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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. Interesting, but how do you fill up the hands? with straight lines, not spilling

    A tie is way to big for that not?

    When I say 'tie' I can't think of what you'd actually call the bit, but they're only about a millimeter thick, if that :) Hands're easiest of all :) First, use something like nail varnish remover to remove the existing lume, then just load the tip of your luming tool with a small bead of your lume material (in the past I've used Revell Night Color) and run the bead of paint along the back surface of the hand, and it'll settle perfectly :)

  2. The best tip the Zigmeister gave me for luming, is to practice on magazine covers to get used to curves, corners and angles :)

    As for tools, I got one of the nylon 'ties' used to fix tags to clothing, cut it to a 2" length, and taped it to the blunt end of a pencil so it had about an inch hanging over the end of the pencil :)

  3. Thanks T...this one Is going for $2895...I would have thought more...but then again...I really dont know the true value of such watches. :pardon:


    I have to admit, I didn't think the expert was on the money, as I suspected it would be worth way more than what he said :D Interestingly, they showed didn't have a full metal front cover, but instead had a 'swing up' crystal :good::drinks:

  4. One of the main 'Tells' of a Quartz movement is the second hand 'jumps' a second at a time rather than 'sweeping'

    That's why I put the Rolex dial in the plastic submariner :D It's so obvious that it's just a plastic fashion watch, that it attracts 0% attention :tu: If someone was to then see the dial said Rolex, and the ticking quartz, it would be all the more obvious that it is not only fake, but an intentional joke :) Makes me smile everytime I wear it. Infact, I think I'll put it on now :good:

  5. Its not a sandwich dial unfortunately, Re the strap no plans at the mo, I love surf fishing and swimming in the oceam with this thing on so the current strap being waterproof isa real bonus. Would consider it tho...

    Do you do these kind of mods?

    Cheers, Matt

    I definitely think it'll look good, and if you could get a sandwich dial, it really would look the business, but I do wonder if the hands would the still fit :g: I've swapped a few dials in my time, but I don't have any access to superlume, nor would I be able to modify the movement if there was a fitment issue with the hands :pardon: The best watchsmith on the forum is the Zigmeister, but I know he's pretty heavily booked up.

  6. As above, it depends on if visual accuracy or time keeping accuracy is the more important feature for you :) I have three quartz watches... The Tudor Heritage, a black plastic submariner which I fitted with a modified Rolex dial for a chuckle, and a clone of the Suunto Vector. The Vector is my official camping watch (as it's big enough to take knocks, and equally I don't care what happens to it :lol: ) The plastic sub is the watch I wear when I tattoo, so the magnetic field from the machine's coils won't affect one of my mechanical movements (it also gets worn when I want to be seriously low key) and the Tudor Heritage is pretty much my daily beater. Not necessarily because of the accuracy of the movement, but because it's a nice watch, with a lot of meaning for me :) If I was to get somehing like a Newman Daytona, knowing that the movement might only need a new battery every so often, rather than a 5 yearly servicing from a watchsmith, would also be another factor I would consider as opposed to pure 1:1 visual replication :) As above, what's important to you, and what you're happy with, are all that matters :)

  7. Something else to consider, is accuracy. Accuracy as in which is more important to you: Accuracy in construction, or accuracy in time keeping... The subdials will likely be placed differently on the quartz model, which can dramatically change the look of the watch. However, the quartz movement will keep near-perfect accuracy in time keeping out of the box, where the 7750 may need regulating and adjusting and even then may still gain or lose time daily. I have a Tudor Heritage which has a quartz movement (which does not too noticeably affect subdial placement due to the surrounding color fields) which keeps absolutely flawless time. If I was ever to get another chrono watch, I would aim for a quartz movement, even if the gen should have a mechanical movement, simply for the efficiency of the movement :) Even if it was a Newman Daytona (Sorry, Freddy, function over form on this topic for me :drinks: )

  8. Interesting reading. This has ben the point since the very beginnig regarding the debate Genv/s replica watches. Gen geeks- not people who can afford expensive watches and buy them "regularly," feel threatened as they perceive the replica as a blow bellow their waist. And I can see why they feel this way. Someone mentioned this on a reply above. They know they will never own as many gens as we own replicas, that pixxxs them off. Nothing feels like a gen, but by the same token, the next best thing is to own the rep, as it is the closest you'll get to the real thing. Now, ethically I think it's not good to tell people your rep watch is a gen, because that's cheating on yourself. Not good !!! I'll never try to pass a rep as gen becasue that defeates th purpose of the replica, that is paying tribute to the original.

    Now if you want to look at this isue from a practical point of view, Replicas are out there because gen brands contract Asian companies to manufacture their caees, bracelets and movements (ETA did that for along time). They do this to maaaaaaaaximize their profits - Hong Kong made cases are a lot cheaper than Swiss made counterparts - so they pass the blueprints, and matrixes to these "foreign" companies, to get their orders taken care of. So a few months or years later the subcontractors sell the information to smaller factories and shops - to increase their profits as well - which ultimately results in the production of the the replicas that you and I buy. So, who's to be blamed for the existence of watch, radio, tv, cel phone, computer, bag replicas ? Not he consumers, but the manufacturers, whoever they are.

