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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. TJ, it can go one way...And that is up!

    You are a very creative, gifted and talented'

    person. Life will find it's place for you my friend..;)

    Merry Christmas my friend.. :clap2:


    Many thanks, amigo, merry Christmas to you too :drinks: :drinks: I just wish I'd taken up the opportunity to learn to tattoo ten years ago, it definitely would've made a difference to how things have been :lol:

    No worries T..you do what you can do..some people wont even make the effort. I have a account at the 99 cent store..Im to cheap to go to the dollar store. :drinks:


    I guess those cents all add up in the end, bro :lol::drinks:

  2. Here is $10 donated for our friend TeeJay! :)

    When times are tough, your friends step in!!

    Happy Holidays my friend...



    Very much appreciated, I hope you have a great Christmas :good::drinks:

    Well T I know for a fact..If you can..you will.:)

    But just In case..and as a act of good faith for the good of the community..I would like make a donation on your behalf. Hope you dont mind. :drinks:


    Not at all, bro, thanks for having my back :good::drinks: It's a sorry state of affairs when I had to hit up Poundland for the Christmas presents :bangin: (UK equivalent of a dollar store...)

  3. Ah the 7ron watch! Well they sort of made it ...


    Except somehow they took the original concept


    and made it with nasty matt plastic and cheap blue LEDs. No way I would buy that. I still hold out for a more gen looking appearance!


    The 7ron watch (concept) is kinda cool, but I definitely think the watch in your avatar is cooler :good: There is something 'kinda similar-ish' available on the Bay... Item number: 220864598971 Not 100%, but definitely 'getting the look' :)

  4. Guys how do you pick the scent you buy?

    I like fragrances with a soapy, 'clean' scent to them, so that's always what I tend to keep in mind when buying :) I tried an econo-store deoderant the other day, which should have been nice, but it smelled like toilet cleaner... Not that it smelled bad, but the fragrance would have been better suited to freshening the air of a bathroom rather than sprayed on a person:lol:

  5. True, there is a lot of information out there on people. You can however contact your cell phone provider and request CPNI is NOT utilized on your account. There is also a difference between active and passive data gathering and searching. You could always go to city hall or search public records for real estate transacions-- but most people don't/didn't. Fast forward, and pretty soon you can walk into a room with a SmartPhone, take a photo of someone and find out everything from Date of Birth, to how much they paid for their house-- and thanks to FaceBook-- their favorite [ insert whatever ], sexual orientation, marital status. When the invasion becomes that simple, it scares the $hit out of me personally.

    People who think: "...these invasions are never going to stop, so we might as well get used to it." or "I am not doing anything wrong, and have nothing to hide" are the ignorant people contributing to the erosion of privacy and security. Innovation is great, but at what expense? What if during the Civil Rights Movement Rosa Parks said: "African Americans will always have to sit in the back of the bus, so we might as well get used to it" !!!!

    I think the point some of us are trying to make is, FB is as much about "Social Engineering" as it is "Social Networking". Scroll back up and watch "The Onion's" humorous take on FaceBook and the CIA. Privacy is and should be the next battle ground.

    Ironic that the only way to do something about it and go against the Powers That Be and the Patriot Act would likely earn someone a oneway trip to Cuba :whistling:

  6. I hate perfumes and colognes. Stuff is made to mask people with bad hygiene.

    Like Maxman, I find that comment pretty offensive, but I will address it literally, in that, Yes, that probably is why perfumes were historically created. That said, in the age of indoor plumbing and running water, there are few reasons (beyond total disregard for one's self or disability preventing bathing) why someone should have bad hygiene. Personally, I shower daily, but I still use deoderants... Totally agree with the comments about people drenching themselves in the stuff, it's as unnecessary and as anti-social as being a dirty bastard and not bathing...

    On topic, my Top 4:

    Lynx Oriental (discontinued, but I have identified an identical substitute)

    Hugo Boss Night

    Square 4 Men: Fresh


  7. From what I've worn, I would say the most comfortable I've worn is the jubilee bracelet, the smaller links just mould to the wrist more than an oyster bracelet can, and also with more flexibility between the links than the presidential :) Following that, I would say the bracelet from the Omega Planet Ocean, as the oval link shapes make for minimal wrist contact :) With regards the oyster bracelet on Submariners/GMTs, compared to the oyster bracelet on the Heritage, I would have to say that the wider bracelet is overall more comfortable, as it is distributing the weight of the watch over a wider surface, why Rolex didn't choose to install it on the DSSD is beyond me :bangin:

  8. Thank you for your point of view TJ!

    Actually I don't wear it often as I have plenty of watches, both gen and rep, but I do like it! :-)

    I am not aware of updates made to this watch by rep factories, but it seems mine is not so bad! :-)

    No worries, just trying to save your wallet the 'upgrade price', which I suspect would still not be often worn, so very quickly become a buyer's remorse, as it would 'still be' a DSSD... It sounds like it is the model of watch which is not earning wrist time, rather than actually having something 'wrong' with it with regards the details/flaws ratio... I would suggest taking the money you'd allocated to spend on an upgraded DSSD, and treat yourself to a different watch with said cash instead :good::drinks:

    [Edit to add]

    It's a bit like I am often tempted by the fantasy Deep GMT, but, I know that I don't like how the case looks on my wrist anyway, as it is the same as the DSSD, and my beef with it is not the name on the dial or the function, but the 20mm bracelet, on a case which really needs a 22mm bracelet, such as the Tudor Heritage has :pardon:

  9. Thanks for your science!

    No, it hasnt been relumed, I got it like this directly from Perfect Clones/Josh.

