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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. Have I missed something.... Teejay.. Do you live in Spain as well? I'm a huge Mercadona fan.. but have never bought their deodorant.. If you're in spain we should meet for some beers one day. I'm in madrid.

    I live in the UK, but visited Spain for my birthday last year. A friend of my father in law has a house near Puerto de Mazzaron where we stay when we visit :) We haven't been to Spain yet this year, but next time I'm in Spain, we'll definitely have to meet up for a few beers :drinks: Next time you're in the Mercadona, give it a quick spray and see what you think :good:

  2. TeeJay, you certainly bring up a valid point, if you're not sure, buying the $108 a21j DJ is fine. I've got four of them myself- 2 have crapped out and 2 really aren't my style. I have two frankens, the 16014 above and a 16013TT, both cost me around $500 each to build and have eta motors. I think they're very nice and consider building frankens as being at the top of the replica pyramid.

    As far as DJ's are concerned, redwatch pointed out the WM9 DJ's which are probably very close to a franken in quality, etc.

    Next down the line is a good eta based rep and finally the a21j DJ's.

    Everyone has to ask themselves how much they are comfortable spending and what level of quality they are interested in. I have both a21j reps and eta powered reps, but I always consider the eta reps as being a step above the a21j's. Whether it's worth it to you to pay more for an eta is a question only you can answer. It is for me.

    I think you're quite right to say that a custom built franken is the top of the pyramid, with the WM9 being the top of what's available to buy 'out of the box' :) I'd definitely say the DJ is a watch which someone could love or hate, in terms of size, so something someone could do with 'testing the water' with before a major investment (which I would then suggest as a franken rather than WM9, as the feeling of looking down and knowing you built the watch yourself, really can't be beat :) )

    Given my recent experiences with the budget DJ I bought, I think it's a good example of what can be available for a reasonable price, which to me, makes the $200 eta reps a little less worth the price of admission :lol:

  3. I'd be more inclined to go up a notch and do something like this:


    If you truely got a Swiss eta, it would be great, but even if you got a clone, you could swap out for a true Swiss eta later if you needed to w/o much hassle.

    Define 'up a notch'... I'd bet that the chassis of both watches is identical, and wouldn't consider an ETA worth that kind of hike in price...

    The first time I tried on a DJ, I felt it was 'too small'. After wearing one for a few hours, I did get used to the smaller size case, but, I definitely think it's something someone would 'love or hate', so I'd suggest a budget variant first to 'test the water', then maybe upgrade the movement if necessary :)

  4. @hackr........I dont think so!

    @tj........Dude that watch is unique and I wish they would REP it! Just beautiful!

    Here's how it looks:



    I'm not a gold fan, but that certainly is one gorgeous watch :) You could certainly do a Panerai version of it with an RG case :)

    I checked out the lume company to see about getting some of the lume paint, but they don't export it pre-mixed :bangin:

  5. No change since yesterday (till now)... We're going out for a meal with friends, so I'll be giving the woody a field test :) Something I noticed last night while wearing it while watching a movie, was under low-light conditions, the dial just looks black. It's only under direct lighting, that the color of the 'wood' becomes noticeable :)


  6. #TJ......thanks Amigo! From a spare dial I got from another Getat project! A little bit of torture seems to work on the dial~

    I just removed it from the case and movement to work on it a little bit more!



    Any time, bro :) I've always quite liked the look of the California dial, but never really felt the mix of Arabic and Roman numerals... That looks awesome though :good:

  7. That's an iPhone pic??? Wow! I'm very impressed now!

    Thanks, and yes :) I was resting my elbow on the door, with my fist under my chin, to form a tripod of sorts for my other hand, which was holding the phone, so all nice and stable :)


    Custom :) Very nice :victory:

    HikeRad for me today to Hump it:


    That's fantastic, bro, what was the source of the dial?

  8. Not exactly a wrist shot (like there's ever any huge changes from me anyway :lol: ) but this was a project I did this afternoon. The dial is regular printer paper, colored with a Sharpie, and lumed with Night Color. The lume was like painting with cottage cheese, dried very inconsistently, so needed several coats, and pretty much looks like junk... But, it glows in the dark, so at least I won't be woken up in the morning to be asked what the time is :victory:


  9. thanks TJ.. yes, more padding and weight .. and "Honey tan".. thought's on that ?? I think that would bring out the dial nicely.. ??



    I wouldn't have immediately thought of a honey tan strap for that watch, but, now you mention it, yes, I think it would bring out the dial quite nicely, and probably give it a slightly less formal tone, although still 'smart' :good:

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