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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. In terms of pure comfort, I prefer the slimline case of my vintage sub. No CGs, no harsh angles or squared sides, it is an incredibly comfortable watch to wear. However... Aesthetically speaking though, I am also rather fond of the 'multi-tiered' look of the case of my GMT (which is in the process of being resurrected)


    Two very different wrist presences...



    I think to compare them, is to compare apples and oranges, but both certainly have their merits :good:

  2. keeping in mind men that "2009" needs to be incorporporated ..

    and the art should be small enough to fit the members sig without taking up half a page.. reworking is allowed.

    and the prize will be a glorious trip for 2 to Hawaii.... as son as I save up enough for the return trip.. :yeah:

    I have a very nice IWC Vintage cream dial that has not been worn.. waiting for the winning entry.. B)



    remember cheering and member comments on the pieces are welcomed..

    No problem, it won't be hard to tweak and adjust the size :)

  3. I'm no expert on movements at all, but, my instinct would be as Andy has suggested, that the issue (visually speaking, even if not mechanically) is the hand itself. If the gears are all correctly located inside the movement, I would suggest removing, and re-installing the hand so it is properly aligned, and seeing if that corrects the problem :) I hope you get it worked out :good:

  4. If you're going to wear the PO on Rubber, how about dressing as Bond did at the casino in Nassau? Not a tux, but certainly smart, and just think how many guys there will be doing the tux job... Never hurts to stand out from the crowd :) I hope you have a great time, and plenty of Vespers :good:

  5. You've all had better luck with rep quartz watches than the Mrs. has. She's had 2 or 3 break.

    You just reminded me of the first rep I bought, a quartz J12 for my wife about 3 years ago, which somehow re-surfaced a few days ago... Okay, the paint's got chipped, and the aftermarket strap it is on looks like it's a biohazard, (White faux-leather...) but the movement is still ticking away, accurate as ever :)

  6. @ Freddy

    I suppose I should have qualified the statement better. I certainly wouldn't think 'condition' an overriding tell handling the piece for exam, or even from across a table, but more to one seen kicking down the tiles flashing in and out from under a shirt sleeve. Across the bar, yellowed perspex and dial patina lend me to wonder; "Wow, could it be?". Virgin condition; "Sheah, right." Especially the bars I frequent. :lol:

    I just think the current pieces, from say, DW, are 'good enough' to pass as handsome replica watches, intrinsically, a' hommage. I am not a very discerning collector (if I can be considered one at all with a stagnant pool of seven Rolex and two Omega, the last purchased over two years ago this November) with regard to minutia. The nicest Vach I had was a fantasy. It just pains me to see enthusiasm shattered because the 'big players' go on about 'concentric embossing' of subdials and lateral alignment, in mm's, of incorrect serif on font. It certainly has it's place, here, there, and everywhere and the expertise is impressive. And largely over my head.


    Thanks. Good to see you. It was a legacy piece that I didn't aquire until late January this year. It was my father's. I had posted it once before here in a 'wrist thread'. I was going to post it on jr.jr., but well, JohnG was mean to me and I ran away crying before I could. :lol: I'll be back on the holidays. Tell John to keep handy his copy of Jane's All The World's Derogatory And Base Comment. He'll need it. :lol:

    As far as the other; a gen is a gen. You need merely money to aquire. How common a concept. A good replica however? Well, that takes finesse, research, judgement and execution. You know, good conservative values. :lol:

    Precisely. At the end of the day, a nice watch is a nice watch, regardless of if it is absolutely 100% flawless replication. Heck, my vintage sub is far from perfect, a bastardization of three distinct Sub models, but it works for me, and right now, I wouldn't want anything else on my wrist. If I was to wear a factory-fresh 16610, if anyone was to notice, I would probably get the "Is that a fake Rolex?!" question, but if I wear a watch which looks like it's older than I am, and taken quite a flogging over the years, it goes completely un-noticed :) Not a case of me trying to pass if off as a gen, as I wouldn't do that, I just don't want anyone to notice it period, and the vintage aesthetic provides that anonymity, to all but the most genuine of watch enthusiasts :)

  7. Dead right TeeJay.

    mastrmindalliance, Sub bracelets are NOT flimsy. Think about how many times you have thought of them as flimsy, now think about how many times you have heard of the gen bracelet failing in the field. They are a light weight but tough Tool Watch, not a hefty chunk of bling. The stripped down sports car is a perfect analogy. Like a high performance car they are meant to do a specific job.

    They DO however rattle a lot. The gen 16610 Sub that I'm wearing right now (hollow links) rattles a lot. It rattles at the slightest movement.

    Your rep bracelet makes noise because it is just like the gen. If you eliminate the noise you will be making it less like a hollow link gen.

    I think the noisy hollow link bracelet is a beautiful piece of engineering. Light on the wrist and very reliable.

    Credit where credit's due, you were the one who first used the analogy and changed my perspective on the oyster bracelet :drinks:

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