    In retrospect: if Da Vinci had painted a thousand original Mona Lisas, the owners of the originals would be screaming about the millions of copies of the msterpiece that are sold in Museum souvenir shops around the world.

    By the way, I love the copy I bought at Louvre a few years ago and I'm very proud to have i in my living room.

    My 00.2 cents contribution

    I agree completely, and I think the bit I've boldened hits the nail on the head precisely:

    Those who shout the loudest about reps, are most likely guys who, while able to get the money together to make the purchase, can't really afford said purchase, so they put the watch on a pedestal: Worshiping it, keeping it in a safe and, to quote Cameron Fry "rubbing it with a diaper", rather than just strapping it on, thinking 'this is my watch now...' and then promptly forgetting it is there and putting it through the daily [ab]use it was originally intended for. They see reps as a threat because it shows that even though they 'paid the price for admission', not only are others still getting in on food stamps and getting the same meal, but it reminds them that they couldn't really afford it in the first place, so they then get that secondary sting of Buyer's Remorse, doubting the validity of their own purchase, and equally their own shallow lives :bangin: I can buy a £30 sub*, not care what happens to it, and if it breaks, buy a new one and equally, wear that till destruction. That attitude is what the people who can actually afford a gen would have, not the whiny SalaryMan who is eating Ramen noodles for a month so he can wear a pre-owned DateJust on birthdays and special work functions, but that's okay, because his is real! Real like his hunger (or whatever else he scrimped on to get that money together) :lol:

    *At the moment, I've not even got the spare cash for said £30 sub, but that's not the point I was trying to make :D

  9. Yeah, it's hard going, the thing that amazes me is the average joe on the street doesn't give a crap what these guys are wearing or how much it cost. The irony is that these rep haters have more in common ...i.e. an interest in watches, with the 'enemy' than they do with the 99% of the couldn't care less, sub $200 watch wearing planet. Yet they can't see it, or refuse to. Bloody silly really!

    It is stupid, but I think it's because their such elitists, that they put so much stock (regardless of what they'll admit to on forum) in how their watches defines them as 'Men of Taste', that having that rug pulled out from under them (either through someone wearing a rep which looks as good as what they are wearing, or by hearing how little their watches are really worth ) that it's such a huge blow to their 'NumberOneism' that it automatically puts them on the defensive :bangin:

  10. I hear ya, and I remember those days, tuff times. I don't think the dude meant harm with the jeweler. It was the brazen and belligerent attitude tword some who told him (for those not keeping up at home)

    1. I just got back from a jeweler he had no idea my watch was a rep. I've already targeted a new dealer to hit next week.

    2. Hey man, I need to point out that taking your rep into an AD is frowned upon

    3. What, if i take 1 watch into a jeweler the world will fall apart?

    4. Here is a copy if the rule, here is a thread where it's discussed more

    5. I'm not violating the rules, I went to a jeweler not an ad

    6. Alright man, but I think AD is part of it. Either way, you won't make many friends here, if you want to continue doing it

    7. Well, friends can't tell me what to do, no one can tell me what to do.

    8. Phoband called him names says he is ungrateful as you come take our info and refuse to play by the rules.

    It goes on, I don't think locking this thread is a good idea. I think there IS important talk, like how to behave. You follow the rules. Don't tell me how ridiculous they are, I didn't write them. Don't try to lawyer out of them, don't attack me re them.

    What's happened is you guys have empowered him and marginalized me (even more) whatever, I don't really care anymore. Due to recent developments, I will likely be killing phoband soon. US movements against online dealings are a serious signal.

    Totally get where you're coming from, I thought it was a lousy attitude to take to someone, sadly, it's one I see more and more in 18-30 yr olds these days. Sure, it could have been over enthusiasm which didn't translate well through the written word, but again, there was no need for the hostility towards you. Again, I'm not saying this to be disrespectful, but to bring it to your attention in a respectful way, that some of your recent posts have not gone down well. I know that you meant well by them, but likewise, for some reason, something was getting lost in the written word, and some took those posts in a way other than what you meant. I'm just trying to point out as a mediator, not that you were in the wrong, but that you simply weren't coming across as you may have intended. That's not meant to marginalize you, or to empower anyone else: It's to give you a heads up so you can be aware of the situation as it appeared to others, is all :drinks:

  11. Pho, I mean this with all sincerity and respect, but lately you're posting a lot of clearly well-intentioned stuff which is rubbing people the wrong way. I used to do the same thing with the Cartel and it got me nowhere... I know your heart's in the right place, but like the asshole driver who cuts into your lane, just let it go :drinks: For what it's worth, I'm curious to know why Wetwork wants to get so many jewellers to tell him his rep is real :g: Is it an ego thing? Is he just making sure that he'll never get 'called out', or is he hoping to flip the watch as gen on the Bay, and trying to make sure his watch will 'pass muster' on sale by being able to 'fool the experts' with it? Who knows... Who cares... We have bigger fish to fry than this :drinks:

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