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Posts posted by TeeJay

  1. Thanks guys, I really am hoping that they've caught this early enough to be able to do something. She's always had a lot of 'womens problems', and was actually supposed to have a full hysterectomy a few years back, but the day the appointment came through for the surgery, was the day she found out she was expecting Robin, so obviously, she didn't go through with it, and now it looks like problems have recurred... Fingers crossed, thinking positive thoughts and a lot of :pray:

  2. Not for me, but for the mother of my godson. I'd known for a week that she was undergoing tests for cervical cancer, and just received an email saying "results came back severe abnormalities so awaiting hospital appointment for a biopsy." To say that Nicola is my best friend really doesn't begin to describe how I feel about her, when she asked us to be Robin's godparents before he was even born, she became as important to us as any blood relative, and if Emily received the same results, it would feel no different. If you can spare her a moment's prayer, it would be very much appreciated. Christian, Jew, Hindu, Muslim, it makes no difference, I know the messages all go to the same Inbox, and I think she's going to need all the support she can get, not just for her, but for her son. Thanks in advance, amigos :good:


  3. "Grabbed your arm and shouted that your watch is a fake"?

    Amazing... how can anyone be such a peon?

    I really dislike violence but there are certain type of people who actually deserve to be beat up. I'm sure someone takes care of that guy and his loud mouth eventually... in the taxi queue for example. :D


    Someone like that deserves a good beating.

    Kudos for handling the incident like a pro :victory:

  4. hey T my man :) thank you buddy :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    yes it was a awsome time bro :)great fun, great people and of course great weather :) i was realy needing that to forget all the stress i had, i did not even lookd at my handy or going online for the entire time, and i was feeling so FREE :D

    but its also nice to be back here and share the time with all of you guys :)

    i will post some pics of it later when i have a bit more time :)

    Glad to hear you had a good time, bro, and awesome that you were able to get away from the net and phone during your trip :) Even when I was in Tokyo, I checked my emails at the hotel :lol: Looking forward to the photos :good:

  5. a21j is a perfectly trustworthy and reliable movement, I've adjusted several of mine to +0.5 seconds per day, so they are every bit as good as the ETA. They might not be as easy to repair, but they are much cheaper to replace :victory: As for dealers, Narikaa is The Man when it comes to business, Silix, on the other hand, well, you'll be lucky to get what you ask for, and even if you do get what you ask for, it will be dropshipped, un-QCd, so possibly flawed. Go with Narikaa and have a smooth transaction :victory:

  6. Thanks all for the quick responses! It's very much appreciated. BK does have a WM9 date mod noob sub in blue. I've read some reviews and they sound real nice but I have me wondering if I'm approaching this wrong.

    I tend to be a stickler for details. Understanding that no rep is perfect, it sounds like perhaps compromising on color might be good option. In addition to the BK WM9 Sub, what other highest quality reps should I consider regardless of dial color, even if I have to stretch the budget a bit?

    I didn't realize BK had the Sub in blue, if they have, that's good stuff :thumbsupsmileyanim: When it comes to details, it is very much a personal thing. Initially, many people get hung up on the idea that they might 'get called out', but truth be told, no-one really notices (and almost never comments) on the watch a person is wearing, so from that perspective, personally, I can't see the point in shelling out the big bucks for a watch when a budget alternative, while perhaps not being as close to cosmetically perfect, is certainly still good enough to have the look of the original watch, and could still fool most people in the street, so budget options are certainly not always 'bad watches'. I believe that the genuine blue SS Sub (as linked) is an Asian-market Only watch (I might be wrong there) The only blue Sub I have seen, is worn by the actor TJ Thyne in Bones, but of course, that could be a 'wardrobe costume prop', or if a gen, maybe something he picked up on travels, so I've never been sure if it is actually a rep or a gen. One thing's for sure, I've never seen anyone posting a blue Sub as part of the wrist shots or their collections (although I wouldn't mind one myself) so it would certainly be a nice break from the norm of the usual suspects of 1680 and 16610 Subs and DSSDs... At the end of the day, go with the watch which you like the most, and you will be the most comfortable with, and you won't go wrong :victory:

  7. That grey dial looks interesting, always nice to see a change of pace.

    3-4 years ago I built this white sub


    The dial was from a replicafactory rep- one of my first purchases before I found these forums.

    The watch has since been dismantled- the YM bezel is on a white dialed Invicta sub- a $100 beater.

    I've thought about getting the white sub dial relumed but haven't got around to it.

    When I get home Sunday evening, I'll see if I can't shoot a pic of the Invicta.

    That white Sub looks fantastic, the YM-style insert definitely makes the difference, and the 3D effect of the insert is definitely what gives the YM it's distinction from a Sub :) Seeing the white Sub definitely makes me think that the grey Sub with the YM insert might be worth a try :)

    I like it TJ! I equate it to the tasty Project X customs.

    Some variety is always good -my wife loves her Tudor I had redialed.


    I remember you showing the watch before, but I forget if pink was the original color of the dial... It's certainly a unique piece, and I sometimes feel with this hobby, it is the unique pieces which keep it a fun and interesting hobby :)

    Those are both pretty cool looking!

    They are indeed :tu:

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