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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. It's funny, when I first saw the modern oyster clasp a few years back, I wasn't keen on the pattern to blend with the links of the bracelet, but now, it looks funny to see a clasp without them :lol: Fascinating origin behind the clasp's release, cool bananas indeed :victory:

    PS: I have a couple of these (rep) if anyone might be interested.

    How much might you be wanting for one?

  2. To me, the DJ's, the Subs, the SD's et all... Have all been done many, many times over. What would generate some excitement (at least to me) are new models being released; something that hasn't been rehashed through various iterations and phases prior. Something that is so starkly contrasted from the usual status quo that people get excited again. I'm not just talking about the PloProf. There are many, many new offerings of visually striking designs and aesthetic year over year at the big watch shows such as Basel, SIHH and the like. I cannot imagine that the factories are short of ideas. Rather, I think the problem is inverse in that there is a shortage of factories that can produce to the same level and tolerance as prior and are reasonable to pair up with. I believe that several of the factories that were producing the amazing replications had likely become difficult to work with; that happens when success and growth takes place and the enabler (i.e. the factory) gets too big of a head. Of course, this is all conjecture on my part, but to me, that would explain why a lot of the usual offerings had taken a sort of step back over the past year or so.

    Also... I don't think it's really so much of a matter of expectations not being met from the consumer end that is keeping factories from producing more; we are a small segment of the demographic, and we are also likely the most demanding and the most picky. The factories could just as easily churn out flawed and inaccurate pieces and sell what they make anyways, as the rest of the world likely doesn't care so much about the details as your typical WIS. The gen folks who are scrutinizing the placement of whether the coronet on the crown lines up is not likely to be buying reps anyways. And for us... Well, we tend to demand perfection in a product that will never be perfect by nature. But we keep trying anyways as that's what makes it fun. But again, we are a small subset of the overall bigger picture. I think the focus is too self centric by saying we are the reason why new products are not being churned out.

    Ahh, I think I'm seeing the point you're meaning :) Maybe the Cartel are just too 'small fry' for the decent factories to do business with now :)

    I agree, the folks who are scrutinizing gens would not be buying reps, what I was meaning, is the folks who are looking for 'the best sub', and want to buy something indistinguishable from the gen. More seasoned collectors appreciate what is available, shortcomings and all, where those who just want 'the best sub', are more likely to be expecting 'perfection' from an inherently imperfect product, and then get their boxers in a bunch when said item arrives and is imperfect, thus not living up to their expectations... I guess as with all things, it's just a case of waiting to see what time brings :)

  3. I somehow doubt that for a couple of reasons-

    1) If NEW high quality stuff is released, people generally buy (especially if it's a model that's been highly anticipated).

    That's true, such as the recent ploprof hubbub, but I would point out that that is a very niche market watch, which I would not expect to sell as well outside of collector circles, as more basic models, such as Subs, SMPs, DJs for example :)

    2) The rep forum markets are a small percentage of the overall purchasing demographic; production is not based solely on whether collectors from the forums are buying or not, but rather from an overall global demographic that covers not just Internet sales, but also retail through outlets and vendors within the physical marketplace. Travellers/vacationers are probably just as likely to buy the high quality stuff as well as the junk trinket souvenirs whilst visiting such countries, especially since prices can be negotiated from vendors/stalls in person.

    As for producing the low cost novelty watches; I am sure just about any watch making factory in China can churn those things out, which is why production of such items never really declines. Conversely, finding a good, competent factory to produce the high quality stuff to meet volume requirements and QC without being difficult to work with is likely a greater challenge for our dealers.

    That's precisely what I was meaning. Sure, there are the travelers who would go to the MBK mall, for example, but also, there are the ones who go to town markets, or approached by beach vendors, who, while could possibly access the high grade stuff, might not, due to people being less inclined to 'impulse buy' an expensive watch, but quite happy to buy a cheaper one :)

    To be fair, I have rarely had any real QC issues (other then my experiences with Silix) I often wonder if people might be having unreasonable expectations for what they're buying. I'll never forget how someone was once laughed off a Rolex forum for complaining about how the second hand did not line up perfectly each time :bangin::pardon:

  4. I was just wondering if anyone with an account at Cousins could check on a couple of prices for me? I've tried registering with them myself, but every time I try and log in, it always crashes my browser :bangin::black_eye::pardon:

    If anyone could let me know the costs of an A7750 with 3,6,9 subdials, and an A7750 with 6,9,12 subdials, it would be very much appreciated :)

  5. Next question

    Who has his mobile with him all the time

    ( i have )

    Carpe Diem


    My iPhone is always in my pocket. The only times it's not, are if I'm bathing, swimming, or sleeping. If I'm doing any of those, it will either be in my pocket, wrapped in a towel on the pool decking, or by the side of my bed, which funnily enough, is what many have said in the past about when they wear or don't wear a watch. The only time I really take my watch off, is to repair or modify it (and if it's a long process, I will wear another while working) I never take a watch off if I'm in water (probably some past-life trauma :bangin: ) and always keep it on at night... James Bond wore his watch in bed, I learn from the Master :whistling::pardon:

  6. Thanks TJ. I have been doing quite a bit of that lately actually and doing more and more. Been in Vegas a lot. I had a unit at City Center and by the grace of God I was able to unload it before it CO'd at breakeven. Now they can't give them away and the deals are unreal everywhere on the Strip. Stuff you never saw before. Monthly rates on upper tier suites that you wouldn't believe. I can practically live there for less than at home. You just have to call and ask. You can lease a suite at Vdara for a little over a couple grand a month. I gamble for a living so ironically Vegas is a great retreat for me with zero interest in gaming. We just like to eat and hang out and work out and go to the spa so it is tough to beat. The watch shopping ain't bad either. We have been starting to go to LA a bit too. I used to hate it but I'm starting to rediscover it and enjoying it. We will spend a few weeks at the W in Westwood Village or various spots in Santa Monica lately. After being so sick I really just want to simplify and enjoy a little more. I can do that while away a lot easier so in the coming months/years I am going to try to spend more and more time living out of the suitcase. It is very liberating.

    Thanks to all for the warm welcome back. Much appreciated. Nice to have such good friends here.

    If you can do it for less than it would cost to keep a regular residence, I say go for it :) At the moment, it's still cheaper for us to be at home, but if the opportunity ever arose, I certainly wouldn't mind giving hotel living a try :) Glad to hear you've been taking it easy and enjoying what life has to offer :good::drinks:

  7. My experience trying to offload an entire collection, is that you're more likely to sell them all (and possibly make more overall) by selling the watches individually :)

    If you were to sell them individually, how much would you be looking for on the Daytona? I've been looking for that model for my wife for ages, as it's the same as the one which appeared in Kill Bill Vol 2

  8. I find my level of interaction depends on what's under discussion, and how much I have to contribute myself. At the moment, without any new watches on the way, or projects actually in progress, due to lack of funds, all I can really contribute is the occasional answer to a question, or some general chitchat if the opportunity arrises :) There's only so many times I can post photos of the same watch in a week :lol:

  9. I can't last but a few hours without a watch on the wrist. Just doesn't feel natural without one.


    I don't like the feel of not having a watch on, and like it even less if I can't check the time at a moment's notice :D I think the longest I've been without a watch in decades, is maybe 30 minutes while performing modifications/repairs :bangin:

  10. Good to hear from you, bro, and glad to hear that your heart's back to full strength, at least you can enjoy your cigars again :good: I hope all the transitions go as smoothly as possible for you :victory:

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