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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. Unfortunately, this is no longer a hobby. People still have to do their due diligence to pick the right model. However factory runs for the more popular pieces are in the thousands and when it comes to the standard reps the big dealers are selling hundreds of one particular model or another per month and with too little manpower. So without the QC pics I am convinced that at least some of the dealers have no idea what they are sending. IMHO, it is now a necessary sanity check for any dealer other than those who still actually check everything that goes out themselves. Also the dealers want it as well as it abrogates some of their responsibility. So I don't see QC pics going away. And in truth I wouldn't buy a standard rep without them - but that is just me. I have always gotten what was pictured and on more than one occasion I would have been unhappy if I hadn't requested a replacement piece. So long live QC pics. I am a happier pussy for it and saved myself at least a couple hundred bucks in shipping costs to China. Hey wait a minute, that is another rep. :)

    Sure, it's a business for them, but it's just a hobby for us :) QC is their job, not ours, so why take the onus off of them? :pardon: I think back in the day when Eurotimes started the QC pics, it was a nice little touch, a nice way of saying "This is your watch, many are like it, but this one is yours" but for people to now be posting the pics up and soliciting opinions, IMHO, that's just overkill and shows people as either nervous buyers, or not fully informed of what the model should look like/unable to make their own call on the watch :pardon: Afterall, the buyer is the one who's going to be wearing it, it's only their view of the watch which matters, not flaws other eyes may pick out :) If someone gets the pics, and thinks "This is okay..." only to be told details are wrong, they may then get back to the dealer requesting another model, more QC pics, only to then maybe repeat the process a few times, well, I can see a dealer getting frustrated by that pretty quickly, but hey, that's just my .2c :drinks:

  2. Personally I can see some wisdom behind posting and nit-picking QC pics of a high-end/high dollar rep that is being hyped as 1:1, made from disassembled gen, blah, blah, blah. OTOH, nit-picking QC pics for a $29 Silix Special is absurd!

    For sure, there's definitely a matter of perspective to take into account, I just think how folks would be prepared to order other goods off the net, even high end stuff like audio equipment, but wouldn't dream of asking the vendor for a photo of their exact purchase :lol: Personally, I think if a person needs to see a QC pic of a high dollar watch (which they know what it should look like) they need to find another dealer, as they clearly don't trust the abilities of the one they are in talks with :lol:

  3. QC pics're for pussies :lol: As in the above comments, do your research, put in the legwork, and make your decision based on dealer stock photos. You know what your chosen model of watch should look like, the dealer should not be sending out junk or the wrong thing, so just pull the trigger :) If something is glaringly wrong, the dealers will work with you to resolve the issue (and remember issues arise even with gen goods of all kinds) If minute details on dinnerplate-size macros bother you that much, buy a gen :bangin: Reasonable expectations are usually met with reasonable results in this game :good::drinks:

  4. You know overall my PAM's have probably gotten more comments or questions than anything else I've worn and I've worn just about everything over the years.

    A year on from that comment, and I still stand by it :) None of my other watches have ever had the same commented upon presence as the PAMs had. Even the Tudor Heritage, which has considerable wrist presence, has never been commented upon or gotten my wrist grabbed as my PAMs did :pardon: I'd equally still say that a DJ is the best 'pimpin' watch for a club, as it will be noticed as a Rolex by those in the know, and ignored by others :) Interestingly, I saw a show the other week where one of the guys was wearing an AP Offshore on a daily basis, so that was quite cool to see :)

  5. Apparently there are no photos or evidence he had or wore a Explorer II.

    That's because it was apparently just hype created by an Italian magazine article. He never owned a 1655 Explorer II... The only celeb I know of who did own one, was Orlando Bloom, and he tended to wear it on a leather fatstrap :good:

  6. I'm going for a bit of a break from the norm today, with a watch I found while looking for some stuff in the closet. 



    I picked this up a few years back on the bay, and the case and strap assembly are clones of those used in the Suunto Vector (an orienteering watch worn by an actor on Stargate:Atlantis) I actually bought three, two black, one black and grey, and this is the one I've decided to keep in good condition as my 'camping/EndoftheWorld/Zombie Apocalypse watch' as the solar cells should keep it going, regardless of the internal battery ( :whistling: )  Modifications performed thus far, are replacing the internal 'movement concealing plate' with one without any branding on it, putting additional keepers on the strap to reduce the chances of strap snagging, and using nail varnish remover to remove the button function labels, and I'm pretty happy with the progress :) A future mod will be to invert the display, but that will have to wait for spare cash, as I have more pressing financial commitments than modding a watch :lol:  

  7. Damn, that's a shame :( I know there were those for whom Robert wasn't at the top of their Christmas card list, but I must say, the PAM 104 I bought from Robert was the smoothest transaction I've ever had buying anything, and I'm genuinely saddened to hear of his passing. RIP, amigo, I hope your next incarnation is a good one :good:

  8. My EuroFakes Submariner and my Omega SMP (old model, not Red Seamaster) I don't regret that the money helped pay for my wedding, but I do miss those particular watches...

    [edit to add] If the people who bought them would ever consider re-selling them to me, please contact me, as those are the two watches I really wish I had hung onto :)

  9. I've had maybe 2-3 watches out of at least two dozen which I wasn't able to get wet, but other than that, my watches have all been dunkable, stand up to showering, bathing and swimming without issue :) I know other folks haven't always had the same luck as me with water-resistance, and this really is one of those YMMV subjects, but for the most part, I think it is a reasonable (and fairly safe) expectation for a watch which is historically a diver's watch, to be water-resistant out of the box :)

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