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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. It just makes me laugh how the automatic assumption is that people who own reps either own them to pass them off as gens, or to try and sell them as gens on eBay :bangin: I've never tried to pass a rep off as a gen, and to be honest, the only time I ever would, would be to such a douche, they would be someone I wouldn't even want want knowing my first name, let alone caring if they thought I was wearing a fake watch :lol: To be fair, whoever it was who put the pic up of the MR2-powered Ferrari is right, I would buy one of those (assuming I could drive :whistling: ) I look at it this way: It tells the real time, that makes it a real watch... So it's a Chinese Made Rolex rather than a Swiss Made Rolex, it's still a Rolex, right? ;):good:

  2. Yeah, I mean, like I said--I am willing to accept that. But I would like the thing to function and be wearable. I have accepted the fact that the gold ones will not come close to the feel and even stainless steal will never be spot on, but the band on the new one I got feels fine. It is just that the pin that holds it together easily fell apart. There is even a dent in one of the working ones.

    I have gone to a jeweler and asked him to put Swiss Spring Pins in, but he said the ones for the clasp do not fit. I spoke to Andrew and he said authentic Rolex pins will be too thick (who the hell knows why they wouldn't size it correctly). So I am going to purchase after-market Swiss Pins from a reputable site that I have heard a lot about: http://www.ofrei.com/

    I really think putting really good pins in will increase the quality and even the feel of the replica. A lot of pieces are attached by cheap pins and even changing to one that is not as good as Swiss helped the feel. Although, the clasp did fall apart with the new pin and the jeweler fixed again for no charge. The jeweler mentioned getting Swiss also saying it is a lot sturdier and tight.

    I was looking for tips on what to get for replicas that can increase the quality and make it feel more like the real thing. Something like getting an authentic band really makes a difference, or changing pins but I guess only trial and error will account for my satisfaction.

    I will report back here when I put the new Swiss made pins in.

    Which pins on the bracelet are you referring to? The springbars which hold the bracelet onto the watch head, the screwpins which hold the links in place, or the fixed pins holding the leaves of the clasp together? Chances are your watchsmith will be able to fix it up for you, although I would advise against Ofrei, I have heard that they can be very difficult to deal with... With regards the sizing of the springbars, Andrew is quite correct, they are different, and the lug holes and the end of the bracelet would most likely need to be modified in order to fit them. Not too sure what else I can suggest, but it sounds like you were simply unlucky and received a faulty one, but I'm sure everything will work out :good::drinks:

  3. First off, regardless of what the site says and what a dealer will say to you, the watches are not 440 Stainless Steel. This was proven some years ago when a member with skills in metallurgy performed destruction tests. It is Stainless Steel, but a lower grade than 440. With regards improving your watch, when you say the clasp is not working, do you mean it is not closing properly/popping open easily? That can be corrected by making the curve of the clasp leaves less pronounced so there is less tension/spring when the clasp is closing :) If the bracelet is coming away from the watch head, it might be that you need to replace the spring bars which are holding the two together. Another option, is to replace the bracelet with a leather strap :) If you're really not satisfied with the watch, request an exhange with the dealer, and send it back for replacement (you will have to pay the return shipping, that's just how the game goes) As above, and as Andrew has told you, a replica will not feel 100% like the real thing, so it's a case of either accepting them as they are, replacing as many parts as possible with genuine parts, or simply buying the real thing :good::drinks:

  4. If Im reading you right :g:

    You are a platinum member T..you can say f uck shi t a$$holes or whatever you like..one of the nice side benefits of being a platinum member . :)

    Oh I know that I can swear, bro, but when I was quoted, some of the cusses became censored, but 'assholes' didn't, and I just think it's funny that 'assholes' doesn't trip the censor :D

  5. I would say what I would say about any addiction: As long as your friend has the financial means to support his habit, and it is not negatively impacting on his life, then I fail to see a problem... If either or both of those caveats change, them by all means talk to him and express your concerns :)

  6. I am not saying they aren't water proof. What I'm saying is waterproofing service has questionable value

    Oh I totally agree, the waterproofing 'service' was proven to be a cartel lie some time ago, just one of the many reasons I don't trust them and won't buy from them on principle. The point I was making though, is that in most instances, reps are waterproof. Maybe not up to dial rating, but enough to withstand daily immersion without hassle :)

    I thought the Cartel was a name given to Andrew, Josh, Angus and someone I am forgetting since they were agreeing on pricing and setting prices instead of competing.

    and King :)

  7. I own gens, frankens and reps. I buy gens for function only and if i can find the same function on a rep, I choose the rep.

    I franken my reps to replace low quality parts with high quality ones (e.g. straps) or if the defects on the rep parts bug me too much.

    That's the first time I've seen someone mention franken work for reasons of functionality, rather than simply to bring the watch aesthetically closer to the gen, ie gen dial/hands/bezel to create the illusion of a gen watch... Always good to see a different perspective :good:

  8. Of course. If for no other reason than to be able to attend gen GTGs with impunity.

    From what I've seen of gen forums, The folks at a Gen GTG wouldn't appreciate reps 'as watches' just because they were reps, yet would fawn over anything else just because it was gen, so not the kind of folks I'd want to hang out with anyway :lol:

  9. Q: Would you buy a gen?

    A: No

    Even if I had cash to burn, I simply couldn't justify the expence of the item. Reps have enough of the aesthetic of the gen to satisfy my desire to 'collect', and I couldn't care less if anyone was to think I was a wannabe poser for 'wearing a fake', so no, absolutely no reason for me to buy any gen :good::drinks:

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