir


    Michelle Forbes


    An honorable mention, but not making the list, is Samantha Jones. Ms Jones doesn't make the List, due to being a fictional character, but she is the only reason I tolerate watching Sex and the City (other than Chris Noth's wrist shots...)


  6. red: Great finds! I'd consider either of them... at a third of their current prices!

    I love this exercise. A few mid-70s watches for your consideration:


    Heuer Monza Cal.15, to commemorate Niki Lauda's first championship. Can't get more '75 than that!


    The very colorful Wakmann Regatta, with a Lemania 1341 inside.


    The oddball Sicura Satellite, with its massive sweep-second hand.


    On my personal "to-get" list... The Speedsonic Lobstertail.

    What a selection :tu:How noticeable is the hand on the Sicura in daily wear?

  7. Very nice there mate.... I really dont understand Tudors or how they originated.... I must take some time to learn for myself.... because to be honest if I saw this watch a few years back I would have thought it was a moody Rolex.. :bangin:

    If anyone has a good reference link to Tudor it would be appreciated.... save me some time trawling through the good and bad.. :)

    Essentially, that's exactly what they are :whistling: You know how Toyota make Lexus as their 'high end' marque? Well, the Rolex/Tudor history is the exact reverse, with Tudor being a lower-priced offering. I spoke to a jeweller a few weeks back, and he said that at one time, Tudor was what saved Rolex from going under :g:

  8. I'm a 78 and I've got a few datejusts from this year but I want to get a 5513 and 18038. I wouldn't mind buying my daughter a watch but she is only 15months old and whilst she knows what a clock is. She cannot yet tell the time.

    She likes to have a watch strapped on her wrist and parades around with it. Quite funny.

    I don't really like any of the modern rolex. Probably WG submariner for her. But I'll wait a few years until the price of these becomes acceptable.

    I had to re-read that twice, at first reading, I thought you were 78, so to have a 15 month old, I was thinking "Damn, hope I'm still getting some at that age :victory:" :lol: How about a GMTIIc?

  9. Moving on...(!)

    Japan is awesome. Should be back in a couple of months all going well.

    They have beer vending machines on street corners - enough said! You can buy up to a litre cans in most of them, but one I came across you could buy some mega 2 litre bottle. Need a beer on the train platform on the way home from work? No problem! Run out of beer at home? No problem, walk around to the vending machine on the corner fifty metres away.

    So you can get them in man sizes. Or you can also get them in teeny-tiny ladies sizes, like this dude....

    :tu: :tu: :tu:

    And in addition to beer, Pocari Sweat!!!

    :tu: :tu: :tu:

  10. Its great to read these replies.... I know some of them but a few I had to check... not being a Rolex sort of guy..

    However..... why would you choose them...

    For example I forgot to mention in terms of looks why I like this watch.... The T lume.... The Sub lay out... the outer bezel in terms of the numbering etc

    Also I have my dads Omega, I have my grandads Omega and his dads Omega..... The oldest one was made in 1884.... its plain and simple pocket watch in gunmetal grey.... when that was sitting in his pocket he could only imagine what the release of the pre-moon watch could mean not just to the world of watches but to the furtherance of mankind....

    Date of release aside, for me, the 1981 16800 combines the design elements I most like from Rolex: Matte dials with flat markers, sapphire crystal and squared case, with hollow end links on the bracelet :) Not just built at the right time, but IMHO, the pinnacle of the Submariner line. The 16610 is also okay, but everything since then has been a downhill slide, and the early 16800 really hit the nail on the head (IMHO) :good::drinks:

  11. Quite simple really. I used an actual electroplating machine but all you need is a 9 volt battery. Here's the original link. http://forums.watchu...ror-535910.html

    I guess the actual voltage he used is 18-volts? I set my machine to 10 volts and got the color you see. I didn't realize that volts affect color. Either way, I'm happy with the result and turned an ordinary looking PAM into one you won't see every day.

    Also, it'll bide me until they come out with a *good* 283 rep (TT just posted one for <$200 but it's plated and I can't imagine it's going to be so great for that price http://www.ttw168.co...ef9ef1aafd72288).

    Thanks for the link :good::drinks: The results're good, and I bet more noticeable to the naked eye :victory:

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