    Do you think it would be a good idea to get the newest version? Is it a real enhancement?

    Thank you again!

    Sent from my GT-P1000 using Tapatalk

    IMHO, I would say 'No'... Regardless of the changes made to more recent generations, if you don't wear your current DSSD much, I doubt that you would wear another one much either, regardless of variations in the generations :pardon: May not have been the answer you wanted to hear, but just my .2c :pardon:

  10. Yes, more or less, unless you conscientiously logout every time and in some cases restart your browser, or don't visit sites with FB add-ons.

    There is a Firefox addon called Ghostery that I run that tells you/shows you all the calls back to FaceBook on nearly EVERY site you visit these day. Ghostery can be set to block all these calls.

    Another tip/trick for privacy freaks like myself is to:

    1.) Set up a VM (Virtual Machine) ONLY for use with FB / Social Media

    2.) Set up another (limited) user account on your machine (Mac/Win/Lin) and only use THAT account for FB / Social Media.

    I like the "burner VM" mentality because it is a total fsck you to FB since they can not data mine your other internet habits. It is simply single use for their piece of $hit site. (Can you tell I hate FB :D )

    I like the sound of that :tu:

  11. Freddy, this is what I my article was about. THAT IS NOT THE CURRENT CASE. Currently facebook leaves the cookie system on and logs EVERY WEBSITE that you go to. It logs what you type, etc as long as you are signed into your account.

    Buyer beware!

    I may be wrong, but I believe that google mail does the same thing, to tailor the ads seen :g: As above, while I am a very private person, I also balance that with the assumption of constant surveilance anyway. I may not like the idea of no privacy, but I can tolerate 'faceless monitoring' much better than the idea say, of someone clearing up my stuff while in a hotel :pardon: And equally, I figure that getting myself worked up about a lack of networking privacy won't actually change the situation, so I save myself the stress by not letting it bother me B)

  12. Understood T..and thank you for sharing something like this...Im 100% you are not alone.

    At the end of the day It works for some..and It dosent work for others...for a varity of reasons...Privacy being the main issue i suspect.

    Although I dont care to be on FB..I can understnd why others choose to Interact there. I think Im the only person I know that dosent have a account on FB. Besides some of the folks here. :)


    I never really felt the need to share that before, as I never considered it relevant to a topic at hand, but in this case, or rather the comment I responded to, I felt it to be more directly relevant :) There have been times when I was feeling really down, and had it not been for the connection fb affords me to my friends and family, that downward spiral would not have been ended so easily, as had I simply been sitting at home, I would have dwelled and stewed and wound myself up, when all it took was a few words from some friends to snap me out of it :) I think privacy is a legitimate concern, in so much as, yes, there is much less than there was, but, I balance that with the rationalle that I have never had privacy anyway. I understand that everything I and everyone else writes online and every phonecall made is monitored by Big Brother, so from that perspective, it's not worth worrying about :pardon: I think you're right that it depends on the nature of the interactions required. I recently attended a seminar on how social networking can be used in business, and one of the things stated, was that fb had significantly more page hits than google results. I think the context of those hits must be considered, but I think that as a networking tool (even if not outright 'sales' ) I think fb is great, although I admit, it does annoy me to see people trying promoting their businesses and wares on fb... Sure, network, discuss, let me know what your product is, but don't spam up my wall trying to get me to buy something... If I want to buy, I will come to you, not the other way round ;) On the flipside, I've never been a fan of Twitter, but I couldn't really put my finger on why :pardon: I think it may be that the 'followers' don't necessarily follow each other, where on fb, while obviously not everyone is friends with everyone, there are considerable groups of mutual friends, so it is more of a true community connection :good:

  13. Proof of self worth is more important than privacy.

    I'm an intensely private person, I also struggle with depression (not something I've ever revealed here before...) I am extremely careful about what content I put on fb, infact, I rarely post any updates myself, but mostly comment on friends' updates. Where am I going with this? Well, there have been times when I have felt utterly alone, and miserable, and it has been at those times, when people on fb have given me support, as they are all my friends and family. I'm not one of those 'friend collectors' who adds people for the sake of it, my criteria are friends, family, or a business contact who I deal with enough to consider a friend. I'm not happy about the changes to fb layout and the utter lack of privacy it created, but, I would rather sacrifice a little privacy, than lose out on that network altogether. If I was to just sit at home all day trying to motivate myself to do something, I probably would've jumped from a tall building long ago, and while I'm not saying fb gives me a reason to live, or gives me a feeling of self-worth, it certainly provides enough of a connection, that if I ever am really feeling down, there will always be someone extending a hand to help me back up :)

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