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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. If anyone in the US watches NCIS (the original one), they will notice agent Gibbs wearing an Omega PloProf on a orange rubber band (really hard to miss in certain shots).


    NCIS is a good one for watches... DiNozzo has worn a Rolex Sub, a Pumpkin Planet Ocean, and some kind of Yacht-Master-esque watch. Gibbs has also worn the Pumpkin PO, and I'm sure that following his book sales, McGee wore a TT Daytona :)

  2. Gents, there's been something of a knee-jerk reaction on both sides here.

    I understand both parties' issues, but ultimately, I hope Red9k doesn't feel like he's been run-off the forum when all he was trying to do was add to the existing knowledge-base.

    I don't think anyone is trying to run anyone off the forum, but when Red9k made his comments about subscriptions and then asked for the information he had posted to be removed, it rather came across like someone saying "I don't want to play anymore, so I'm taking my ball back, screw you guys, I'm going home...", and unintentionally or otherwise, comments like that are going to rub people the wrong way (yet no one started being abusive, telling him to get lost or anything like that). It has been pointed out that no one here has to make payments to support the forum, just that some choose to do so. It has also been pointed out, that without supporting payments, the forum would not exist in as stable a form as it does. When RG went down in the past, there has always been a place here for people to hang out till the RG servers come back up. No one begrudges anyone that, and I am sure that if the RWG servers were to go down, then likewise, RG and RWI would equally provide a little shelter, but the point which may be being missed, is that RWG is able to provide that facility because of the quality of the servers used, and sadly, those servers don't come cheap. It is because people choose to support the forum, that the forum is able to provide a little sanctuary to others in the times of need. I used to object to contribution fees, until I saw just what kind of a community exists here. People gift parts, watches, even cash to others for no reason other than brotherhood and friendship. After being on the receiving end of such generosity, and the costs it saves in purchases, it is certainly no hardship to contribute something to the maintenance of the forum which allows such community ties to be built in the first place. I'm not trying to say that RWG is the best, I'm just pointing out that the contribution fees are what allows the forum to be here for everyone on a stable and reliable basis :drinks:

  3. Bullseye bro :good:

    I think you summed it up perfectly here, amigo :drinks:

    I agree, the man should make the watch not the other way around. :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    These inadequates feel the watch shows them as something (yeah, pathetic, inadequate jailbaiters who need a 'brand name' to hide behind :rofl: ) and that wearing a rep somehow makes that person less of something (Yeah, less of a chump who buys ludicrously over-priced watches :yeah: ) :bangin: :bangin: :thumbsupsmileyanim: :thumbsupsmileyanim:

  4. OK,

    This took a bit longer to arrive than I would have liked, but eventually it turned up!

    My research points to this being the biggest production watch made.

    From Towner in Japan, it measures 115mm across, and the strap is a whopping 52mm wide.


    Seen here next to one of my Omegas, and a Richard Mille for size comparison.

    The one thing I wasn't aware of was that its a mechanical!(and even has an alarm.)-(and it runs and keeps time)

    I had to cut up a womans belt to get a strap to fit it.

    It will be mounted it on a display board as a curiosity for my market shop.

    Would be really interested to know if anyone knows of a bigger production watch...anywhere.

    And ..No...its just too big for a wristy..I would have to strap it to my thigh.


    Fantastic to see it :thumbsupsmileyanim:

  5. Well only if you have a trashed dial, I don't want you to start ripping markers off just for me.


    The markers were from a no-date dial which I 'upgraded' to Maxi Markers for my GMTIICSubDweller project, so already in the parts tray. Here's how they look installed into an insert :)


    I could get one in the mail next tuesday (when I'll have the cash for stamps :lol: ) if you like?

  6. Don't go overboard on sending too many emails, or you will just annoy the recipient... I'd wait 24 hours before sending any further correspondence, you never know what circumstances or situation the other person might be experiencing, give it time, they'll get back to you :)

  7. amen brother... :)

    i think i'll go put on some mercadona deodorant now and call it a fresh day.


    That's the way to roll, amigo :drinks:

    I do understand where they are coming from with regards to the copyright thing, I mean, if I'd built and priced something at a level which I felt would appeal to the 'right buyers' I was targetting, someone coming along and selling near identical ones at a tenth of the price would annoy me as it would mean that the 'wrong people' would be wearing 'my' design, and my brand values (high earning 'aspirationalists' only) would be diluted.

    However, there's the issue - if you're going to create an 'aspirational' brand, people are going to aspire to it and want to get it at the cheapest possible price! lol

    And all these people who bleat on about 'taking sales away from rolex" (or whoever) - that's hardly the case as most people buy reps because they can't afford the real thing... Or don't want to buy the real thing because they see it for what it is - an overpriced marketing tool for a company out to make as much profit as possible out of "selling a lifestyle"!

    I quite like this sort of discussion tbh - makes me analyse both sides of the coin and decide what I think. It's the gen owners who are so unaware of themselves (or refuse to acknowledge they have been lured in by the lifestyle marketing) that they can't see both sides!

    Absolutely, I can understand Rolex getting narked about the copyright infringement, but it's not like the gen owners actually designed and built the watches themselves, they simply purchased them :lol: I think their frustration comes from the irritation that someone 'less than them' is not only able to pull off the same image for less, but that they themselves didn't think of it first. One gen collector I encountered a few years back really was the embodiment of all the worst aspects of gen collectors: Arrogant, self-promoting, totally obsessed with Brand Image, and 100% perfection, yet for all his 'passion for watches', he only 'knew the facts and regurgitated them on command', he didn't actually 'know watches', just what they cost. He was someone who looked down on frankens as the lowest of the low, because in his view, they were putting genuine parts, into a fake watch (thus sullying the purity of the gen parts) yet because of that attitude, he totally missed the point about the level of skill required to actually build the watch itself (regardlesss of the parts going into it) and almost certainly would not have had the skill to do so himself, even if he ever did have the inclination. I admit, that's probably clouded my view somewhat, and I'm sure that there are many gen owners who are fine people, but it does seem to be a majority on those forums, who just criticize the rep industry, without having any actual knowledge or passion for watches themselves... I'm quite happy buying my fair trade watches till I win the lotto, and can then start buying gens to dismantle for parts for my projects :lol: That would really push some of those guys over the edge to know about :whistling:

  8. This goes back to my argument about how gen owners go on the attack when they find out someone owns a rep as, to them, a gen is like buying a lifestyle - and if someone has something that indicates a lifestyle that the gen owner aspires to, but doesn't actually have that lifestyle, they feel they need to attack that person because they are angry that they have been (or might be) taken in. (i.e. "only well off aspirational people own rolex, I am angry that I was fooled by someone's rep because I thought they were also well off and aspirational and therefore I could like them, but they are actually poorer than me and therefore less worthy of my friendship" etc etc) :rolleyes:

    It seems to some gen owners that they aren't appreciating a watch for its beauty, more what they feel it should stand for.

    Which is quite sad IMO.

    It is sad, because they get on their moral high horse about copyright infringement and what not, when they're the ones who are looking down on people who they perceive to be less affluent than them. As if money actually makes any difference to a person's 'moral fiber'... <_< I've found that it's often the people with the least money, or the most (Old Money families) who are the most genuine people, it's the "I just bought an Entry Level Rolex, so I'm going to pick up some underage skanks, fuck yeah!" wannabes who are the most shallow and pathetic people... There're people here who have both reps and gens, because they appreciate watches for watches, not the price tag or the brand name :victory:

    [Edit to add]

    Sure, I can kind of see their point: "They're wearing a fake watch, what else might they be lying about...? :unsure: "

    At least reps are not being sold at artificially high Brand Name prices, one could argue that they are the more 'honest watch'. I like to think of reps as 'fair trade' watches :victory:

  9. Thanx for the kind words and tips. I can not disasemble the piece in the extent needed, so i just stick with the stupid cyclops for now.

    There is always Method Two... Just be sure to only have the flame on the cyclops for a couple of seconds at a time, so you only heat the glue, not the entire crystal :victory:

    Or just put the crystal in acetone. The glue will desolve.

    That's a method I didn't know, thanks for the tip :good:

  10. This Is the very reason I dislike gen forums. They go on so much about something they know so little about. I bet if these guys could see a franken rolie up close and personal like they would shit there gen lovin pants :shock:Thats If they have a passion for the hobby to begin with. :whistling:

    Of course not, they just like flashing a Rolley to impress the jailbait (and they would be jailbait, because older women would see them for the inadequates they are ;) )

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